>50% extra damage given
>500% extra damage taken
50% extra damage given
Other urls found in this thread:
>15.07% extra damage done when under 1.13% hp
>trivial bonus
>50% damage amp bonus is trivial
>he gets hit by things
you are as CASUAL as you are POOR and IRISH
>1% chance to instantly kill enemy on hit
You can call me casual and poor but I ain't no clover cuddler
>500% extra damage
>HP reduced to 10%
>5% chance to instantly cut off enemies head on hit
>instantly kills most things unless they dont need their heads or have more then 1 head
we DnD now
>not stacking the fuck out of health and armor/resistances on top of life leech
>that guy who uses infusion
>.001% chance to steal 1-2 mana over 300 seconds
>Only applies to every 3rd wednesday from 330pm - 5pm GMT
>doesn't work on bosses
>500% extra damage
nigga that shit sounds ridiculous, you'll probably 1shot everything
who cares if you have 10% HP, the only hit point that matters is the last one
>Dark Souls 2 & 3 light builds in a nutshell .jpg
You think RoR2 is going to have glass as default considering how popular it was?
>release a poison nova on death
>enemy teleports when hit
Whats wrong with it?
>find out friend plays risk of rain
>oh shit nigger let's play
>glass isn't on
>command is on
>slogging through the game
>ask him if he wants to unlock glass
>he says he has it unlocked and prefers it off
Fucking hell, I nearly forgot how slow the game was with it off too
Pretty much gets rid of the punishment for using glass
Makes it way too easy
>Attack speed increases directly proportional to missing health
>wizards are ripped as fuck and can use weapons