So this is the end

So this is the end...
People don't want to see rhythm action return...
People would rather have shitty FPS games along with Jewish business practices...

Thanks for not funding this Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Your welcome

It's a pretty niche game. I'm not surprised it didn't get funded with such a big goal.

No problem!
You can always count on me to ignore shitty kikestarter garbage!

>Less Furshit in the world

But that's good user.

You're welcome.

Looked like spurdo from the catalogue.

I don't want rap songs written by Japanese people. I'd play the western incarnation of this.

>kickstarter scam

You are welcome.

Nobody gives a shit about a dead genre.

>falling for kickscammer

A million is a lot to ask for, for a rhythm game.

Your welcome. Next time, make a game people want to play.

You are welcome :)

>rhythm game with literally 6 levels.

Why was Parappa even popular in the first place.

>le kickstarter is bad xD

Shovel Knight
Freedom Planet
Rivals of Aether
Yooka Laylee (The final product turned out fine imo)

I'd probably play it, but I've been burnt too many times from kickstarter. I'm not falling for that shit ever again.

>Furfags playing the victim

Wow never seen this before

all shit
your point?

>ancient Japan setting
>kickstarter is defaulted to Great British Pounds
>trying to get mainstream American dollars

It was doomed to failure from day one.

You forgot Hollow Knight, I think it's the msot recent.

>the amount they wanted
>the preview was horrible

For once, something didn't get funded that was being shilled on Sup Forums. Maybe we are finally learning.

It's just going to get a 2nd kickstarter or they will find a publisher.

Good it's not funded. Why you may ask ? We won't get hype over this scam. I hope less and less games are funded like this because they all suck (Yooka Laylee, Mighty n9, Bloodstained looks pretty awful too)

fuck off beggar

All shit.

>I don't like them therefore they're shit xD

You and several other underages are killing Sup Forums day by day

Stopped reading at Undertale

>What is Yooka Laylee?
>What is Mighty NÂș9?
>What is Broken Age?
>What will soon be Bloodstained and Blackroom?
It's just creators of noticeable or popular series using Kickstarter to get money for projects that won't deliver, because it's all based on nostalgia, desperation and attention.

I loved Parappa and Lammy, but this Rabbit game just lacked that 2D charm for me.

Rythm games are boring and not fun
plus they are short
they suck and this game suck
plus high kickstarter asked price
plus no gameplay video or anything
nothing only promises and the whole kikestarter for it is based around the fact that Parappa existed when people were still children in a old console and people liked it so it means that this one too will because it has the same producer at helm.

TLDR: Fuck nostalgia based kickstarter.

Rhythm games are for the super autistic. DDR and Guitar Hero were a passing fad because DUDE DANCING LMAO and DUDE PLASTIC GUITARS LMAO

>The only way to get decent games is Kickstarter
This timeline is shite.

If anybody actually wanted this it would have happened regardless of this shithole

>along with Jewish business practices

>Making a game to profit off of nostalgiafags
>Not a jewish business practice

Only Shovel Knigh are decent.

Everyone keeps forgetting Pinball Arcade, which used Kickstarter to fund tables that had much more costly liscence fees like Addams Family, Star Trek the Next Generation, Terminator 2, and Dr Who.

Wow, 855k for such a stupid looking game?
Did anyone really expect it to get funded?

The only way this game could be made is if Sony help fund this. Pcube can barely do jack shit. All Pcube does is release Japanese games in England.

>I like them therefore they are not shit xD

You and several other underages are killing Sup Forums day by day

>all shit

This game was about introducing diversity for starters.

Glad to do my part.

This is the worst counter I've ever seen. Just shut down your pc.

All would have been made without Kickstarter, probably.

>we can't get any investors to believe that we can make anything good, even though videogames is a very profitable industry right now. What should we do?
>I know, let's goad the gullible public for money that we can use as irresponsibly as we want because we have no publisher oversight.


This coming from an Undertale furry fucker really means a lot.

>Niche genre
>Really crappy main character pose isn't even looking at the camera
>Bad colors
>Main character is basically a black dude
>First words of the kickstarter are a Trump meme
>Niche genre relegated to an even smaller niche with super feudal Japanese setting
>No gameplay video
>No fucking music
>Pie in the sky stretch goals
>Hot on the heels of other kickstarter garbage

The fuck did you think would happen?

