The best WRPG of all time is coming out in 2 weeks, yet there are no threads on Sup Forums about it. Why?

The best WRPG of all time is coming out in 2 weeks, yet there are no threads on Sup Forums about it. Why?

sorry to bug but... We've passed the interfaces like that, it's all 3d and dialogues now user. Even baluds gate was an improvement.


sure looks like it's from 90s

I've had sex so I'm not interested

It has no waifus or any kind of controversy around it.

it has qt walking eyeball girls

i'll believe it when i see it

I hope there's a option of making the walking around window bigger. The UI taking up 80% of the screen has always been bad design.

also I'm going to crack the fuck up if this somehow delayed again in 2 weeks.

Wizardry was such a bad game series. It's totally understandable because it came out so early, but 3D turn-based RPGs haven't been justifiable since about 1996.

nigga wizardry 8 is one of the best rpgs ever made.

the 90s called they want their shitty UI back

bait hitting ass and legs oh god it's heavan

which is the better version of wizardry 8? gog or steam?

That looks great! I can't wait to see if its any good.

>20 years for that

>It has no controversy
You haven't been following it, I assume? There has been a lot of bitching about the guy trying to start up more than one Indiegogo to fund the game. I do hope his game is successful.

>which is the better version of wizardry 8? gog or steam?
GOG, because you can just get the install file and don't need to screw with anything else. Plus, it comes with the instruction manual. You definitely want the manual for that game.

into the trash it goes

thank you!

It's kind of notorious in its niche. Cleve (the developer) is a fucking nutcase.

It looks horrifyingly clunky and bloated.
I want to play it.

I don't trust that it'll actually be released until I'm downloading it. I do look forward to playing it if he delivers this time.

Very interesting game. I'll buy it for sure!

20 years well spent.

video game waifus?

What do you mean, bloated? having 11 different stats and 50 million skills and resistances isnt bloated!

The pure power of autism channeled into a video game.

>You haven't been following it, I assume?
Following no, I recall reading about it every now and then over the years though.
Still not enough bang for vee to care, you know what I mean.

I also hope it's successful, never got into WRPG that much besides a few hours of Grimrock, but it's never too late to catch on a genre.

>millions of things
It sounds frightening, but I want that even though I never played such RPGs. How much will it cost? Will there be a release on GOG too? Should I try Wizardry 8 first before buying? I got Wizardry 6-8 from a bundle years ago.

What is the best Might&Magic game? I want to get it as long as GOG's summer sale is still there.

what is the level cap?

probably around $20-30, GOG release is coming later. Might as well, but install the double combat speed mod first.


>dungeon crawlan gaem
>it wasn't made in Japan

wew, these devs must've been inside a time capsule that was only recently dug up.

>look it's so hardcore because you need a skill to read spellbooks, one to memorize spells, one to regenerate mana, one to cast spells successfully, and so on
More is not always better. Just like in Wizardry, if you want to be a good mage you need to pick up 5 very obvious skills otherwise it's a broken character. It's just pointless padding and no reason why they couldn't put them all into a "casting" skill.

Shame they kept the "play" area so small.
M&M and its menu to the right and characters at the bottom is bad enough but why go overboard when you dont have to here?

Most of those skills like Arcanum, Assaying, Barter, Scribe, Mythology, etc. are for non-combat purposes. They might be useless and there might be too many of them, but they're definitely not redundant.

no one knows, ask the developer

This. Also annoying clicking voice during character select.

Is anyone even hyped or are people just relieved this is finally out?

My austism is itching to get its hands on it.

hyped? i still refuse to believe that this will be out but if it does i'll buy it day 1.

Tell me more.

Cleve's single most gratest achievement other than pissing off that bitch Brenda over her fucking Bradley over.

Bradley's Wizardry = Best Wizardry.

Cleve is a special child. He has been talking about a lot of weird shit that he "has done". Including shooting people during Stonewall riots, claiming he's a Neanderthal, claiming he has a secret bunker etc.

But this is the weirdest shit: For YEARS he has claimed that he worked on Wizardry 8 Stones of Arnhem. No one believed him and lo and behold 1-2 years ago someone was clearing out a storage unit with old Sir-Tech documents and what turned up was:

Stones of Arnhem docs, sketches for monsters, bills, letter to Cleve from Sirotek bros. And other crazy shit.

So what was the story behind Wizardry 8? After Wizardry 7, Sir-Tech contracted some company in Australia that Cleve worked with to do a sequel. Bradley at this point had a falling out with Sir-Tech and they wanted to continue milking the cow using the old engine for a new game. Wiz 8 being subcontracted to a bunch of newbies in game design turned into 2 year disaster that resulted in NOTHING - after that time of course Wizardry 8 (Nemesis) under Sir-Tech's branch with Brenda behind the writing emerged. Bradley left meaning that any resolution that Wizardry 7 was building up was never what Wiz 8 delivered. Stones of Arnhem wasn't that great either, no... it was terrible. But for years Cleve kept telling this story and how Sirotek bros and Brenda fucked over Wizardry and no one believed him.

And then he got evidence to prove it.

On top of that since 1997 he was working of his version of Wizardry 7... and after 20 years it's finally coming out. Took a while eh?

On top of that - guy is a 500% loon.

Sup Forums is too pleb and full of children for dungeon crawlers.

>one gorillion stats & skills
>in the end 80% of it will be a useless trap
You know how it is with this kind of game

He's an assburger believing himself to be a neanderthal descendant. He's also a far right christian living in a bunker, for which he wrote his own operating system. And he has spent 23 years of his life developing a Wizardry clone. I'd recommend reading the Codex thread about his time at Sirtech, but I think it's been moved from the public part of the forums.

He sounds like a real piece of work. I think I'll try his game when it's out. I'm really curious what a mind like his could create in video game format.

He's a perfectionist and a pretty good writer, so it'll be interesting to see how Grimoire turns out

>It has no controversy

You what. It has the mother of all controversies. The Sirotech gangrape parties.

Will it have qt anime girls? I need something for my crippling loneliness


Are you okay with furries and eyeball people? If so, then yes.

There's a demo out already. If I can say anything about it is: Tech-wise the game is stuck in early 90s, so no handholding, keep notes and maps. You do get a journal that gives you hints ala an oracle in Dungeon Master.

The game feels like a Wizardry side-story but suffers a fair bit from few drawbacks - slow combat, NPC chasing and well... it is a game that takes a while.

Perfectionist, yes. Good writer? I'd lean towards "Worse than Bradley, better than Brenda".

Bradley is unchallenged in terms of good writing.

Don't forget his personality is rather bad.

I'm hyped alright.

he had 20 years,if it turns out like that then he'll get his personal congoid buttsex apocalypse courtesy of the fine gentlemen over at *that* site