There are a million ways to play Jet Set Radio

There are a million ways to play Jet Set Radio.
But only one way to play Future.
Why have you done this Sega? 480P on sexbox hurts.

It's hard to do anything with a game you don't have the source code to that was only ever built for a platform that has almost no documentation from outside Microsoft themselves.

Bought the first game in HD hoping they'd port the second, but nope. Didn't even overhype it and expect a new game either.

Considering the bone is getting backwards compatibility, we might get another way to play it.
Not all hope is lost yet, user. There's even talks of bringing that OG Xbox backwards compatibility to PC on Windows 10

If this game isn't compatible with the OG Xbox backwards compatibility on the Xbox One on the first day, then it's literally worthless.

Watch it run as good as the 360 did. 5 frames a year on 99th street.

>tfw that only happens with the pack-in version that has Sega GT 2002 on the same disc and that's the version I own

They'll get it right this time, r-right guys?

>tfw old xbox doesnt want to work anymore

>tfw modded Xbox with a 750GB HDD full of games

Maybe all the so gs written by actual musicians might hold it back too? They didn't put them on the offical CD ost back in the day. Hello Alison!

None of those bands are doing anything these days, so they'd probably love the new exposure and royalty checks. For instance, Bis disbanded ages ago and the only other thing they're known for is the original Powerpuff Girl's theme. Scapegoat Wax (The Aisle 10 guys) only put out two albums, the second of which contained a lot of tracks from the first album, then dropped off the face of the Earth.

Worst case scenario, they can just remove some of the tracks, since most of the game's good music was done by Hideki Naganuma anyways

>mfw my Xbox is broke and I have an immense urge to play JSRF after replaying the first game

pretty sure og xbox prices are at an all time low right now

But most of them are all pretty beat up and fucked up inside.

>sequel never ever
>no games like it ever since
>no games with funky music
is it too good for this world?

The age of good video games died

There is one hope left tho

Death Stranding

Hover: Revolt of Gamers

It would probably be cheaper to repair it though. That and it still has the saves from when it still worked. Got alot of 100% games on it.

Has XBOX said when OG backwards compatibility is happening?

>set in the future
i prefer the grime of inner city strrets and hate advancements in technology

when did it come out of EA?

was it een in EA to begin with?

It came out of EA a week or two ago.

illget it oif its on sale

>tfw can't even do 480P on Sega games because of bug on last Xbox model.
>tfw console, controller, and games I like are in mint condition