So because a minority of games are decent that means all of KS is good?
Fuck off, KS is a scam and you should never back anything.

>Ask for a lot of money for a kickstarter game
>Have nothing but a concept to push with
>Scrabble together a HORRID concept animation

It would've made it if they hadn't been so greedy with that first goal.

>implying I'm an SJW just because I like a certain game

I can still enjoy the game every so often whilst knowing it's flaws. You must have a sad life getting mad at video games other people like.

Hyper Light Drifter was great, as was Pillars of Eternity (and the sequel no doubt too.)



PaRappa the Rapper sucks. Make a rhythm game based off Gitaroo Man.

Glorified QTEs

> 1 million+ for a fucking rhythm game


This. I was disappointed as fuck when every update and new piece of info of this "from the makers of Parappa and Gitaroo Man" was just Parappa shit.

Pretty much this.

Create a fun demo and you will have a higher chance. Selling ideas is not enough anymore.


Fucking furfaggot dance dance revolution players

>$1,088,526 for a VN with some gameplay

So are railshooters

I was already lied to once.

>million dollars for a slide show with qte's
wew lad

what a shame

This was an absolutely unreasonable goal for a sequel to a cult classic game that nobody fucking knows about.

you obviously weren't alive back then, BUT......

it was a new fucking thing, we didn't have something like parappa when it was out and people really liked it.

Kek I notice they removed the long list of stretch goals, of which included extra levels EXCLUSIVE to backers only. Fuck them.

But lucky for you Shawn Layden of Playstation loves these guys so he will probably fund a PSN version out of his own pocket.

I don't think anyone was really excited for a reboot kind of game after Mighty Number 9 and Yooka Laylee.

rhythm heaven is the only rhythm game series that matters anyways.

i never saw something so retarded in my whole life.. those tumblr degenerate really know how to tingle my ningle.

>last comment on the page from the creator was telling people to keep an eye on their tumblr for a relaunch announcement in March or April
>four years have gone by and nothing was ever posted
I just wanna be a bear looking for treasure.

>rap rhythm game
>imperial japanese setting

>thank you for forcing me to actually go to an investor
suck a dick fucking idiot

It needed waifubait characters and unreasonable stretch goals that will never even be implemented

My nigga, also Patapon is my jam too

You're welcome, faggot.

You forgot rimworld

In this day and age a game like it is too niche. You tell the average player about a game with six levels and they probably lose interest immediately.

Even if the creator was working on it nothing will ever beat the king.

game looks like shit. bunch of japs want kickstarter money to make a stupid jap console game. no, fuck you.


fuck off

>1.1mil to get the game going at all

yeah that was doomed from the get-go


The more failed kickstarters the better
Such a cancer will only disappear when people stop throwing money at it

how on earth could you ask for $1 million for am incredibly niche product like this and expect it to reach it

it's an intentionally corny rap-based mascot rhythm game, I don't think 1 million people on earth care about this

It isn't and never really was. It's just been memed into internet cult classic status over the last fifteen years or so, by people that never actually played it or at least never had to on their original PS1. Can you imagine the disappointment of of saving up as a kid and then you get a game that you can beat in 30 minutes?
This whole thing is a textbook meme-classic. People can't shut up about how they love this game so much, yet barely any of them played it and even fewer are actually ready to fund a new one by the same people.

>They could just ask Sony for the real dev cost and get it right now
They just wanted those nostalgia kike bux out of greed.

Spark the Electric Jester deserves a mention too.

Kickstarter isn't always bad.

>tfw we avoided another mn9
I dont see the problem

It was annotated by Sup Forums just to provoke a response from you

t. casual pleb.

Parappa the Rapper isn't even a good game. It's a fun novelty with some catchy lame songs but it's not a good game. It fails as a rhythm game because timing doesn't matter, there's visible input lag and you're supposed to mash to get the highest rank with no real indication of what the game is looking for.

Look, its another developer that thought their niche games were ever actually popular enough to warrant this kind of funding.

All of those are bad except shovel knight

Freedom Planet's pretty good if you just go arcade mode.

>doing kickstarter ever again
people should know better now

If you like that shit then you're the underaged one kiddo.

it was my pleasure

>855,000 freaking british pounds
Not even Romero asked that much

>almost 1 million of good boy points for this
what a bunch of jews, be more humble next time