Shit game

Shit game

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still fun tho

Shit opinion

Skyrim > Shitblivion > Morroshit > Shitterfall > Arena

Shit bread


Best elder scrolls

Blew my mind in 2006 though

>oblivion over anything

even GTA V is a better RPG lmao

good game

Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena

this, atleast RPG wise

never got past the tutorial desu

Sup Forums is 90% contrarian weebshit manchilds

The rest recognize Oblivion as the better game

Do you have shit taste in everything or is it just video games?

Back to playing dating sims and waifu bonerbait you parhetic weeb
If you want some real gameplay, story and lore, I might let you suck my dick and lend you my Oblivion copy

>real story and lore

Morrowind's pretty garbage too

Every TES game is garbage except Skyrim. That's why I'm buying Skyrim VR edition and Skyrim Swtich edition. You literally can't get tired of buying this game.

>trolling this hard

fuck weebshits, but "as the better game" to what? when it comes to RPG mechanics the popular consesus is that it's got the weakest of the latest 3

You are the current devs wet dream. I bet you pre-order with season passes too.

But it's the best game in its series.


Agreed. Actually all elder scrolls games suck major dong compared to fan favourite.

Stop Todd. No one is buying your game for the 4th and 5th time. i hope

Stop shilling your game here Todd

lmao at user's life that thinks skyrim has more rpg mechanics than Oblivion. I won't even bother replying to him personally, you can take a look his post right in this thread

watch the first hour of this video you underage shill

this user is correct.

I recognize that filename, that typing style.

Is it time to discuss it?

You have your own thread. Let me shit on Oblivion in peace.

>Daggerfall equal to arena
>Oblivion over anything
get the fuck out of here

>Champion of Cyrodiil finds the last guy from Jygalag's library
>Holds all the knowledge in the universe
>Doesn't ask him anything besides Sheogorath's Staff
What a brainlet.

It actually wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.

I really want to try these games, how easy are they to pirate?

I have no argument against this.

Iv'e seen mudcrabs post better arguments than that.

I do agree


Oblivion > Skyrim > Who cares

This. It's so fucking boring. There is no reason to do anything in the game, that's why it fails. Skyrim and Morrowind always keeps you doing stuff, throwing new quests at you all the time, in gorgeous open worlds. Oblivion's world feels like an empty wasteland with only cities (which can all be fast travelled to immediately) having anything of interest in them.

this, only good thing is shivering isles but it's so short anyway despite it's illusion of having a new world

How about I put some muatra in your mouth to teach you some manners, s'wit

Morrowind > Daggerfall > Arena >>> Skyrim = Oblivion >> others

Skyrim and Oblivion aren't bad, but they both have too many shit design philosophies and bad mechanics. Morrowind is the crown jewel of TES, even if you're too retarded to handle the dicerolls every other aspect has more thought and care put into it than any game in the series. Daggerfall is arguably the most ambitious and the most "RPG" of them all, held back only by some unnecessary convolution and clunkiness, Arena is Daggerfall but less. others range from playable to bad. you cannot use "aging" as an argument as to why something is not good

>saw the intro to oblivion for the first time in what must have been nearly a decade
>got hyped as fuck

but you can't trick me into playing again, I've played the shit out of it

There's no reason to do anything in any game

Better quests than Skyrim. Objectively true. You cannot debate this.

arena is worse than skyrim or oblivion tho
even back when it was released people kinda disliked it

I like Arena and all but it just lacks content now, and it's barely a TES game.

That's 100% accurate, at least for the vanilla main series games.

Also accurate.

Oblivion is definitely more quest oriented, while morrowind and, to a lesser extent, syrim,
are more on adventuring

I don't know why Morrowind has better adventure than skyrim, must be the alien world and how mysterious it feels, especially with the default view distance, despite being shit at times

>Says game is shit
>Sup Forums still talks about it every day
>More than any other bethesda game

I think that settles it really.

Best game.
Best girl.

this entire franchise is just a story and universe of unused potential, the engine just isn't good enough and the games only do well because of marketing.

New Vegas is the only Gamebryo game that is even decent but even that one has so much potential locked away by the prison that is gamebryo.

Wrong, Skyrim is worse because that's when they got lazy and ditched real questing in favor of radiant garbage that sends you to random dungeons.

Skyrim had the potential to improve on what Oblivion tried to do and it failed at everything, they didn't improve on the combat at all, they removed spellcrafting, the quests weren't as good and they still lacked the player choice a real RPG should have.

It'd have been better if they actually made the realm of Oblivion more than "generic lava zone" and the level-scaling wasn't fucking shit.
If I see one more Highwayman in Glass Armor I'm going to ~tgm

>New Vegas is the only Gamebryo game that is even decent
I thought Civ 4 was pretty good. Maybe it's just nostalgia but I also had a lot of fun with DAoC in its prime, especially the PVP.

I guess I should have said it's the only good gamebryo rpg

>anything on Gamebryo
You can use shit to make art but that doesn't make it not shit

>empty wasteland with only cities
Are you confusing skyrim for oblivion?

Harvard researcher here.

The factually correct order of the Elder Scrolls series is as follows:

Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim

Oblivion > Morrowind

*Skyrim scores so low on the "quests/story" category that it does not even rank.


Combat/Gameplay is wrong
>Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

Shit>Elder scrolls series
Don't know why this shitty franchise is so popular