What defines a game as "Reddit"?

What defines a game as "Reddit"?

If it's for cucks.

Any new western game.

Any game that is popular and well liked, surely you know Sup Forums is full of contrarians.

Non-japanese origin. Only superior japanese people create good games. I hate myself for not being borned as a japanese. Fortunately after not taking a bath for few weeks my skin is becoming slightly yellow, which is a good sign.

It's good

If i dont like it.

memes and pandering to memers


Any game I don't like

Weeb shit

any game

western shit

Any game that doesn't support donald trump

If you like it

mainstream = reddit
very simple

if its

>no longer niche
>black people/women anywhere within the game
>black people/women anywhere mention in the game

can't think of anymore.

I never really got the "reddit= Western game I don't like" meme here; aren't there places on reddit where they love anime and Japan and are unironic weeaboos?

That's a pretty crisp Pooh

When it is popular, and has few if any redeeming qualities objectively, which make it a dull experience overall, story and gameplay wise.
see: bethesda open world games

There's a place on reddit for literally everything.