Michel Ancel directing it

>Michel Ancel directing it
>Christophe Heral is composing the music
>Made by the first Rayman and BGE team

Why do we hate this game again?

Other urls found in this thread:


because it's a prequel to a game that ended with a cliffhanger in another solar system with no appreciable connections beyond a name slapped onto the game

>completely change the art style and tone
>add in tons of edgy swearing
>it's a prequel despite the original ending on a cliffhanger
>it's a multiplayer only pseudo-MMO like Destiny
>literally nothing has been done on the game besides the trailer, easily another 3 years out

Fuck niggers and fuck diversity

it's a video game dude

Because it's going to be Mafia 3 all over again. You could tell when the Female Jew said "Multicultural Society".

>post fuck trump, fuck white people
>you would respond with YASSS QUEEN, SLAY

>no appreciable connections

Blatanty wrong.

Care to try again, sweetie?

Basically what this guy said

You know there was a shitload of diversity in first one, right?


>You know there was a shitload of diversity in first one, right?
No there wasnt, what little "diversity" there was certainly wasnt pandering to the SJW marxist crowd that is infiltrating vidya now

>change the art style


>literally nothing has been done on the game besides the trailer

Wrong. Engine's finished.

Feel free to try again, sweetie. You're so dumb and amusing!

Looks nothing like the first game and Ancel is working on WILD at the moment, which means this game is either a decade away or he's going to rush out 2 mediocre games.

>early access MMO shit

>early access


>day zero


Wrong again, honey. You're real dumb today!

Keep trying, okay? I won't tell you to go back to Sup Forums like those other meanies.

why is this even called beyond good and evil 2


>Looks nothing like the first game

Wrong. Ask your mommy nicely and maybe she'll buy it for you! Wouldn't that be a treat?

Go on and play now, snookums. Try to be smart, okay? No more shitposting. :)

Because it'll be beyond good.

They are taking the same approach.


''The Space Monkey Program, as it's officially known, is Ubisoft's "way of inviting passionate members of the community to be the first to play, to share ideas and inspirations, and to crash test all of the creative and gameplay elements that make up [Beyond Good & Evil 2's] game world: as early and as often as possible."

The early-access esque approach to development, the online aspects of the game, and the fact that players create a character instead of having one crafted by the developers has left me more concerned about Beyond Good & Evil 2 than excited. ''

>Create your character, ship, drop in multiplayer co op

Its more Destiny.

>game that ended with a cliffhanger
look I don't want to start a rant about it, but it was not a cliffhanger.
The story in BGE was concluded and that stupid one second "cliffhanger" at the very end is a meme that plagued multimedia products for years. It was probably ubisoft that told them to add it so that they had an """excuse""" to make a hypothetical sequel.
Let's be honest, BGE had a happy ending.

Other than that I agree that the new BGE is something that shouldn't have happened because they are just whoring a brand without even trying to make it a true BGE game, especially after they said the game is going to be GTAstyle.


Just give me Rayman 4 already

It's a sequel, cutie-pie. Just like when your new dad came into the picture. :)

You didn't refute my other point so I already won, Jimmy.

Its a confirmed prequel retard.

>yfw they will make Globox a nigger

But it will also be evil, so.

Michael Ancel doesn't like creating the same game over and over, fucktard. He's not whoring shit.

It will never come out anyway. Vivendi will have taken over Ubisoft very soon and then it's going to be cancelled anyway.

Sweety posting never took off for a reason. Its a shit meme.

Thank god.

Yes, but it can still be called Beyond Good & Evil 2. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Go get ready for bed now, okay? No more dumb questions. :)

>more diversity nigger with brillo hair shit

No, thanks. I'll gladly spend my money and time on other software.

That's not how it works, sweetie. Okay? Mommy will explain later.

Grown ups are talking now. :)

man I completely forgot about this, it's gonna be shit isn't it.


I don't get where or why this sweetieposting thing started, but I feel like it's too obvious and weak to achieve what it sets out to. Like the responses those guys gave is the exact opposite of what you'd want, meaning it's ineffective as shit. So what's the point?

Op is trying REALLY hard to force his Reddit meme posting.

>>add in tons of edgy swearing
B-BUT Jim "fuck my wife please" Sterling told me it was cool that the monkey (Who's voiced by a black man) swore

Yes I'm sure he begged ubisoft for years to let him do a GTA prequel to BGE.
>It's the Beluga :DDDDDDD

>Too ineffective
Got you replying to three separate posts.

>plays like Borderlands and Destiny
>Why are you not interested xD

It's not early access if you don't pay for it.
It's called playtesting and there is nothing wrong with it.

>implying this is one person
You would have been responded to just for having shit opinions, your autistic memes would normally be ignored otherwise. Do you even know where you are

He actually did. He talked about a space opera GTA back in the 2000's

>implying THIS is one person
>STILL responding, getting angrier
I'd say it's done its job

Here's some perspective

Monster Hunter 1 came out in 2004.

BG&E2 was released in 2003.

Now, imagine there wasn't a single Monster Hunter release between then and now.

Why should anyone care? It might as well be a new IP at this point.

>It's not early access if you don't pay for it.

Free to play Early Access games exist.


Kill yourself OP. This game will end up cancelled anyway. 3 years just to make the engine and the game itself is at 0% lmao.

I was 12 when BGE came out so it's part of my childhood memories.
And when you're older, you still care about things from your childhood.

Tell me, user, Would you fuck Sterling's wife? Take your time.

I only played BGE HD a few years ago and I fell in love with it. Been looking forward to this at every E3 since and of course Sup Forums shitposts it into oblivion with the muh diversity angle.

Because the vast majority of people on this board are underage or migrated from Sup Forums, and do nothing but shit post about the fact black people exist in their video games because they got "le redpilled" or just want to fit in with their secret club.

>the vast majority of people on this board are underage

Is it true? Then where did all the Sup Forumsirgins from 2007 go?

out of all the arguments against this prequel you chose the ebin Sup Forums memes, wow nice lad.

Making fun of autismos doesn't count as anger user

You just know there's going to be a lot of SJW symbolism and handholding.

It waited until Ubisoft became the shitty by-the-numbers Hillary-machine it is today to happen.

So what if the engines finished. Game still won't be out til 2020. Why announce so early?

Name an AAA without handholding

Michel Ancel and Ubisoft are French
the game perfectly represent the demographics in their country

>fell for the meme and bought BGE on PS3
>can't even swing your weapon outside of combat, enjoy taking pictures of bullshit
It's like Zelda and Metroid Prime if they were both combined into one shitty game, what's the appeal of this series?

I have never seen a more blatant shill on Sup Forums

There's no reason to have any emotion to it at all, that trailer is literally all that has been made of the game. It won't come out for at least another four years, and with Ancel leading it we'd be lucky to get a demo in four years.

The little details.
>Seeing that couple of kids going to sleep under a tree

>tfw you'll die before they finish Beyond GTA and Evil sequel and ruin BGE reputation

>4 years
>I'll be 30 when this game release

And probably still a virgin

>that trailer is literally all that has been made of the game

Wrong again.

Yeees, just like Anthem

Ancel said about gameplay video this week. How can this be day zero of development?

How does it look like Anthem?

>yousvote to the left! :DDDD

It's not like Ubisoft did that before, right?