Thsi game looks legit boring, I don't know why people backed this.
Thsi game looks legit boring, I don't know why people backed this
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they should have looked into the future and seen this video?
Graphics look shit too. Should have gone all in with 2D.
It's verified to have about the exact same speed and timings as Symphony of the Night did.
We're in an era where 3D development is faster and cheaper than 2D spritework. They said right in the Kickstarter itself that they're using Unreal Engine 4 because of its ease of use and ability to crank out a game faster than they would otherwise.
Floaty movement and jumps, slow paced combat, minimal combat variety, combat is heavily jump based for precision.
Yep that sure does look like a Metroidvania style Castlevania game.
Besides the graphics why are people complaining about this exactly? It looks exactly like Castlevania mechanically.
I think it looks pretty good, if I had to nitpick I'd say the background is a bit bland. Adding a few more details and maybe some life into the background would help, I'd also darken the ends of the screen a bit. Go to 1:15, it just looks a bit too bright.
I agree with this, overall the graphics are fine. It's just lacking character and atmosphere in the maps. Everything feels too clean and pristine. It needs to have some old evil castle look.
Because for some reason after Symphony of the Night, three GBA games, and three DS games, people still wanted more.
It doesn't look any more or less boring to me than the DS games, though the character design and general visual direction isn't the best.
>Because for some reason after Symphony of the Night, three GBA games, and three DS games, people still wanted more.
Well, this is the first big console game. The handhelds were fine, but they were smaller, scaled down games. We want GRAND castle shit again. Plus it's been TEN YEARS since the last one.
One of the stretch goals was a promise from IGA that Bloodstained will have his biggest castle ever.
>Plus it's been TEN YEARS since the last one.
Fair enough, but I don't understand the obsession with perpetual sequels. I'm okay with shit ending.
I hope Bloodstained turns out to be what people want, though.
He mentioned in the IGN interview the aim is for 1600 squares.
People tend to want more of things they liked. The DS and GBA Castlevania games were full of content, easy to pick up, and simple to play. They rightfully attracted an audience who needs their fix.
the gameplay looks alright, while see how the level layout design is.
not gonna lie though... they should have gone real 2D drawing style. that pseudo 3D shit looks really fucking gross. so unnecessary. I guess drawing shit takes a lot more effort though, too bad.
>not gonna lie though... they should have gone real 2D drawing style. that pseudo 3D shit looks really fucking gross. so unnecessary. I guess drawing shit takes a lot more effort though, too bad.
yeah they are really cranking this game out fast
They're not building an engine from scratch, and they've hired a tech house with experience in UE4 to help out.
Compared to the speed it could have been? Absolutely
20 years since the last console release, 10 since the last handheld release. There's a real need for this right now.
Devs that are making the switch from 2D to 3D for certain franchises and styles of games I really wish would adopt the shit Arc Sys has been doing lately. I'd kill to have a 2.5D Castlevania with the same tech put unto something like Guilty Gear Xrd or Dragon Ball Fighter Z. Hell I'd even be fine with a similar but updated look to something like Valkyria Chronicles.
thats the twist
the castle isnt evil at all
There's still a lot of time left for development so I'm not worried about the game and really it seems slow but the e3 demo from last year played so fucking well that I'm entirely OK with it.
>Devs that are making the switch from 2D to 3D for certain franchises and styles of games I really wish would adopt the shit Arc Sys has been doing lately
can you show a youtube example of what you mean
What do you want his role to be?
The guys behind Guilty Gear Xrd also intentionally chopped out animation frames explicitly so that it feels like an anime and to match the frames of past GGs.
In the demo you see Lance Armors.
He's going to be a shovel Armor.
The guys at ArcSys did a dev talk about how they pulled off the style and animation seen in Guilty Gear Xrd. The short version is really elaborate shaders and chopped-up animation.
Castle damage and such is procedurally generated because of the endless dungeon thing there was an update a while back about it. It's possible its not fully implemented yet but yea I agree it's way to clean looking but I feel like messing with the lighting could help that a lot.
>so that it feels like an anime
Basically they're gods at making 3D models look as 2D as possible. I'd even argue they've done a better job that some actual 3D animes. Truly a new standard for 2.5D visuals
>I'd even argue they've done a better job that some actual 3D animes.
Watch Patlabor Reboot.
yeah that looks pretty fucking decent. bloodstained would look much better in that style. but I guess it takes a lot more effort to do as well?
