Which pirate game will rule the seas this year

Which pirate game will rule the seas this year,
Sea of Thieves or Skull and Bones?

(Also name me some other good pirate games)

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why is the pirate on the left wearing a german WW1/WW2 helmet?

Skull and bones, could be the winner if it has a good single player campaign. I simply don't see Sea of thieves getting a online following going to boost popularity.

It's more of a guideline

Why are pirates suddenly the new fad. We already did this shit like 10+ years ago.

I really don't see Skull&Bones being a big thing. It's an esports game about boats, so maybe in russia, but for example no streamer is gonna make it their big game. It' such a generic concept, even if it's well done.

Sea of Thieves however offers wacky adventures and actually challenging exploring, so depending on how well they do those parts, it might be great. I don't even think combat will matter that much, aslong as its some average shit, the game will sell if the world is well done


Ask Actavistion.

You've probably played Black Flag already, but if you liked that then definitely get Assassins Creed Rogue.

What part of Skull and Bones makes it a pirate game? Looks like it's only a PvP naval warfare game.

Is Assassins Creed Black Flag on PC fucked up or am I just too old now? I tried playing it with KB+M but I couldn't go stealth for the life of me. Controls were too slow and I couldn't move swiftly.

Is rogue a good ship game as well?
Thinking of getting it, but i didn't want that much assassin stuff to get to the boating again.

Blackwake. Try Corsairs 1/2 for a more ship-oriented experience.
My nigga.

Isn't a dev making a big pirate MMO that actually looks pretty good so far?

The fact that you control a fucking pirate fleet and loot and pillage the area until ships explicitly mentioned as pirate hunters chase you off.

>every player controls a single ship
>'looting' is just staying in a circle while a meter fills up
>boarding is a cutscene
>no swashbuckling
>no free roam
>no trading
>no economy system
>no diplomacy system
So, a pirate-themed naval warfare game? I don't play pirate games so the NPCs call me a pirate but I'm tasked to just do regular shit. I want the freedom of choice to go about doing whatever the fuck I want in the world. Sid Meier's Pirates and even Black Flag offered that, what the fuck is this offering? Looks like a major step back.

Are the POTC games actually any fun?

its all on a cycle, after pirates dinosaurs come back then ninjas, then robots, then aliens and finally hobbits. then it resets all over again.
How is this so hard for some people to understand?

Yes, it's got a lot of boat content and much less of the "tail this person on foot" missions that Black Flag had so many of.

skull and bones isn't a pirate game

Naval Action

Skull and bones looks really... barebones as far as controlling the ships goes. I think that'd get boring really fast. If boarding turned into some sort of action swashbuckling shit that might've saved it, but as it is, it's basically an extremely slow and clunky shooter.

Sea of Thieves might be cool if the world actually has lots of unique shit to do and a good sense of progression, but if the whole thing is just like that trailer then fuck that. The combat was absolutely nothing too, fighting the skeletons looked boring.

Skull and bones will sell more, but it'll be abandoned after a few months when something else comes out. Sea of Thieves is going to be forgotten a week after release.

I keep hearing random shit saying as how Skull & Bones was just shown off at E3 suddenly for ubisoft to beef up its roster at E3.

Apparently there is boarding gameplay but it wasnt ready since it still uses assassins creed combat.

The rumor is they basically just took the ship combat and Black Flag gave it multiplayer components and BAM we got a game and this was all done at super last minute apparently too.

Is Sea of Thieves gonna be W10 exclusive like all the other xbone/PC games from windows have been? Because I don't think a single one of those has done that well.

Right on the description of it on Uplay it said that it's made by the same people that did the AC boat combat. They're not hiding it and I think using it as a selling point considering how well received Black Flag was because of that part of the game.

Even with this boarding combat is coming since black flag fucking had it

Also sea monster fights so thats cool

Skull and Bones looked awful, about five times as bad as For Honor

It's not a new fad, just because there were was one recent pirate movie recently doesn't it's a big fad. If anything there are barely any pirate vidya.

Sea of Thieves will be very popular with streamers and other youtube crap. And Skull and Bones probably won't even come out with Ubi being sold.

