Why do people say the Nintendo Switch isn't portable when it fits perfectly in my pocket?

Why do people say the Nintendo Switch isn't portable when it fits perfectly in my pocket?

You must have small dicks. I can't have too much in my pockets or my dicks fucking hurt if I get a boner

Both of them?

Now try sitting down.

>no screen-protecting case

I would like to see some proof user

If you're some 6'0 lanklet then of course it'll fit in your pockets.

If roughly a quarter of the device sticks out of your pocket, it doesn't fit in your pocket.

Why do you say you're not a faggot when my cock fits perfectly in your ass

Do you really need one if you have a tempered glass screen protector?

Portable fags are so fucking picky and annoying. They would sacrifice all the power and versatility of the Switch just so they can put it in their fucking pocket. No matter what handheld it is, your pockets would be bulky if you're carrying a wallet and a phone as well, which you likely would if you're out in public.


When will they learn

Never skip leg day.

>market laptop as a portable computer
>it can't even fit in my pocket

Why does this look so wrong?

It's a lot easier to put the switch in 1 pocket and the 2 controllers in the other.

Yesss, keep your cell in your other pocket too.
don't reproduce
it's not gonna work anyway :^]

>putting handhelds other than GBA SP and Micro in your pocket

>*bing* *bing* *wahooo*
>Whats that weird noise user?

Get better pockets.

post pics

>6"0 is lanky
How's that Napoleon complex treating you champ?


Paople who carry shit in their pockets look autistic as fuck. Fucking kys retard.

You look retarded.

>It's the new Mario Odysee. Wanna play it?
>Awesome user! Will you be my friend?
>Sure thing!
Nothing wrong here.

How convenient, im gonna buy a nintendoâ„¢ Switchâ„¢ right now wahoo

First, you could take off the joy cons and put them in a different pocket. Second, are you purposely trying to bend the screen?

If only we had pants with 3 or 4 pockets.

>turn left
>Switch flies out of pants

>free sterility

6'3 250 pound bigboy here

I like cargo shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear


Jeans have 4 pockets you know

you guys really don't understand normies. You really think normies hate the switch? All the fucking chads at work talk about is the switch and football its fucking stupid. they should buy a ps4 is they want true gaming pleasure

Too scared to ruin the sticks in some way so I prefer it in a case and in my bag.

post a picture you faggot

i don't understand the portable meme, no one plays shit on the go for more than 5 minutes or even for a couple of seconds

Are you just popping random boners during the day?

Who the fuck has more than one? Post your dicks, fag.

Wouldn't the sticks get ruined and the screen possibly scratched?

The stick messing up is the main thing that got me mad about the psp, but it's still my favorite handheld. I

Had the switch since release.

Not a single scratch. No protective screen either. In and out of the dock everyday, not doing anything special to insulate screen. Can't imagine what people would be doing to this thing that could cause scratches.

That said, I wouldn't ever put it in my pocket without removing the joycons first.

Do you not?
I find I get random boners throughout the day, especially when I'm tired.

No, how old are you?

I worry about the console bending from being in my pocket.

Not him, but I'm well into my 50s and still experience random erections throughout the day. It's normal if you maintain a healthy lifestyle (athletic body composition, normotension, etc.) and avoid pornography (i.e., have not trained your brain to ignore real-world sensuality in favor of virtual sex substitutes).

Enjoy your stick drift senpai

Notice how the front of his pants is stretched tight because he jammed the thing in there.