DonĀ“t care, I just want the game to be successful to get more Miriam porn.
Because the main girl is cute as fuck. Post more of her.
Well it still looks better than some animes. So maybe not the pinnacle of 2.5D but still pretty impressive considering it's a video game and not something specifically rendered as best as they can just to be watched.
Artplay, Inti-Creates are small studios, and lack the knowledge on Unreal and 3D modeling.
>A third Sorrow game with cutie patooties everywhere
Better than I expected. Hope whips scale properly in this game, no need to neuter them anymore.
I was worried up until the latest gameplay trailer. Now it looks much more like what I was hoping for. I backed it because I like Metroidvania style games and wanted to see/own another. You know....actually enjoying something, a foreign concept to much of Sup Forums
I wanna leave her bloodstained if you know what I mean
ArcSys has been working at that style for years. The secret is that the models are shit but the shaders make up for it. IGA and his team are more fresh-faced, so they're going for a more conventional, albeit still stylized look.
They showed off like at least 5 different weapons all of which seemed reasonably different. Personally I liked the inclusion of the obligatory whip and Kung Fu Shoes.
Hence the recent hiring of a tech house with explicit experience with Unreal.
My complaint has always been the same, there's just too much empty space.
If you go play SOTN or Aria of Sorrow, every screen has something going on.
I'm chalking it up to the people who put the trailer together not being people who played the old games, and instead people who look for flashy moments to put into a trailer. I still have hope. I don't judge games based on trailers. If I did, I would have never played Hitman Blood Money.
Read between the lines of the Dico interview. I'm not super confident that these tech firms know how to do Unreal more than anyone else.
>We have no idea what we're doing with Unreal engine. We just hope it works out the best.
I heard over a thousand screens. Not sure if that means squares or like actual rooms though. Also hope that doesn't just mean an inverted castle or something.
Miriam's model turned out much better than I ever expected and that Blood Chick is cut from the same cloth.
Wish I could say the same for the monster models.
>it looks boring
Sounds like a Metroidvania game alright
>Wish I could say the same for the monster models.
I like most of them. the Lance Armor looks like something out of shovel knight, but in HD 3D. It's pretty neat looking to see sprite work translated perfectly into 3D. The dogs are pretty cool and don't look like generic dogs.
The art style might annoy some, as it's anime/cartoony, not the darker realism of Symphony. But there's been a drift away from realism to anime in the handheld games, and this continues this. it's why the Rondo/Symphony sprites looked so out of place in the NDS games. Just a clash of art styles.
That takes a ton of effort. What is changed out for 2D drawing is replaced with 3D lighting adjustments.
They're using individual shaders per polygon to get everything to look cartoony and flat. Otherwise the scene lighting would fuck it up. That process takes weeks. Even one 3D model can be a month in development.
It would be a great approach to drawing backgrounds and things that are static, though. My complaint with Bloodstained is that everything that's not the character looks like unused assets from WoW. Which is what happens when you have people who hand-draw textures onto models.
Theoretically, they should make the lighting for the background all spooky like a castlevania game and then use similar methods to what the people who are making Brigador did: bake the 3D model into a 2D sprite with all the lighting adjustments done.
>The art style might annoy some, as it's anime/cartoony, not the darker realism of Symphony.
Symphony and Castlevania in general was both anime and cartoony as fuck and nothing close to anything you'd call realistic with very few exceptions.
Monsters just have a shitty design to them so far. Hoping that'll change.
yfw you didn't back Bloodstained
>Symphony and Castlevania in general was both anime and cartoony as fuck and nothing close to anything you'd call realistic with very few exceptions.
Are you blind? Rondo/Symphony in-game had realistic proportions and a gritty dark look in-game. Only the cutscenes in Rondo are "anime". The artwork for Symphony has the same look too.
How this bloodstained game should play
Every bloodstained thread begins with "this is boring" or "Should've went with 2D" and it's the same conversation over and over again.
When are you guys ever gonna get tired
Have you ever played a castlevania game before?
How to fix this game:
>make the character badass looking and not some waifu shit
>make the gameplay like dark souls mixed with ninja gaiden(the 3d games not the old arcade ones)
>give enemies multiple attacks and some can even have combos
>make the enviroments for grimdark and fucked up looking(corpses laying about, blood stained walls, demons slaughtering people in the background, rapes, etc)
>make the music metal as fuck mixed with dark ambient for atmosphere
Ignore him, he's the same guy who posts this video as bait on the last thread there was
Why are you looking disappointed tho
>Plus it's been TEN YEARS since the last one.
