BotW / HZD

So, who won?

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Nintendo and Sony since you're actually retarded enough to buy those games.

Persona 5. You didn't see it coming.

my gf

Which game do you think people will be talking about more in 10 years?

Nintendo always wins.

Horizon both has a physically larger case and more surface area on the game itself. That means it's better.

they're both shit

BotW because it's more popular and sold better

Oh, you wanted to know which is a better game?

Well, unfortunately it's impossible to know, because literally nobody has played both.

I don't own either console or game, but I'm planning on picking up Zelda when the price on Switches goes down
>inb4 ">switch price ever going down"

We won. As hobbyists living in a time with lots of great games.

>idorts don't exist
Get the fuck out thanks.

Nintendo consoles only ever drop in price when they stop selling at that price.

The people who got your money

BotW is a great game, but a bad Zelda game.

Horizon is just a mediocre game all around.

>buying a fucking sony game

you don't deserve that copy of BoTW, pretendo.

But did you even finish either game?

>Switch has literally NO games
>PS4 has had a shit ton of games in the past six months
>Switch BOTW still sold less than Horizon

It's bad in terms of dungeons, but better for the overworld and unobtrusive story.

I'm currently about halfway done with HZD and beat Zelda back in March.

I have a lot of games on the go.

I dropped Zelda at the same place my cousin dropped it, at the second dungeon or so, that's not to say Horizon is somehow a lot better since I finished it. Horizons core combat system and visual style and presentation are just enough to carry the mildly interesting story and the completely uninteresting cast of characters. Horizon explores themes that are just interesting enough to etch you along but isn't interesting enough to fully immerse you. Horizon could've been a much better game if it had more weapons and gameplay systems added to combat because that's where the most fun is had, fighting the machines. Being restricted to a bow and other primitive devices kills the real potential of the combat. Considering it takes them 1 year to fully design and implement a machine concessions were understandably made but as it stands as someone who has played both, kind of, Persona 5 is better

>Switch BOTW still sold less than horizon

Only just, and on a console with about 10% the install base. It's actually pretty fucking impressive how many switch copies of BOTW have been sold.

It's also pretty funny how low HZD sales have been considering there are over 60 million PS4s in the wild.

The one that's not dead.

>Switch BOTW still sold less than Horizon
But that's wrong you fucking retard

Sony doesn't need to autistically cling to exclusives like Nintendo does.

BOTW has ruined all open world games like Witcher 3 and HZD for me.

Bought Horizon Zero Dawn during the E3 sale last week, and I've put maybe 15-20 hours into it. I finished BOTW then went back to HZD. I cant take it seriously after BOTW.

I am constantly jumping against random walls to try and climb them
I am constantly venturing into strange and difficult-to-access parts of the map and being disappointed when there's nothing there, not even a Korok Seed OR something to discover
I am also constantly marveling at how good the weather animation is in HZD, but keep expecting to be struck by lightning during every storm. I feel no fear or nothing wherever I am.

And when I go back to MGSV to try and finish it, or Blood and Wine, or Xenoblade Chronicles X... it's the same damned thing.
Breath of the Wild has really ruined open world games for me. Nintendo has set a brand new standard, and it is just too, too high.

Nintendo has literally set a new fuckin standard. Open world skyrim clones literally don't feel the same after this game, this game will be remembered 10 years down the line. Honestly, I'm left unsatisfied by how empty other games are. The focus on hyperinteractivity in the environment has changed open world forever.

BotW is better than HZD, but thats not a huge reach considering Horizon is a piece of rotten shit. Fuck anyone who praises it.

Except for how today Sony announced they've cemented horizon as a major new exclusive that they'll focus on for the foreseeable future right?

>autistically cling to exclusives
>persona 5 literally on a ps3 but not xbox or switch

u wot m8

This is correct

Horizons combat gameplay was better than Zeldas though, a lot more fluid and fast paced. Zeldas combat was clunky, slow and anti-fun and anti-game because of the weapon breakage feature.

Exclusives are icing on the 60,000,000 individual cakes out there.

This I can agree. HZD is a masterclass in gaming on its own, but is wayy to fuckin overshadowed by BOTW to compete.

BOTW blows it out the fuckin water.

I did, I got to play both.

So you mean HZDs combat was easy whilst BOTWs actually had some fucking challenge right?

>Successful Game is to Successful Game as Dead-on-Arrival Game is to Successful Game


This guy wins. Copypasta this shit and post it on sony boards to shut them the fuck up. Enough of this HZD vs BOTW bullshit.

BOTW wins.

fuckin saved.

creatively speaking

Remember that time when Sup Forums was actually polled and Horizon shitters were a small minority?

The jews did when you bought these shit games and fell for the "ohpin wurld" and "muh nustulgia" memes

I thought xenoblade X actually did an okay job. you could go anywhere and almost everywhere had something to look at although not much that was tangible like a korok seed.

but the game was trash and I hate it and it's the most disappointing thing since jak 2.

Sup Forums is full of nintenbros, of course they're gonna vote for Zelda. Putting a new IP against any established franchise is just suicide for the new IP.

Battleborn sold well on release and look what happened.
Horizon is meeting the same fate in bargain bins everywhere as we speak.

>asking Sup Forums if "insert game" is better than a Zelda game

You might s well ask GameFAQs the same question because you're likely going to get the same exact response given the unwashed hoards of nostalgic nevergrownups.

>BotW is a great game, but a bad Zelda game.

It's by far the best zelda game since MM. get the fuck out with your retarded logic.

Meme game

Me since I own both

> X is a great game, but a bad Y game.
fuck off

Well, one of those games is a milestone in gaming which will be constantly referenced for the next decade.

Can you guess which?

Why do you faggots assume Zelda won't stop selling? It's literally on track to sell more than 8million

Sup Forums doesn't understand logic.

Speaking of referencing, has anyone here even met a person who played Horizon? I can't find a single PS4 user who has it.


this Sup Forums, of-course Zelda would win even if the game was literally a box with dogshit inside.