Let´s talk about this game

Let´s talk about this game.



I enjoyed it

To this day I don't understand why anyone likes that crybaby slut Kate desu.

Chloe is a keeper.

Fuck all y'all.


What did both of you enjoyed about this game?

I enjoyed it until the ending choice.

I'd rather not.

Max canonically soaked her panties when she saw Warren beat the shit out of Nathan.

The game wasnt very good.


Not in my game she didn't. I made sure Warren didn't get so much as even a HINT of any attention whatsoever in my game. Fuck him.


Was it really supposed to have 8 Episodes initially? It would explain the shitty ending.

the only thing I liked about it was I want to fuck the shit out of max

Not a choice for you to make, buddy. It was instinctual. When she saw what an Alpha stud Warren was she could barely stop herself from going ape on him in the dormitory hallway

Wonder why the fanbase hates Warren when he is much more reliable than that bitch Chloe who is the source of most problems in this game.

Where did you hear that?First time hearing it desu.

Do your decisions really even change the ending of the game or anything like that? Just seems like one of those games where it promotes the fact you can make decisions and "CHANGE YOUR OWN STORY" but in the end nothing really matters and it all ends up the same anyway.

I liked it.

It does I think, at the funeral of Chloe people you helped will be there.

Warren is just superficially nice. He does a lot of legitimately creepy things, like lying to Max about the tickets and watching her through the windows.

Nothing really matters, it all comes down to a binary choice in the end.

They had a really strong setup with this game, but then it just went on about the boring life of idiot teenagers instead of the supernatural shit going down that was way bigger than they were. It's barely a game but the story forgot itself ten minutes into the game so we could see annoying kids interacting with each other, so it's terrible in all regards.

But you didn´t help them because the rest of the game did not happen.

Apparently some people on Sup Forums datamined info about 8 Episodes when the game was still hot.
It would make sense especially that a lot of shit was cut short and ending was bad because it felt rushed and ignored all of your choices (also didn't make sense for Chloe to be source of all of it).
Episode 4 gave you some hint that Nathan's family knew something about upcoming tornado etc.

at least in mass effect your choices "still mattered", here you just go back in time and erasing everything you did.

don't act like you wouldn't watch a prime cutie like Max through her window if she walked around in her underwear with the blinds up

He is typical "Im being nice to you so you have to love me back" kind of person.

Pick 1. Getting into a fight doesn't make you alpha. You're alpha when you avoid the fight because the opponent is too scared to make the attempt.

Oh, sure, Warren is super nice, fights a dude off for me twice, listens to what I have to say, gives me advice, listens, and isn't that bad looking.

...but he likes Dr. Who, so that fucker has to burn.

I played the first hour and the writing was so bad it made me ragequit.

I played vidya since the late 80s and this has never happened before.

it's p comfy but the writers have no idea what teenagers talk like

> Cutie

Are you serious?


nigga he has two side bitches in reserve if you make Max reject him. Doesn't get much more Alpha than that.


I'm in love with Max and still feel sad every time I think of her.

>He doesn't know
If you chum up to that fat mexican, you can get him to go to the party and he and Warren's "side bitch" hit it off and he gets mad cucked.

Dunno who side bitch two is. Probably doesn't exist.

I downloaded the game from PSN because it's free this month, but I haven't played it yet. What should I expect? I hear people say it's similar to Telltale games but I've never played any of those either.

God fucking help me

Still less toxic than "Gotta blame shit i do on everyone else" Chloe.

Expect a game with horrible dialogue, mechanics, characters and story.

Basically "Tumblr: The Game" at the beginning but later develops into some teenage drama Twin Peaks kind of story with shitty ending.
Overall another "could be great but wasted potential" game.

He just wants to bang Max. It's normal for a teenager.

Actually, funny enough, I didn't really think it was all that tumblr at the beginning. I thought it went more tumblr in chapter 3 where all those memes were posted in the bathroom. Thank god it came back from that.

This. Warren did nothing wrong.

>In room with the weed thing happening
>Choice to come out of the closet or not
>"Fuck, I'm not even supposed to be here, that would be the stupidest idea ever. Everyone would be worse off if I did that, and I sure as hell ain't takin the rap for Chloe's drug habit"
>Chloe: "Nah, it's totally fine you didn't come out and DEFEND ME, he would have gotten worse."
>Next chapter
>God, Max, you are such a SHIT friend for not coming out of that closet.
>Oh, like that time you didn't come out of the closet like I asked? You owe me for this, Max
>Remember that time, Max, when you dove head first into the closet without me asking and then ran away while my step-douche SHOT ME?! Real smooth Max

I couldn't wait to kill Chloe fast enough.

How did it came back?

By that I mean my trust in the game. I honestly don't mind seeing tumblr shit in my game, but I have to trust that the game will be good enough to warrant it without becoming preachy. The first two episodes were enough to build up my trust pretty well. Then the third episode, I started seeing some memes and strawmen hanging around. Uh oh, Nathan called Max a feminazi when that isn't what that even means? Oh shit, is this going tumblr on me?

But then in the last two episodes, it pulled away from that and kept things pretty normal and based in reality. So it lost a little trust in me, but then it built it back up. Not a lot of games can do that for me now.

Isn't she cute? Like not in a "sexy" way, she is just cute

> Based in reality
No, it isn´t

what is there to talk about?

Explain me how.

She seems really cute, like the kind of girl to reenact kpop dances in her room

Are you that autist that comes into /tg/ and screams "It's not real! Wizards exist in game!" when someone uses physics in an argument?

