Which games have the most pathetic hatebases on Sup Forums?

Which games have the most pathetic hatebases on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/steam refund 2/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Playing paragon actual graphics/type/op/

anything sony related

There's a guy who gets furious whenever anyone likes FF15 and starts calling everyone FFXV-kun, it might actually be the same guy in your pic.

He really needs to get a life.

Imagine getting mad at an unreleased game.



I've been called XV-kun once too lol.

Holy Kek I hope that guy was paid, otherwise it's literally the most autistic thing I've ever seen.

What game is this?

>Tfw when you see non stop hate threads for Crash, Jak and Daxter and Shadow of the Colossus

man that shit was crazy


The Mario and Luigi RPG games

This one.


Good lord...


That guy who saves screencaps of people criticizing Overwatch and uses them to "BTFO" a game he has a militant hateboner for.

thats it, im done with this website

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/steam refund 2/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop/

this has to take the cake.
he is in EVERY SINGLE switch thread, and anything related. sometimes in even non-switch threads, he'll still post that image if someone even thinks about the switch.

does barney fag count?

how pathetic does one have to be to start a thread just to derail it yourself? and do it multiple times a day for months on end.

>13 fucking pages
good lord

What the fuck

This. Sonyroaches cannot have a thread where they don't resort to shitflinging or name calling, and they'd be better off getting their own containment board.

He goes by the name pokeybarneyfag.

He'll always derail a thread if someone posts an image that links back to derpibooru or turns up MLP searches when google searched.

Jealous you don't have an argumentative leg to stand on, Blizztards?

jesus christ this post is an endless ride

So he associates pokemon with barney?

you're getting him mixed up though

To this day no one has managed to out-cringe ACfag.

the xv fanboy is worse

>mfw he's back again because Metroidfags finally have something to look forward to again
I know the fanbase is pretty obnoxious in themself but even they don't deserve this kind of autist shitting up nearly every fucking thread they try to have.

What the fuck does AC even stand for?


The Oversuck red pill is a tough one for underages raised on spunkgargleweewee to swallow.

nintendo fans are always the most unhinged group on Sup Forums

tinfoil hat which the 5 primefags on the board have on too tight.


imagine being autistic enough to make this image

just filter him you faggot

oh my god it's actually you.

>NeoGAF are Nintendo fanboys
>NeoGAF are devoted weebs
Remind me why we hate NeoGAF again?


What about the Wii U scam guy?

Every time Horizonfags make a worship thread for that game,, "somehow" a dozen anti nintendo threads also pop up in the same time period.

So much autism all together

You do know that "engineered to steal away life from you for profit" applies to all media, right?

Yea, always calling everyone Horizon-kun and also posts in the exact same format.

Shouldn't you be trolling "Nintendaipars" in another "Ninturdo" thread right now, pokebarneyfag?

people this asshurt about overwatch that bring up quake don't actually play quake 90% of the time

*sigh* *groan* *brap*
u-uh, did you say something?

>not playing a game that's had its audience stolen by billions of brainwashing dollars spent towards shoveling spunkgargleweewee and Overshit into their mouths

i can get a game in every quake right now including quake 4

That's one mad Sonybro

Dark Souls.

>come into thread about the most cancerous hateposting
>rewarded with cancerous hateposting

Do you not see the irony?

It's not a hate poster, but does anyone have one of those archive searches for the actual graphics guy? I wanna see how many times he's posted it.

Animal Crossing?

He actually has some decent points in there, but it's buried in typical Sup Forums misanthropy, buzzwords and meandering. With some editing, he could have an article even.

this is my favorite part of the internet

cataloging the pure unhinged psychosis that causes people to make these kinds of ranting posts every single day for years

the wild part is that they're regular people with lives. barneyfag goes outside. slugfucker has a job. ACK is a real living breathing person. these people disguise themselves as average. it's like fucking invasion of the body snatchers.

cant get worse than this


boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Playing paragon actual graphics/type/op/

Barneyfag leaves his house? Does he actually have friends with the level of autism he's on?

Kingdom Hearts.

His point is literally that he's too bitter about not being good enough to solo carry his whole team to enjoy overwatch for what it is

*enter kh thread
>playing kiddie shit
>everyone is gay
>kingpoop farts
>People still like this shit
>kh3 when
every time


>neofag is nintendo
In what world?

The only times I went to FFXV threads and called the game shit people gave me some random ass names. I don't know the lore of FFXV threads but apparently there's 2 factions fighting a war and using namefags as proxies. If you're not FFXV-kun then you are the other faggot.

Nice try XV-kun

I'll never understand the people who do this

atm is currently crash posting. There is always a thread every fucking day, every hour for a fucking remaster. Like what are these retards talking about.

I would actually welcome something like this. Sup Forums is the absolute worst board on Sup Forums, even behind /mlp/. The less amount of time I have to share with you the better. And since you guys love ponies so much, seeing how you managed to spam that shit until it got wordfiltered Sup Forums should be merged with /mlp/ as soon as sony gets a containment board.

They're the kind of people with a lot of free time and no real purpose in life.

It's basically FFxv-kun and a couple of people who b8 him into throwing temper tantrums. With constant accusations of samefagging and nonstop autism, XV threads are some good piece of cancer I tell you waht

>people keep making threads for a game that's coming out soon and is something a lot of people are looking forward to
I don't know user, what SHOULD we be making threads for, then?

what a retarded fucking post
>it's a fucking video game what is there to talk about

There's a point where it's overkill and becomes shilling. XIV already has a general on /vg/ yet for over a month Sup Forums has been getting multiple XIV threads at any one time flooding the pages. Well above the usual.

atleast he doesn't copy pasta

That makes it even sadder.


The AI in the game is pure kino, but
>muh story

This is a video game board used by hundreds of people, why should people not talk about the video games they want to even if it's been talked about by others recently? Is there some kind of strict rule saying you can't talk about a video game if someone else already has? If so, then what fucking video games CAN we talk about?


There's that one fag who tells everyone to go to /vg/ in every thread about New Vegas.


Anything related with Kickstarter. So many games that are good was made because of KS, but MN.9 and Yooka Laylee being mediocre/bad games had made everyone too cynical and shit on every thread that's a KS game

>implying I care

There is no lunatic on Sup Forums who can compete with Sup Forums's Anti Crack-Kun. He is the gold standard for paranoia and thread killing.

>actually posting in /feg/

My question is how does he catch every single derpibooru several-degrees-of-separation-related image if that's the case?

It's kinda funny is all

How do we get rid of the high-functioning autists. They're on every board. There's even a guy spamming about how bad anal is on /gif/

It's literally impossible to solo carry a team in Overwatch you fucking idiot. Blizzard specifically designed the "game" to be that way. Every hero is a weak piece of shit with cooldown-neutered "abilities" that can't do fucking jack if even one teammate isn't playing properly which, given the intelligence of the average Blizzard/Overwatch cocksucker, is ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Morons like yourself should be forced to play TF2 so they can get an idea of how a shooter is supposed to be designed.

that's just ordinary autism, not high-functioning autism or any of that glorified almost-normal stuff

Oh, I forgot, my favorite one is that legitimately insane Brit that flips his shit in Asian threads

Nintenbros. They cried about paid online but yet now they're defending it, and also don't forget remasters are okay now because nintendo is doing it.

You should consider learning to aim