Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Why would you do this?...

The woman was in the wrong for dressing and posing in such a way to deliberately incite lust in others, the designer was in the wrong for coming up with this scenario, the developer was in the wrong for implementing it, the player was in the wrong for playing a game with content that could easily serve to poison his mind with impure thoughts, and you were in the wrong for posting a shit thread.

Why is Japan such a degenerate country?

Japan's media acts as the polar opposite of its society. They are strict conservatives.

>twitter feed has anti-chirstain propaganda and he loves muslims.

What's it like living in the late 80s and 90s still blaming Christianity for censorship, you fucking moron.

hmm that's so strange. They make just as much cuck blacked porn as America, yet they hate niggers irl and won't even let them in certain places

What was he worried about, why does it matter if he saw porn?

This is very accurate. They live such soulless lives that their variety game shows, film, TV, anime, and pron paint a different more fun time. But in reality it's just work work work, no fun, and no sex.

*tips suicide vest*

he is gay?

His mom was in the wrong for giving birth to him lol

He's christian and doesn't want to see it.

>literal manchild

its a fucking joke.

It's not blacked porn like America. It's more taboo type and they see it more close to doing bestiality than anything else. Lots of male talent won't touch girls who fuck dogs or horses, Black guys they draw a line though.

Wait how does he know when it ends

This is true. Japan is super conservative, so all that pent up sexual frustration goes into their media. I feel like that's actually a much better alternative to the west, where we're all openly degenerates but our media censors everything left and right because soggy knees or whatever.

As opposed to America who makes even more cuck blacked porn but the women there also like niggers irl and the media worships blacks as alpha males

The developers, obviously.

How dare they subject unwilling subjects to near-pornographic content, without warning?

If they want to put this drivel in their games, there needs to be a warning on the box. Absolutely.

>I'm a Polyamorous non-binary questioning bipedal furkind
>"It's ok"
>We like girls, look at this gravure model

what a fag


Your ears still function when you cover your eyes, user.

Lots of western influence, documentary hit pieces are starting to take it toll over in japan that their gravure idol industry, Especially with girl aged 10-17 will likely end up dying.

I have a friend of a friend who is like this.

I'm playing Monster Hunter with my friend and his friend joins, and says he refuses to hunt with me because my character was wearing nargacuga armor and it was too slutty. He said he "begrudgingly" played Nier:Tomato because he loathed the character designs. After all this bitching about sexy outfits, he launches Shantae in steam and doesn't say shit. Made me 10/10 fucking mad

>people being this mad because he was just following his beliefs
atheist fags need to go now please

what the fuck are you talking about? take your fucking meds

Why do you stupid fucks keep acting like 99% of Japanese people are a-ok with pedophilia and porn?

the people still hung up on some dumb shit in an article written like 4-5 months ago

>Who was in the wrong here?

The one marries to a horse

This dude is gayer than a gay orgy party.

>hurr muh roasties, muh degeneracy, muh Japan

>the women their like niggers irl
absolutely goy of course they do

How does he look irl?

You can't even show bare breasts in a cero d or less game. Let alone anything that rockstar puts in their game.

Mmm that Wal Mart employee has a fine ass.

Isn't this the Extra Credits guy?

You watch to much cuck porn you fucking idiot. Why can't people just view porn as a make believe fantasy anymore instead of thinking it's reality?

Literal autism

I bet she was forced to pose for that video. Most of japanese women are blackmailed by the Yakuza to satisfy their degenerate porn industry.

>game features entire gangs being shot no spoilers
>gruesome torture sequences
>chopping off fingers, as yakuza do

but god FUCKING forbid i see a mammary gland

do they seriously not understand that legit penetration can't be shown unless explicitly stated. game of thrones and other shows have sexual content but you can't show an erect dick, the actual opening to a vagina, or sexual penetration in any way

She's not in the adult industry anymore.

>this bitter underage who can't talk to girls goes on Sup Forums and bases his views on reality on memes and bullshit

>It's a "let me parrot what some other user parroted on Sup Forums" episode

It may be surpriesing, but Japs are not a single hivemind person, even though they look all the same

Japan is one of the only countries where feminists are rightfully ridiculed, so I'd say they're the least degenerate.

There also Russia and Africa and the middle east. Most anti feminist countries are shitholes, Japan is barely an exception.

I only met him in person once, but he was short, skinny, and bald.

But she was and did all those nasty things because she was blackmailed by those disgusting japanese white guys.

>Most anti feminist countries are shitholes
this is what feminists want you to believe

>Read ESRB for game
>M for Mature
>'Sexual Content'

Wtf was he expecting? It's very obvious that he isn't mature enough for these kinds of games LOL

No they aren't you fucking moron. Step inside any art school over here and you'll see how wrong you are.

its a sin and will land you in hell. surely you know this?

I remember when Christian image board used to just be a meme.


>if I cry about it enough the Sup Forums boogeyman will go away
also you're blending in /r9k/ like a typical newshit

Woah woah woah hold up.
What. Game. Is. This.
I need it in my life.

Yakuza 0

I'm sure this is a problem which only exists in Japan. Thank Yaweh I live in the lovely West where there is no organized crime or sex slavery and nobody is coerced into jobs they don't want to do.