It says here you never talk during multiplayer games

It says here you never talk during multiplayer games.

Care to explain?

i want to fuck that raccoon

i like this raccoon

I do though, public speaking doesn't really scare me and I'm pretty good at it so talking online is ezpz.

i dont need to communicate with underage people or retards to carry a game

Thank you for coming in today trash panda, we have a video conference scheduled.

I only communicate in Siege. There's no need in anything else.

>talk in chat
>no one responds

I do if it is a game where communication is required or with friends

I don't on shooters or any other online game because there's no reason unless you're just talking shit, which can be pretty entertaining sometimes desu

Cute monkey

The hell is that mouse? A repurposed emergency phone?

that's a raccoon you moron

I've come to the realize that communication is basically useless in most online games

90% is used exclusively for flaming or off-topic banter and the other 10% is captain obvious with the worst calls NA

Sorry mate. Didn't have my rigid double monocle on.

I know were this is going
MODS get these fur gags out

how the fuck do you idiots not know what a dog looks like

Who ever says that is lying.

I'm a fucking chatterbox.

why would I? I think I'd have more fun if I don;t have to put up with you shitty people.

my input is assigned to my stereo mix instead of my mic so I can micspam people.

>tfw left some dog food out for a raccoon back in April every few days thinking I'm being nice
>the motherfucker must have told his whole family because I'll hear shit moving outside every night

That's a dusty keyboard Mr.Coon

Yeah, I don't play multiplayer games period.

Waste of time.