Filename thread?
Filename thread?
that isn't even a joke you fucking faggot
god i hate you loser redditors who try and use memes and do it wrong
fucking off yourself
Shit thread. How do you make such a shit thread?
That looks like a me_irl post. Can I take that and upload it to me_irl?
He either didn't know how blanks work or was retarded enough to do that intentionally. Either way, he shouldn't own a gun.
what is that, my google doesn't work
Subreddit, unironically check it out. It's humor is on par with Sup Forums's.
only if you promise it will get 300 updoots (no bamboozle)
fuck that horse, negro
in b4 OP comes back and claims he did it wrong on purpose to le epically troll XD us Sup Forumsermins
go back
He wanted to show how "hard" he was
>tells people to sage
>his name is still Anonymous and not Sage
I don't get it, why did this thread go to shit?
Me too thanks.
>hello, doctor. Yeah, it seems I've shot myself in the fucking cheek. What's that? I can't hear you, I wasn't wearing ear protection.
It was always shit.
>go to
it started that way
Wasn't that pink thing a foamy?
exactly I don't get it
then get off this website and don't come back until you're 18
Was it later found if he really did cheat or not?
I don't know, can you?
Pretty much instantly.
May I?
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
jesus v really goes to shit in the summer
Yeah he 100% cheated
so it was. Still, not gonna get good protection out of just that, especially when you shoot yourself in the goddamn face
Jesus it really does get cancerous with mobileposters in the summer
I don't know, may you?
Fucking clever
No longer works after the RE7 reveal
Should I?
I don't get it
whats the one on the left, I don't recognize that one
you should find a new healer