Which one are you going to romance Sup Forums?

Which one are you going to romance Sup Forums?

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ginger pubes

the one that does not look like a homosexual

you shotacon

The lumberjack looking dude.

>that hot ginger guy
there better be some lewd scenes in this game

>voiced by game grumps

...and not buying

Pink shirt no homo

Alcoholic werewolf dude on the left. Greying hair is my fetish.

What the hell is this?


None of them, but if I was forced into it, the ginger.

>Ginger on the right
Slightly reminds me of the guy from My Brother's Husband


All of them because they're all hot as fuck.

>tfw you will never have a daddy harem

a game where you play as a single dad dating other single dads

>Dating someone with a kid

Hell no.

That baby is faggot too.


which one are you going to romance now, Sup Forums

Your concern is noted.

>i've got poopy butt
>your dick has poor dick feel
sounds like a nightmare desu


Wheres Roadhog

Far right.

seems like bioware found its niche,at long last

None of them have enough hot body to be Roadhog

Maybe they should have prioritized drawing genuinely attractive daddies instead of focusing on a human gradient?

Then I pick the refund option.

going the secret daughter route

The dude on the far left, looks like the kind of guy that doesn't fuck around but is deeply good and loyal, kinda like Clint Eastwood

Burt Reynolds glass me?

Considering there is a light skinned guy in the middle, left and right. There is no discernible pattern that could be considered a gradient. Since this is Sup Forums you could have just said "niggers".

Far left

Far right.

>Orange hair
>Most masculine of the lot

ginger guys are pretty qt too, i'd choose him especially as a daddy

>being mascoline is being obese

Far right master race.

The ginger will treat me right. he's also hot af desu
Everyone else looks like some faggot ass melenial or straight fucking edgelord.

>both guys have children

They're bi, all humans are inherently bisexual, most just are in the closet.


If you choose anyone but the ginger, your honestly just TRYING to be different.



the only acceptable one is the one in the middle or the long hair emo dude

far left is literally me

>Tyson Hesse contributed for this game
I bet he did all the nipples.

Please be my boyfriend.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, faggot.