Underrated wii games thread

underrated wii games thread


Well shit, I fogot all about this. One of the best shooters on Wii. Kinda cool that they were able to get Daniel Craig too


Legit loved this game.

also pretty fun

Wii was an underrated console. Wii > Wii U for sure.


Exceptional taste, Red Steel 2 was straight-up one of my favourite Wii games.

Great game. The insta-deaths were a littlr annoying though.

Red Steel 2 was fantastic, such an improvement over the first game

>Nintendo pulls the plug at the last minute before the original N64 game gets ported to XBLA and Wii
>Get COD: 007 Edition instead, that just gets ported to the other platforms a year later anyway
It wasn't a bad game but holy shit Nintendo is fucking stupid.


It was a shit console. The Wii U was just even shittier.

It was just a straight up good game. Saddens me we'll likely never get another game like it since waggle memes poisoned everyone's opinion on motion controls.

If I recall, it used the motion+ upgrade which vastly improved the wiimote's performance. I enjoyed the madmax/wildwest designs too, it seems derivative of something but I can't put my finger on it.

How does it feel to have such shit taste?

The online for this was fun ngl

Never played it. What type of game was it?


Red steele 2 was such a good game why can't ubisoft make another

tfw no 3DS port

The Wii was garbage. The second worst Nintendo Home Console.

Reggie made an appearance on Dorito Pope's E3 stream to play a match of Arms with him, and he kept specically saying "This isn't waggle" when talking about how the motion controls work in the game.

Wrong image fuck

more fun than hl2

Third-person action game with very large levels. I recently replayed it and it hasn't aged well.

This is a Wii appreciation thread.

I don't think switch could do a game like RS2 though, no pointer. Honestly I think the switch seems cool but part of me wishes Nintendo just made Wii 2.0. The controls were legit interesting just needed better hardware and devs who weren't retarded.

>The 360 version was still better

What platform would they put it on? No system has those kind of controls anymore.

The conduit games were really good. I was really hoping they'd make a third one

>I don't think switch could do a game like RS2 though, no pointer.

Actually I think it could, gyro aiming works fine in other games - it's certainly way more accurate than the wiimote. It would just need to have the reticle onscreen.

custom playlist using the sd card slot was my jaaaaaaaaaaaaam. I loved Excite Truck.

That game was fucking trash. When you play the re-release on the other consoles you realise it's just a mediocre CoD ripoff

>gyro aiming works fine in other games

such as? also the infrared camera in the pointer was how the wii re calibrated the gyro in the motion plus, sony did it with the playstation camera and those colored balls, far as I know something like that is necessary for any gyro based system or it's just gonna go out of sync all the time cause of drift. How would switch account for that?

>The Conduit

every time

It doesn't turn into CoD until like 3/4 of the way through

The Wii is Underrated Gems: The Console.

kek I remember this game. don't think I ever played 2 did the devs redeem themselves at all? campaign in 1 was an embarrassment though I admit I had some fun online it wasn't very good either, super buggy.

Works brilliantly for aiming the bow in BotW and it will be used in Spaltoon as well.

As for calibration a simply button press is all that's needed to 'center' it if goes out of sync - although I've never experienced that on Switch. The icecube tech in the joycons is actually pretty advanced.

Game is legitimately asshole

well whatever the case I'm still doubtful of a new RS2 like game since it wasn't very well revived by critics or consumers.

The weak reviews pissed me off so many people who obviously just didn't like brawlers criticized it for being a first person brawler and so many complaints about the story while totally disregarding it was one of the first games to do motion control well in an actual game and not a waggle fueled mini game fest.

2 had a better campaign, better graphics, new weapons, dat ass and a pretty cool ending, though it was too short and I didn't like the new voice actors

It felt so rushed and not worth the 400 kr. I paid for it. Almost no content at all. Still I had some fun, the jumps in that game were breath taking.

the switch it has motion controls.

Good tastes.

Yeah, for me, Red Steel 2 was a great showcase for the potential of the Wii, which, unfortunately, very few devs bothered trying to explore.


Super monkey ball , super paper Mario , no more heroes, punch out, trauma center new blood

splitscreen multiplayer was fucking blast though due to the like "cheats" you could do to set the match to something really fun

Man, the 2nd Conduit was so retarded storywise but at least it had some great boss battles. I also miss the multiplayer. The drudge weapons in general were great, too.

This. Too many games completely ignored because of AAA 3rd party walls of shame or gamers who SHOULD know better flat-out ignoring the gems.

please post more good games, i just installed homebrew and need recommendations

Wii was awesome.

Mah nigga.

They shouldve made a wii 2 instead of wii U. The wii brand still had legs. It was trusted by families. Everybody knew it. A straight up Wii 2 with HD graphics and an improved wiimote would've done so much better and it would've been cheaper to produce and sell.

They spent years teaching everybody - from grandmothers to children - how to use wiimotes. Then they flushed it all down the toilet with Wii U. They had a good brand going

The Wii U used wiimotes too.

Fuck this was amazing, way better than StarFox imo.


shooting was kinda meh, but the swordplay was fucking fantastic, sending niggas to fly, hitting them in the air and slamming them down was really satisfying

pandoras tower
the last story
fragile dreams

Yeah this. Never met anyone else who played it. I guess people just assumed it was going to be shit.