If so, kill yourself.

mousey hair, petite figure, small upturned nose, youthful features.

Just cute. She is small and slender. Plus the way she behaves, you gotta understand it

Tell me how some girl with the unexplained power to control time and only uses that said power to dick around in a school which has a teacher who´s a killer and has a disciple of his deeds, is set on reality?

>Wizards exist! Your argument is dumb!

Even ignoring the crackshot at the serial killer teacher which is implying that teachers have never killed anyone before in the history of mankind, I'm quite clearly referring to the other non-supernatural events in the story, such as the characters and their reactions, you autist.

This is your pity (you), I won't respond to you again.

Probably would be explained with some mystical indigenous magic since we had that totem which apparently was supposed to be important also Max was seeing some deer ghost.

Ok then explain me how some school which has been financed by a millionare family only have one security guard.

>Majority white high schools in backwoods towns
>Having ANY security guards

Did you grow up in New York or LA by any chance?

was she lesbian or was it just a phase?

I´m not North American


Anyways, for a town like that in an area like backwoods Oregon in a largely white town, yes, it's actually somewhat unusual to have a security force at all. Normally, if they needed security, they would call in a local Sheriff for that. It's only in the big name areas near ghettos with large minority enrollment that you would expect to see things like a security force and metal detectors.

It's all up to one stupid choice where you can kiss Chloe as a joke and then everything is changed into lesbian romance.

Chloe clearly is with her MUH WAIFU RACHEL shit.

I´m South American

But if so, was there any sheriff or police force outside David in the game that actually helped in any situation?

I would bang the shit out of Chloe while choking her
I would also verbally abuse Kate while she sucks my dick

Were they ever even called? What would you call them for anyways? Help, my time traveling best friend just saved me from getting shot, oh also a notorious drug dealer with bad attitude is out to kill me for all the drugs I bought off him?

I mean, now that I think about it, in those alternate timelines Max created by reporting the killer before their plans got started, yeah, you see some sheriff enforcement coming in, right?

Let's talk about the interracial LiS SFM porn.
Isn't it nice seeing Max and Chloe taking the BBC?

Kate would be perfect for BDSM play. Give me some of that christian meat.

>Telltale >games

>Max taking the cock
Don't you fucking dare.

>Episode 5


>small upturned nose
Nah. She's got a pretty sizable schnoz on her.

Why does everyone have such a huge problem with the ending? I thought it was pretty good.

I only played the first chapter but it was fucking awful. Then again I'm biased since I hate this type of game. Fuck 'interactive storytelling.' I hate anyone who likes this type of 'game.'

I would call them to tell them that I have proof that a kid from a rich home kidnapped and killed a girl whose been missing for a while now.

I was in no way looking at these clips just moments ago on /gif/. Nope, nuh-uh, max wasn't being held down, mouth covered, and plunged into mercilessly by Coach's BBC.

regardless of what choices you make it throughout the chapters the final decision is always the same.

LOL epic XD

Is Max really that likeable?

I'm currently editing a Let's Play of this game that my friend and I recorded a while back. It's not very good. The LP, not the game. The game is pretty cool, and I'm looking forward to Before the Storm.

Max is best waifu.

Apart from the obvious "Binary choice in a game with multiple choices througout" it was one that the majority of the fanbase guess in Episode 1. It's also what's used in 99% of Time Travel movies so not very inspired.

It also logically doesn't make any sense. Butterfly Effect does not literally mean that small events cause Tornados. It also makes no supernatural sense because we ALREADY went back to the start of the game, did no time travelling and the Tornado was still coming.

overrated SJW garbage

They actually managed to make literally all the major, and several minor, decision has a noticeable impact. Even in the final episode. Then they intentionally fucked it up.

hahaha yeah man!

>finish life is strange
>start watching "13 reasons why"
gonna have my period soon i think

Because your decisions have no influence on it. In a game that's supposed to be about play decisions.

These games that are fucking focused on narratives do worse in terms of player influence than shooter and RPG games.

Have you ever seen a female before?

Warren is one creepy fuck, I don't know how anyone can like him when you find him staring at Max through windows and the creepy pictures of Max in his locker

I sacrificed the Bay just to make sure he doesn't attempt to rape someone in the future

I think it's implied that they do just that in the alternate timelines where the Killer is arrested on day 1, remember?

>Hey guys turns out Mr Jefferson was the creepy serial killer all along!
>Well not actually the girls we know like Kate and Rachel that was still Nathan
>Nathan and Victoria died off camera
>But Mr Jefferson totally attacked girls you've never heard of

It was clear how little thought they put into that twist.

not in real life but I've seen enough on-line to know what a cute girl looks like

Ending was obviously rushed. In Episode 4 there are some notes which imply that Nathan's family knew something about supernatural nature of Arcadia Bay and were expecting upcoming tornado.
There is also the whole mystical part of the game, how Chloe got her powers, what was the Deer Ghost etc.
Ton of unanswered questions we might have got answers for if only game had more budget.

isn't that kinda the point of the game? that no matter all her tries things will always end up in one way

Sorry. How Max got her powers*

Have you see Max before? He nose is long and downturned.

>Time travel by looking at photographs
>By time travelling you are suddenly friends with the popular gang in the alternate timeline
>Everything gets worse by time travelling
>Saving the girl you love leaves someone completely disabled
>Ending is letting a character who should have always die fixes the timeline