Is there a more satisfying sound in video games?

is there a more satisfying sound in video games?

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the rare achievement sound

Oh yeah, Xboner added rarity to them. They have unique sounds for them popping?

The level up sound in Everquest. Where the experience bars were so long, they had them broken up into 5 different sections. You die? You just lost an entire section and then some (about a week worth of work). WoW kiddies have no fucking clue.

Wilhelm scream.

The menu noises in every Final Fantasy

Best Rush album.


Do xbone achievements still come with wallpapers? I liked pimping out my dashboard with rome wallpapers from Ryse

That squishy slop sound that enemies make when you gib them in Doom.

>tfw you unlock a gamer pic
i fucking love that shit

Pretty sure they do. I think they finally updated it to allow you to use any image as you want for your background also.

>caring about achievements
So you admit you actually don't enjoy video games? You instead like little notifications pop up and tell you "good boy, pat pat, here's a doggie treat?"

How insulting.

Critical hit in Bloodborne

WoW leveling up
getting an achievement in PoE wakes you up


I like achievements that are actually hard.

>login with the developer in a multiplayer game
>developer no longer plays

Why not challenge yourself to do difficult things without the achievement?

That's the problem here. You're not having fun with the game, you're doing it for an external reward.

>Trying to enjoy Lost Odyssey
No. Turned that shit off and never looked back

Back in the day, you got armors in Halo 3 for them.

god those are awful

it just sounds like a phone notification than an achievement pop

most of the time, achievements cover the hardest parts you can do with a game. games like max payne 3 or dead space do that well, maybe dark souls to an extent.

>That's the problem here. You're not having fun with the game, you're doing it for an external reward.

what a hippocrate. youre telling people to decide their own challenges, and then ignoring the possibility that some people's concept of challenges aligns with certain achievements.

I don't get people that do shit like play telltale and lego games just for the easy achievements, but it's not like I don't do all the achievements for games that are fun and look challenging to complete.

This. It's what most complaints for Breath of the Wild amount to.


>what a hippocrate. youre telling people to decide their own challenges, and then ignoring the possibility that some people's concept of challenges aligns with certain achievements.
this so much

half the time this is coming from fucks that just cant do half the stuff the achievements ask for so they just shit all over people that can and enjoy the challenge behind them

Brings me right out of a flick


>boot up a new game
>start new game
>hell yeah
>watch opening cutscene
>fully erect
>level starts
>its a tutorial
>use right stick to walk around
>walk 10 yards
>blow my load
>turn console off
>browse Sup Forums

>Best Rush album.
That's a funny way of saying Fly By Night.

The cheevs give good ideas

Yep, I use this wallpaper that you get for speed-running half genie hero

And that is how normies came to play video games, not because they like it, but because of the challenges, the rewards, the stars, the achievements, the costumes, the medals, the skins, the points, the candies, and all that retarded shit they collect and that makes them feel good about themselves, and that they can compare to others like it means something. Those things that are necessary in a game for them to play it, because it's not like they'd enjoy a video game that doesn't have those, they don't actually enjoy playing video games.

What a sad world we live in.

>And that is how normies came to play video games
yeah, im sure all 100 million people who bought a ps1 and all 155 million people who bought a ps2 were hardcore gamers like yourself, dumb nigger.

I only go for achievements specifically in games that I really enjoy to give myself a reason to play them again and I'm sure many others are the same.


so you're saying people like me who like achievements are only having fake fun huh

>>use right stick to walk around
fake and gay

You can bet they were, why else?

It's like you've never been at a normie party and people ask each other "wow what level are you at candy crush?" like it's a Sup Forums convention.

>i'm having fun doing this


What if I told you even greater fun exists and you're missing on it?

what if i told you i dont give a fuck?

I'd answer you probably don't like video game if you're ready to miss on something better?

I mean, did you think for one second that your reply made sense? Please user, read it again.



You can have fun trying to get every achievement/trophy, when I played the Sly Cooper collection I had fun collecting all the Trophies. Just because your ADHD is so high that you can't concentrate on one thing for long periods of times doesn't mean everyone is like you.

Critical Hit sound in GBA Fire Emblems.

>arachnotron death sound

Holy it's fucking that
This is a close second though
Fucking orbs were so good

you're really not, you're just chasing numbers

if the "fun" you derive from a game is from an achievement, go play cookie clicker. you're a n non-gamer


>achievements are badwrongfun



Now your comic is better.

xbox achievements are so satisfying

i cant believe you took the time to make this.

I can't believe you're still trying to work against your own interests.

like it or not, im having fun with my vidya and you arent.

>all of these people pretending like their way of enjoying something is superior
It doesn't matter faggots it's a fucking video game. Whether you autistically hunt achievements/trophies or not the end result is you staring at a screen doing nothing. You are still fucking unproductive either way and aren't gaining anything.

I'm having fun with your games too user.

ut there are other games I'm having even more fun, and you're too retarded to admit you'd like to play those better games, because you completely renounced logic just to save face. Your loss, try eating a dick to cope with it.

>the end result is you staring at a screen doing nothing. You are still fucking unproductive either way and aren't gaining anything.
If you played some other shit once in a while you'd know this isn't necessarily the case.

I've acquired mad orienteering, organizational, planning and management skills that I've put to use in the real life, and most of those in starting my own company and making mad dosh. Don't even get me started on all the general knowledge I gained from that.

But then I haven't been stuck on Overwatch and ASSFAGGOTS.

i probably already played those games.

You did not gain those skills purely from playing games. If what you say is true you applied hard work and effort to learn that shit and game may have slightly demonstrates elements of those skills. What games would have taught you these things?

>What games would have taught you these things?
Good old point&click adventure games that have you travel the world and experiment with plenty unusual stuff, action adventure games that add to that resources to manage and great orienteering skills back then when games didn't have an ingame map, strategy/tycoon/city building games that force you to make plans, establish budgets, estimate risks and mitigate incidents...

I've climbed elevator shafts, fixed oilwells, survived the flooding of underwater living quarters, turn people one against the other, stopped plagues, practiced with radio communication, sabotaged anti-air defenses to get air support, learned to protect myself from radiatioactivity, made maps of the environments I explored, kept journals of my activities and transcripts of my exchanges, established efficient routes for operations and resupplying, passed concealed weapons through metal detectors, punched tech guys in the face to get passwords, decide which businesses to expand on based on the market and my own financial capabilities, experimented hundreds of ways to escape prison, learned the sensitive parts of the human body to hit when you attack, and protect when you take a beating, estimated the risk/reward ratio of jobs based on a number of factors, made informed purchases by comparing different products available and their characteristics...

It's like you've never thought back on everything you did in video games and how much you learned from it.

>you're really not, you're just chasing numbers
>if you like to complete a game you're not having fun

>hating achievements
it's is so fucking hard for you guys to understand that is very possible to enjoy the game and achievements?


>dropping multiple enemies with one well-placed shot

Is this satire? Or do you honestly like achievements?
Anybody have that interview of some old guy insulting the intellegence of Americans on how all you have to do is tell them how great they are even if not true and they just slurp it up?

That's a funny way of saying shit band with great musicians

Some of these like managing an inventory or finance may be applicable but learning how to escape from prison or fight in an adventure game is not the same as putting it in practice.

>whatever custom hitsound used in TF2
>Shoot random critpipe/crocket
>go away
>hitsound but really fucking loud

I can't wait for todd to bestow the option of paid mods to us consumers so we can use mods and still gain achievements.

I've already pre-ordered a stack of Bethesda Point Cards. It's an incredible value.

I invested all my gbp into Bethesda points, I highly expect them to become a cryto currency