What the fuck do I care about what things you want in a pirate game? The ships are pirate ships, they loot things, and they are chased by pirate hunters, if that's not enough for you, take it up with fucking Ubisoft, not some rando on Sup Forums, shithead.

>Skull and Bones is just Black Flag combat with a boarding animation
>Sea of Thieves is a pirate sandbox but its been teased for 3+ fucking years and it might be too barebones to really enjoy

Archeage had the coolest Naval shit but its the most P2W cashgrab MMO.

That one is, because it's not a POTC game, it's a sequel to pirate simulator Sea Dogs. Devs took Disney's money, named the game after their movie and put a side quest where you see a Black Pearl, but the rest of the game doesn't actually have anything to do with movie franchise.

Maybe people want a pirate game with actual depth instead of Assassin Creed's naval warfare being sold standalone?

How are you not disappointed that boarding is just a fucking cutscene.

>tfw I won't be able to get any of my friends to play Sea of Thieves
What's the point?

>LOL you're trying to discuss things on Sup Forums? Get the fuck out of here
No. Maybe you shouldn't have replied to me if you're this averse to discussing shit, fucko.

when it comes to being comfy and singing shanties
AC takes the cake

Both will be shit.

>tfw want to play Rogue but just can't get into it for some reason
A big detracting factor would be the modern world shit. As soon as I reach the first modern world segment where some virus or whatever is fucking Not-Ubi, I just lose all interest.

yeah, its the worst part of the series, except for the times you played desmond in AC3

Damned shame. The costumes in Rogue looks pretty good and varied, people also praise the plot quite a bit.


Skull and Bones has singleplayer though. They're marketing it completely the wrong way, but they've confirmed singleplayer. Hopefully it's not tacked on nonsense though

skull and bones will be the better game because black flag boat combat but it will die a lot faster than sea of thieves

Really? That's good news because if it's really just multiplayer nonsense that doesn't even take advantage of the pirate premise, then what's even the fucking point?

Esports is the hit new thing

Yeah but even the multiplayer portion they showed off is barebones and boring as fuck. I doubt anyone would be hyped to watch it being played competitively.

Salt is pretty fun

Sea of thieves looks painfully boring

Yep. They mentioned it in some interviews, just nowhere that would have any actual exposure for some reason. They confirmed new shanties too, which would have no reason to be in if it was only multiplayer

Doesn't matter, they are trying to goad streamers into buying it so they can get their army of gullible fans to buy it so they can "be pirates together"

Desmond in AC3 and Brotherhood heck even in 2 where you have to kill a bunch of people in the parking lot was the tightest shit ever.

I think you used the wrong image

What a silly notion. I mean, Sea of Thieves had been shown 2 years back now, I think, and they think they can capture a crowd with straight up naval warfare with a pirate coating for this? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

They're effectively sabotaging their own project in this way. They honestly should have shown off some singleplayer first before jumping into multiplayer since the MP looks tacked on and barebones as fuck.

>Making good decisions

Salazar was literally the only good thing about the new Pirates movie
I was rooting for him the entire time

One will be dead within a month, the other will be populated by russian hackers and kids. Guess who.

I have no fucking idea who makes the marketing decisions at Ubisoft but that fuck should've been fired a while ago

>not knowing how to conversate

I recommend Pirate: The Caribbean Hunt for Android. You can fast travel, but then you don't meet random enemy ships nor find goods floating in crates in the open sea, so it's better to travel in real time (though the time of a day and weather still doesn't change through time, only when you enter a port or island's instance, hope they fix that at some point) and boy, sails are long. At the beginning with a shitty ship the shorter sail in real time will take about half an hour, and if you want to sail from one end of a part of map (you unlock parts of map), prepare for a few hours of staring at the screen, hunting crates and avoiding/hunting enemy ships. A game for patient people

Salazar did nothing wrong
I enjoyed the movie though, pretty good for a 5th sequel

skull and bones will literally be a one note multiplayer experience like for honor even though it has the promise of a full fledged pirate rpg ubisoft devs are just way too incompetent to make real games.

Best Shantey



Blackwake is already The pirate game.