
Are RTS games back?


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i fucking wish

>cashgrab remaster that will release on both PC and XBOX
no they are not

You can't play this on Xbox. It's on Windows 10.
This happened thanks to Bill Gates and they teased something new at the E3 2017.

+ you would need a keyboard + mouse which this console doesn't have yet.

How do you even sign up for the beta?


Spellforce 3 is coming out this year. How many people actually know about this series?

>Win10 WinStore UWP Exclusive
>Requires Xbox Live
>Always Online DRM

>All remasters.

Fool, that's how you know the genre is dying. If people can't make new ones people like, that kills them.

Where will you be in 5 years? Buying remasters of the remasters?
You can't be for real.


>a reskin of AoE that makes the game look worse than it did in 1997

Nah, what this is about is the seemingly inevitable and terminal decline of PC gaming.


Gave the bronze spear wielding wonder a sword instead
Why do they change shit like that? It servers no purpose.

original looks better lack of clear colors is to prepare you for having swarthy ogga booga children don't fall for this jew scheme anons stay bright

AoE IV announcement is happening on November called it.

They improved everything though

eh looks alright. Thanks Bill and Reddit.

What would AoE IV be about?

AoE2 HD is significantly better so far. Unless they plan on like tripling the content in AoE with it's launch I don't see anyone moving over.

>AoE IV announcement is happening on November

Age of Empires 4 was supposed to be set in the ancient era, user. This remaster fully covers for it.

Also, old Gates here specifically answered on the moment of AoE:DE announcement. That is his thing/doing.

At best, you can hope they'll make a new expansion for one of the other AoE games.

>vr sold more than esports
you can't make this shit up.

eSports have always been a meme

It's confirmed it only includes original AoE1+Rise of Rome content on release.
Maybe it will get expansions later down the line though.
Either way I don't care because it's Win10-only UWP-only trash and UWP is factually and objectively VASTLY inferior to Win32 as it stands right now and I don't see it ever becoming better without Microsoft drastically altering their business model.

>inb4 ancient womyn expansion pack

>What would AoE IV be about?

Ensemble was planning to make another game set in the ancient era.
Did you not read the numerous interviews from numerous people who'd worked there?

>implying remakes can revive RTSes
I do, but I'm not a fan of Spellforce.
This. Also RTSes shouldn't constantly look back, but forward. Too bad nobody dares now. And that audience seems indifferent to RTSes... sad. Even 4Xes are more lively.

So yeah, smaller availability, likely won't work on older PCs (AKA all of russia and SEA), and no new content.
basically just wasted time and money on a re-release of a game no one gave a fuck about back in the day, much less now.

No. Isn't Ensemble studio dead?

>Even 4Xes are more lively.

Dude, that's underselling them a great ton. Considering Endless Legend started a revolution in design for those games.

wasn't IV supposed to be a modern or ww era game? maybe that game would be a spin-off?

It was. The original plan was to make AoE4 a WW2 game and AoE5 a futuristic one (Halo Wars kinda fits this bill actually).

Yes, that's why everyone who ever worked there spilled the beans numerous times.

No, that was a joke. A very fuccessful one at that if I say so myself.
Age of Empires 4 was planned to be an ancient era game.


Does anyone have a list of games taking place in the ancient world? Fantasy not necessary but works too.

It's gonna flop.
II is the best and everybody know it.

Those aren't sales but they still are weird. Jumps were either because of new content or fuck know why, but for sure RTSes (I checked for DoW II, Grey Goo and Act of Aggression) don't experience such jumps.



I enjoyed Spellforce 2. Man now I feel like playing it again. Wish me luck that it's not all nostalgia goggles.

To be fair, it isnt 100% cashgrab.
It have new models and support bigger resolution.

If it was a cashgrab i think it would just get the resolutions and no much changes to the looks of it.

And AoE was the only game that lack a modern port hd version.

>windows store
>windows 10
>for a game from decades ago

top lel

Some fun tidbits about how Ensemble ended:
>At Ensemble, we really struggled with that near the end. Age3 is a great example. We had a hard time putting together a team to work on it because people were just tired of RTS games. We added a year to the project because we wanted to rebuild the renderer to be "the best looking PC game ever" in order to get the team excited about working on the game. It eventually worked, but it was never the natural excitement Age2 or AOM had.

