Just finished this game, why the FUCK does everyone keep saying that BOTW is GOTY?

Just finished this game, why the FUCK does everyone keep saying that BOTW is GOTY?

Persona is so much better

Weebshit visual novels are not games

only weebs play persona

real gamers play botw

Persona is a 2016 game

Sup Forums is like 75% assblasted nintenfags.

>visual novel

Because they haven't played Yakuza 0.
What does playing P5 have to do with GOTY, though?
Seriously though, P5>BOTW. Unfortunately, Yakuza 0>P5


Because I honestly dont think it's even that good?

Nier Automata is first, Botw is 2nd

Yakuza 0 > Persona 5 > Breasts of the Wild > Horizon Zero Dawn > Other Western Shit

What's so good about your game weeb ? It can't be the story because it's extremly average. It can't be the characters or the dialogue either because it's pure rehash.

Maybe the gameplay but you'll have to suffer through dozens and dozens of hours of trite dialogues to get to it. And it's not even that deep

So what is weeb ? The awful schyzophrenic UI ?

The game of the year this year was literally just a localization ported to steam. BotW and Persona 5 are 7/10 games

Which game is that?

I have to say, I completely agree. Yakuza 0 was probably the best game I've played this year.

I played this right after P5 and P5 looked like a joke in comparison

If you say this game isnt in the running because it came out in japan years ago P5 also isnt in the running

you don't get stuck in botw in the middle because palace sucks and you just don't feel like playing it anymore

this thread will be reduced to waifuposting sooner or later, might as well start right now: ann is the best waifu because she's the only normal female character in game. She's not your typical princess from cage show-you-the-world like mitsuru or makoto, she's not severely broken girl that likes you because she has no other choice like futaba. She's also not hopelessly kind like haru, she's not gentle femdom doctor or smart girl #636365345 either. All of that makes her literally the only good waifu for a healthy person, as every healthy person have a waifu.


I got stuck in Botw in the middle because the open world sucks and is just the same thing over and over again with like, 10 real points of interest that could have been compacted into 1/10th the size. Doing the shitty shrines over and over again got real boring real fast, and the dungeons were same-y garbage.

Can't argue with that logic.

Woa. A fpbp!

>persona 3-5
>not a visual novel

I'd rather play a game, not sit through 100 hours of teenage drama dialogue



Kore wa nan desu ka!? Fpbp na no ka!?!?!

glad we can agree


>still 6 more months until this is released

I want it now

Yare yare da ze... Fpbp

My problem with P5 is that the on rails sections were far too drawn out for what they were, expanded by the fact that the phone messages were the same fucking shit 90% of the time. When an RPG has you fast forwarding dialogue a good 60% of the way through the game and you can still just tell what is going on the game failed at some point. They had a lot of nice stuff set up but they decided to play the game far too safe

>autistic dating sim with pokemon gameplay, cringy story and shitty writing

Off yourself weebshit

>mfw fpbp and weebs eternally btfo


swap P5 and BotW

>Weebs BTFO
>Sonnyggers BTFO
What a post




le fpbp guize XD

le weebshitter le BTFO XDDD

I enjoyed Persona 4 but I wouldn't pay full price for a visual novel.

>samefag 10 post
>thread get carried away by itself

imagine being THIS assblasted about someone disliking your FotM high school simulator

Hey guys I saw the smoke from the front page is Op ok?

>teenagers with no ability to blend into a crowd (and an annoying, kawaii uguu mascot character) use a special ability that has awoken within them, along with the power of friendship, to rebel against authority figures and eventually a wicked god

See He's right, you asshole.

>weebshit faces the truth

It hurts doesn't it

It is a legit 10/10 and should be goty but it won't because Nintendo

Because BOTW never really has low points except for maybe the Goron dungeon because the puzzle was so stupid. Even then BOTWs final dungeon shits on Persona 5s which is trash.

I liked persona 5 more personally, but I can't bring myself to say it's a better game.

no since I donĀ“t like PS5

Not everyone is a 15 year old weeaboo faggot

Thank god I preordered

Because BOTW didn't have a cat telling me to go to sleep.

Turn-based combat and dating sims are GENUINELY not video games.

Yakuza 0 is GOTY for 2015

Persona 5 really deteriorates in quality. Never have I seen a game start out 10/10 but fall to a 4/10 by the end of it.

>Start out as a 10/10

Game legit had me angry for the first 5 hours, with it's extremely long tutorial.
Midgame is fine though

>I don't like turn based combat so games that use that method of combat don't count as video games


Yeah, the start was great, Kamoshida was a real scumbag and I wanted to take him down hard. Madarame's Palace was cool as well, but nothing was quite as good as the first month. Then it just kept deteriorating from there. Didn't really get interested again until shit started going SMT.