So, when does this game starts to become hard?

15 hours in, fought a lot of monster already and I'm about to face a Barroth, I'd say I'm probably half way trough the single player's quests, right?

So, when the fuck does the game starts to get harder? Several people in this image board told me that this game was harder than fucking Dark Souls, but so far none of the monster came even close to something like Kalameet or Manus. Qurupeco gave me some trouble, but I managed to beat him anyway. When does it start to get challenging, if ever?

Did you lie to me, Sup Forums?

Nigga if you're playing the story that shit doesn't get hard.

You go and do the guild quests until you get to G rank, that's when it gets hard.

>I'd say I'm probably half way trough the single player's quests, right?
Not even close.

>So, when the fuck does the game starts to get harder?
Its going to be hilarious when it does ramp up on you, Low Rank isn't shit. Actually, I remember when it started getting harder, the Pink Rathian.

Also yeah, Qurupeco and Barroth are monsters that are low, low down in the shit tiers.

Those are the quests on the other map, right? The village where I have to talk to the cat to take me there by boat?

Should I play those offline for a bigger challenge?

What should I do if it becomes really hard all of a sudden? Upgrade my equipment and weapon?

game is a grinding simulator up to high rank. that's where the casual filters are.

>pink rathian
it may be because im a gunner but i made that bitch go down in like 5 minutes not hard at all. jho on the other hand...
the first time i killed it was with 2 carts an 3 minute left of time.

Yep, it's called Tanzia port iirc. You'll start off with the same level of quests as village but when you get to G rank the game really kicks it up to 11

git gud and prepare for the hunt. most monsters are easy to hunt as long as you go with the right items and weapons.

So, does it get as hard as something like Kalameet from Dark Souls?

>So, when does this game starts to become hard?
In G-Rank

Way harder. Hard enough to make people cry "m-muh artificial difficulty.."

>Halfway through the village quests
You aren't even tussling with the big boys yet.

>What should I do if it becomes really hard all of a sudden? Upgrade my equipment and weapon?
You should be doing that anyway. If monsters get harder, you just need to learn their patterns and adapt.

At the time everyone had a little trouble with her. I remember hearing her name for the longest in the 3U threads. She was more aggressive than the Rathalos and had those poison talons. Oh God, and that close range fire bite thing. She'd combo stuff together like it was nothing.

Monsters like brachy, pink rathian, nargarcuga, white lagaicrus, and black diablos should give you a similar dark souls experience.

And when do I start to fight the stronger monsters? I'm a little tired of facing all those small fries.

MH games are not hard, you fell for the meme. They're only hard if you do the late game multiple monster per hunt made for 3/4 people on your own.

I see, nice, I just hope I fight one of those in less than 30 hours.

How are you only that far after 15 hours?

Just keep clearing quests and you'll see them eventually.

You should be doing guild quests instead of story quests since they're naturally harder because they're balanced for multiplayer and G-rank is exclusive to it.

You will fight most of the cast in the village quests but it's basically easy mode and gives you a feel for what the monsters do.
When you go to the guild place that's medium, then you hit G Rank and the game becomes hard mode and by the final rank shit gets real hard. I recommend not playing with other people playing alone keeps the challenge real

Legit stronger monsters are in High rank and G Rank.
But right around your first Rathian is when the monsters stop being made of paper mache and start wanting you dead.

the storymode is literally just the tutorial for the game

Barroth is the newbie gate if you aren't so bad at video games great Jaggi gave you trouble, so you're in luck.


At G rank.

So about 100 hours in. Have fun.

High rank it's when the games starts becoming challenging. monsters variations are a lot tougher agressive and hit harder and the deviljho is a serious threat
G rank is where the hard shit comes. most monsters can AND WILL one shot you the moment you fuck up.


All the sub species monsters (different color variation of a monster with more moves) are exclusive to the guild area.

Look up online which village quests you need to do to get to the next rank so you aren't wasting time on repeat quests.

>comparing end game DLC bosses to main game story mode bosses less than halfway through

There was your problem. But even then, you're playing the generation that was deemed the most casual of all the monster hunters. It'll get tougher towards end game. But if you want a legitimately hard Monster Hunter, play MHFU PPSSPP or wait for Citra (I'm assuming you don't like handhelds) to work with MH4U. MH4U is pretty much a true and proper sequel to MHFU in terms of difficulty and depth.


nice blog shitter

Barroth is like the 3rd actual "Large monster" tier monsters in the game, if you're not past him you're not even out of tutorial town yet..

It's such a boring and repetitive fight it's hard to stay awake while fighting him.

I'm not trying to be "that guy" but I really don't think Deviljho was ever hard in 3rd gen except for Tri. Tri version was mostly just a damage sponge though. MH4U Jho though... dear god.

Is everyone playing MH3U again?

Is the game playable on 3DS without the circle pad? It felt really strange when I played the demo, but I assume people get used to it the more they play, right?

that thing is a sitting duck. either does nothing or takes a shitload of time to attack

I've had no problem playing with the digital dpad. Eventually you even learn some little tricks on how to handle it better.


When you've earned it


Crimson Qurupeco

I can see Durambobo being really hard for first timers. They'll instinctively back away from the spinny-spin attack and miss out on the punish, and it's ass-backwards main attacks will lure them into a trap.

I put 150 hours into MH3U and didn't come close to beating it
mostly due to farming LR Rathian for a plate that the desire sensor kept from me

I don't use a circle pad and it's very playable without it
I keep the d-pad icon thing on the touch screen to the right, that way if I need to move and change the camera view, I can use my right thumb to do both
If I don't need to move, I use the physical d-pad with my left thumb
Overall, I use the L-targeting to position myself more than anything, I'd say for camera manipulation use it goes L>Touch screen d-pad>Physical D-pad
I'm sure a circle pad makes everything easier, but using L to target and making small corrections with the touch screen works extremely well for me
MH3U and MH4U control very much the same, I'm a solo hunter and have completed almost every g-rank quest in MH4U except for a few that keep fucking me in the ass

How hard are we expecting Monster Hunter: World to be?