>After Titans (AOM expansion), we were obligated to work on Age3 (per agreement with MS). After Age3, we tried everything we could to not work on an Age game. We were pretty burned out. We did do the first Age3 expansion, but the second was done in conjunction with Big Huge (in part because we couldn't muster the energy).

Just posting these here because, apparently (), people on Sup Forums never followed ex-Ensemble's whereabouts.

that suck

That guy just saw that 1 concept art, and take it as a defenitive.
When it was probably just 1 picture done ever.

Now, If Ensemble wanted to do something else that wasnt an RTS.... what would it be?

Orcs Must Die

Grim Pasha : revival of the long dead one

>still posting this fake shit

>Now, If Ensemble wanted to do something else that wasnt an RTS.... what would it be?

Well, a faction of them did want to keep making RTS games, they simply didn't want ti copy the same game over and over.
These people made the game that got later changed into Halo Wars (i.e. they were set to make a console RTS, MS okayed the project but under the condition it is set in the Halo IP).

The rest did all sorts of games afterwards.
Orcs Must Die is one of the prominent ones, so is Hero Academia, there was that Halo MMO they worked on while still Ensemble,...

It's a similar story with Westwood. Also a company that was shut down after the people there kept looking for excuses to not work on RTS games any more (Renenegade, 2! failed MMO games,...).

it looks terrible and w10

Maybe if this wasn't a remaster and they actually made a new fucking game

thats not fake, my friend had the same book as a kid too. it was an official strategy guide iirc.

>complaining about a remaster for a game you can't even buy digitally anywhere and was on the cusp of fading into vidya antiquity
the remasters you should be complaining about are the fucking sony ones

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I am glad they're remastering AoE, but this isn't going to, as OP put it, "bring back" the genre

It's not fake as in made up by the fans but it's definitely fake in the implications of it.
As I've mentioned numerous times in this thread, the picture was plain bullshit Ensemble put there on purpose.

For one, most people at the studio were strongly against the idea of making any more AoE games.
And when it came to it, most were in favor of doing ancient era again (which did get okayed for a bit in post-Ensemble time but that fell through and got turned into AoE:O).
AoM was never supposed to get a sequel because it was a failure sales-wise compared to AoE2.

>Where did they get the idea for the joke.
Quite easy. Not only would it seem rather logical to the fans, the main designer of AoE1 went on to make Empire Earth games in the mean-time.
And EE does involve AoE-style modern era gameplay.

>isn't going to bring back the genre
Okay, so now a quick rundown:
>Act of Aggression
>Grey Goo
>8-bit Whatever
>Dungeons 2
>some other games that I forgot
"back to the roots" bullshit!

age of exploration
age of modern time
Age of colonisation

Dont mind me, just pirating this (you)

>wanting Microsoft to do a new AoE

I lost hope when they said they messed with the gameplay.

just a silly remaster to sell a "classic" to people who never played the original

That same people will play the game a couple of hours and never again.

>not wanting

they balanced it. aoe had some of the most ridiculous missions in the entire series. i have vietnam flashbacks to that one mission where you are basically following a river through the map.

compelling point you make, yeah they should've totally let it never get a digital release and only exist on the discs in enthusiast's collections

t. retard

>Some additional Age of Empires 20th anniversary related announcements were also teased at the event, with Microsoft saying it will reveal them in August at Gamescom.

gonna be a good gamescom
>new age of empires
>bannerlord release date
>cyberpunk 2077 info?

>no one gave a fuck about back in the day

Lol shut up kid. When this game came out it was the tightest shit. Its competition was lirds of the realm (also awesome)

You probably werent even a twinkle in your daddys eye faggot

desu all the quality of life improvements will make it worth it.
Especially if they give it an AI that isn't braindead

Everyone saying it's going to be a new Age of Empires are delusional. Microsoft would never give fans what they actually want. It's probably going to just be an Age of Empires: DE tournament announcement or something stupid like Age of Empires 2 HD on Windows store.