How about a real fucking Classicvania
You know what? Let's forget about how shitty the graphics are, or the character designs, or the game itself clearly being a kickstarter scam. Know what really gets me? How the fuck is it in 2017 this style of combat is acceptable? It plays like fucking sotn for fuck sakes! The enemies barely have any attacks and die in like one hit. This was understandable when they worked with limited sprites, but there's no excuse with 3d modeling now.
This is how this game's gameplay and combat should be like, take notes Iga:
The monsters this time are based around the demons of Solomon, not like the monsters you saw in previous games.
There's two stretch goals related to that:
>A Classicvania rendition of the game using in-game assets
>A Classicvania separate prequel game
But that might take a while since IGA want to finish the base game first and then release the stretch goals as free updates like Shovel Knight
what the fuck is wrong with it, visually? I can't pin it down, but it just looks BAD like mighty no. 9 or the new metroid, like this hollow plastic-y diorama of a game
>It plays like fucking sotn for fuck sakes!
Nigger, how can you reply to such an obvious bait? I've seen it like two times already
What's more impressive is that they pulled it off on the PS3 in addition to the PS4 and PC versions. Those guys know how to fucking code to the metal.
I think where they might be going wrong with this game, is the enemy size compared to world size. It's looks emptier and more boring because the areas seem so fucking big but enemies are tiny and insignificant. SOTN had enemies that fit their environments much better. Also the effects were more eye-catching and interesting.
>It plays like fucking sotn for fuck sakes!
I think they said not all the VFX is ready, hence why they didn't show up in the demo.
He could have evolved the gameplay, sotn's gameplay is outdated and sucks, and is the reason the game was so piss fucking easy
It's praised due to the great spritework, music, and atmosphere/aesthetic. The gameplay sucked, mainly because the game was piss easy. Alucard moved stupidly fast and fluidly and had more attacks, while the enemies were all dumb, slow things that had maybe 2 attacks at most. In order to even have challenge you had to do no item runs, otherwise the game was a fucking joke.
I've seen at least four
This video is amazing and everyone should watch it
Graphics looks like fucking crap but it might be fun, who knows.
Speaking of which, I think I'll enable a decent Vignette with ReShade when the game launches. That will probably help the game seem more focused on the action.
>how to shill shit on Sup Forums
>start a thread and call it boring, let the discussion happen
I think you're too much of an idiot to realize there's no background music yet, so there was nothing to entertain your child-like brain during the gameplay.
What the fuck!
when did this get a reboot?!
Ask questions to the game's director @SwordorWhip #Askcurry . Say it sucks, it's good, whatever, provide feedback on what they need so we don't have a clusterfuck like MN.9
maybe they expected it to not be boring
It's a short, which is more of an experiment than anything, and to get the 3D models for the main vehicles done. It's only 7 minutes long.
They're planning a full series later.
ReBirth came out in 2009 and it's great.
Contrarian themed reverse psychology works well on Sup Forums. I have little doubt corporations are aware. Some of the mobile game shilling coming directly from PR people is really fucking obvious this month too.
thanks for the heads up
backing now
>symphony of mighty number nine electric boogaloo
It was pretty good considering it was a budget title.
>backing now
It's actually too late to do that disphit.
but people backed this because they wanted more sotn not whatever it is you are proposing
>>make the character badass looking and not some waifu shit
Good idea
>>make the gameplay like dark souls mixed with ninja gaiden(the 3d games not the old arcade ones)
You never played Castlevania
>>give enemies multiple attacks and some can even have combos
Good idea
>>make the enviroments for grimdark and fucked up looking(corpses laying about, blood stained walls, demons slaughtering people in the background, rapes, etc)
Lel I'm so edgy
>>make the music metal as fuck mixed with dark ambient for atmosphere
You never played Castlevania
Who is doing Miriam's voice? it sounds like that bitch from Kill La Kill
I don't think VAs were ever brought up.
>He watched dubbed KLK
Newfag falls for dubbed anime memes, classic form of Sup Forums entertainment.
Now's the time where we put our heads together and laugh.
>I don't think VAs were ever brought up.
They hinted at having a very cool VA in Japanese. I suspect it's Norio Wakamoto.