have you ever shit your pants playing a video game? One time I had to because I was stuck in a WOW raid.
Have you ever shit your pants playing a video game? One time I had to because I was stuck in a WOW raid
No because I'm not 3 years old
If you haven't shit your pants at least once while playing vidya then you're nto a real GAMER.
I shit my pants all the time playing rimworld.
No, not even during bad bouts of IBS.
Recently because I caught a bad stomach virus, and it gave me uncontrollable bowel movements and vomiting. Brown sheets and a colorful 3DS during those few horrible days. It's not fun when you can't see half your fucking screen, and it's not fun changing your bed sheets multiple times a week. My dad caught the virus the same day I got over it, so the horror lasted almost twice as long.
Wash your god damned hands before eating, cover your mouth when you sneeze, and don't spread fucking germs everywhere. Pay attention to your hygiene when you do your daily stuff.
I was turtling more than I would like to admit after playing paper mario: thousand year door for like 6 hours. It was my first extended game sesh
I do it frequently anywhere
I have Ulcerative Colitis that's been flaring non stop for over a fucking year now.
why? that shitt can be paused
Go away, normie
Not when you play like i do ;)
Well, there was that one mission in Freespace 2.
At least I got to change them 15 minutes later.
Playing Smash with friends. Thought it was a fart. I was wrong.
tfw for a month or two had to eat really garbage food because I was poor and occasionally I'd go to take a shit and there would already be shit in my underwear
Had it happen last year.
>Playing some game I can't remember
>Need to fart
>Horror as I realise it wasn't a fart at all
Shitting your pants during the vidya is just a sign of poor preparation. If you can't get a bucket or a sock ready beforehand you deserve your DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS.
Lmao start being a real gamer bro, if you're actually into it you don't even notice come on.
No because I always cleanse my anus before gaming.
I have that too but not as bad, my solution is to simply never leave the house
Sometimes I think it's just a fart but it's not a fart
It's only really an issue in online games that can't be paused but I don't want to let my team down so I'll finish the game with poopy pants
No. When I feel the urge to take a shit I just go to the bathroom and take a shit.
If you're being serious with this comment then you're a pathetic NEET.
> inb4 reeeeeeeeeeeeeee normie get out
I was playing Desperados when I was like 7, farted, and followed through. In my defense I wasn't well at the time.
>not pooping in your diapers
lmao scrub
You ever hold it in so long that you can feel a turtle head starting to stick through?
>Inb4 you call me out for how much of a normie i am
I'll never understand how people are able to shit themselves. Is there something wrong with your anus and you're not able to clench it properly or do you not like feeling a turd pushing against your doodoo hole and prefer to just let it all out?
>Turtling a shit while leaned over your bed like you're praying
>Letting a doody sneak out and poke your underwear before sucking it all back in
Morbid obesity and self-neglect.
Also bad diet can lead to terrible greasy semi-formed shits that can be difficult to hold in.
With IBD you can hold it in but it doesn't go away and it just gets worse and worse until you can't take a step forward or else you'd lose control.
I've never ever shit my pants.
>Letting a doody sneak out and poke your underwear before sucking it all back in
I used to do that when I was a kid. Fun times.
Sometimes it's a simple matter of trusting the wrong fart. I wouldn't expect people here to have healthy digestive tracts and high fiber diets, demographically speaking.
>Not being serious enough about gaming to get a colostomy so you can just let rip into the bag as you get headshots
fucking casuals on this board
Dude, look around.
You don't have to pretend or anything here of all places, stop.
Just fucking how unaware should you be to do this?
I LOVE the feeling of ripping a really good fart, like the kind that vibrate your asshole hard enough to make it hurt a little but it feels good, yaimean?
Anyway, I've never shit myself while vidyaing, but i've shit myself twice as an adult, questing after those sweet, sweet farts.
I regret nothing.
By not knowing I had bad diarrhoea?
Happened to me by accident.
Slept at friend's and carried my morning shit onto the bus home. Big mistake. I sweated through the whole bus ride, started power walking home from the bus stop but it was too late. One of my most embarrassing memories. I was like 16. I think nobody saw/noticed.
Yeah, I bought some coke and was playing CSGO. I blew down the first line after I died and 5 minutes into the next round I farted diarrhea in my pants.
>he doesn't spray his ass out in the shower
feels good
The only time I ever shit myself was in my sleep when I was very sick.
It's cool at least you didn't shit your PE sweatpants on 4th grade and had liquid shit coming down your leg and into the floor and have everyone in the class room look at you in disgust.