I say that as a fan of the series.

don't fukin jinx it

>zoroastrian spurdo meme

I've got a lot of classical spurdos

Eh, even if this is true you can bet your ass they'll cave and put it on Steam + Windows 7/8.1 in 6 months to a year after tepid sales and barely anybody playing because of """""""""exclusivity"""""""""" bullshit.

so i recently revived my love for AoE 2, never played 1 tho.
are there more buildings, units, maps or why are people so hyped about it?

It's pretty much worse in every way

What do you mean?

Age of Empires 1 is basically an incomplete Age of Empires 2. Many units are blatantly overpowered and the game hasn't ironed out a lot of the problems like some people spawning near more resources than others. The ancient setting it the primary draw for most people. And the great battle sound effects.

I'm not sure whether to be impressed or disappointed

Thank you based bill

so literally no reason except nostalgia to be hyped about it?
i really just want aoe4, 3 was utter garbage...

Your spike is literally the release date.
More people are into DoW than 4Xs.
Nothing special to see here.

I would like RTS games if rushing wasn't the dominant strategy in literally every single one of them every single time.

If I wanted to use like 1 unit to annoy someone else from the very start of the match I would just go play a MOBA.

>3 was utter garbage
Who's got the nostalgia now?

Age of Mythology > Age of Empires 2 > Age of Empires 1 > Age of Empires 3

I'm expecting them to update the balance, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any new units or technologies. The intro is really nice too.


i think they are developing a new aoe game(probably IV) this remastered is its warming up for peoples who are waiting for new aoe game for years.

Where are you all seeing that it's Windows 10/Windows Store exclusive?

everything in 3 was about rushing and even singleplayer games felt like multiplayer ones with their small maps and dumbfucked AI and the new mechanics.
even the devs admitted that they fucked up with 3 since they wanted something new but didn't have enough time to do it so they salvaged as much as possible and tried going back to the roots, but they didn't manage it in time.
shame, i really liked some of the new units.

But it wasn't "utter garbage"

I wouldn't call 3 utter garbage, but it definitely was underwhelming.
The home city system, interesting on paper, encouraged people to play just to level up their city rather than to just enjoy the game. And even though the physics and technology were great to look at, they didn't translate into any gameplay changes. Ships were still basically big units that could turn on a dime. Horses still stopped dead in their tracks when engaging an enemy. Infantry broke formation on first contact.

I'd love to see an Age of Empires 3 done right and with current tech.

RTS is pretty fucking dead. Almost all the major devs have either closed down or moved into doing mobile games. MOBAs have pretty effectively replaced RTSes.

>Starcraft 2 was shit
>C&C is still dead
>Rise of Nations is still dead
>Stronghold is preeeetty dead
>Supreme Commander is dead
>Warcraft IV will never happen
>Dawn of War III is atrociously bad
>There hasn't been a Dune game in, what, 16 years?

I could go on.

well, it sure as hell wasn't fun at all.
and i really fucking wanted to like that game because unit diversity was the only thing missing in two, but the rest of the game fucked it up so badly that not even unique units could save it.

what do you mean?

Bro you can't actually buy this game anywhere anymore and even if you still have a disk (I've got a few lying around somewhere) it's one of the few games that legitimately NEEDS a remaster. It's lacking so many basic features like idle villager button, control groups, and virtually everything related to pathing.

I mean if they were adding in more fantastical factions some amazons would be kinda neat.

>idle villager button, control groups

AoE has those.
Albeit the former only appears once you install the expansion.

>MOBAs have pretty effectively replaced RTSes.

Not really.
LoL and Dota 2 are the big ones, HotS and Smite are there
That's it.

Thing is, back then there were shitload of RTS games and people got sick of them. The good ones are still played.

>Supreme Commander is dead
>Warcraft IV will never happen
That's probably a good thing

The thing is, AoE2 has been made. It's the ultimate RTS.
It had an active throughout the years (voobly) and the HD version just made it more popular again

AoE2 is the king of the montain top. AoE2 reigns supreme. AoE2 is the golden god of RTS

Anyone got a beta invite yet?

It does not have those.

>Are RTS games back?
Not unless you each buy 5 copies of the Age of Empires remakes!
Capitalism Ho!

this tbqh