This is the writer of The Last Night
This is the writer of The Last Night
Other urls found in this thread:
The games premise is fucking retarded.
I don't see what he's basing his concern on. GAF is never wrong.
>totally didn't put gas on the fire to get free publicity
>people discussing muh game is bad
Fuck off
>discussing muh game is bad
but the game isn't out, how can it be bad?
Neofags deserve to be shit on
>Caring about what gaf thinks
Do they actually have any influence? Because they don't seem to.
>White-Genocide is as real as it gets, with The Last Night we tried our best to showcase a thought-provoking scenario quite similar in impact, where a hypothetical future western (White) civilization found itself stripped of its core values that once made it great
I think he might have gone a little too far there.
NeoGAF is where people in games media get their news and opinions.
If you think media coverage of games matter, then yes, they do.
>NeoGAF is where people in games media get their news and opinions
No, they don't dumbass. You sound like the owner of NeoGAF who doesn't get press invites to E3 and no self respecting game dev even posts there.
How many leaks come from Sup Forums or NeoGAF these days? All from Sup Forums, not from NeoGAF. NeoGAF is an uptight fucking hellhole that doesn't even play games.
it's really bad, I know. Gamedevs used to post on NeoGAF, not anymore. The only people in the industry who still openly post there and Polygon and Kotaku writers.
The amount of times I hear someone like Brad Shoemaker directly referencing NeoGAF as his source is in the double digits.
There's a good reason why they're banned from E3.
>thinks his walking simulator is hot shit
Why would people in games media know about leaks? Leaks come from people at publishers/developer, who no longer post on NeoGAF.
>I've always considered Blacks and Jews sort of a threat to western (White) civilization, it's no coincidence a multi-ethnic/multi-cultural society as the one portrayed in The Last Night is painted as morally-corrupt and, overall, inherently evil.
is he /ourguy/?
>mfw qt brown girl mentioned being a GAF user during the GB E3 stream
Shit I didn't realize cyberpunk was supposed about *glorifying* dystopia.
>It feels like a responsibility denouncing the White Genocide western society is going through in this present time, and that's exactly where we aimed for with The Last Night.
Was he in the right to do so?
That neofag thread really opened my eyes as to how irredeemable that site is. What a bunch of shitheads.
Well they're the same crowd that keeps bitching about Link not getting a sex change
Why people hate neogaf???
shit movie
100% fact
>we hate it because it's not a complete echo chamber
What is the game's premise?
That asked, 99% of games have retarded premise
Link to thread?
>unironically believing in the white genocide maymay
Also you can't just lump together the entire "west" based on being white. American and European culture, and even the cultures within the various European nations, have always been distinct. He's just a Sup Forumsbabby hiding behind his skin color. Also
>giving a single shit about neogaf
>NeoGAF is where people in games media get their news and opinions.
It's like I'm really in the previous decade!
No they don't. Reddit is where every fucking thing is nowadays and has been for years. It's where people go to shill shit, push agendas and get their news from. Nobody gives a fuck about neogaf. The last time they were relevant was when there was that guy dropping hints about Bloodborne, which also happened in fucking Sup Forums of all places.
It's a valid premise for a game.
We already got a movie version of this!
have you ever played video games?
something about a future society where progressivism has run amok
not far fetched at all, really
>"So I think this game looks interest-
>reason: being a nazi
you tell me
>a future society where progressivism has run amok
sounds more like current year
I tried to post leaks on Gaf but their account system is so fucked I couldn't even make an account. They're pretty up their own ass about account policing.
So basically the present
Sup Forums isn't that far from becoming this if we don't put a stop to these fucking "le go back to Sup Forums" dipshits and the fags who welcome censorship.
>t. triggered commie who wants his UBI and weed
>this isn't videogames fuck off back to Sup Forums
why would he give a shit about GAF?
they're cancer anyway, let them rot alone
How the fuck are you going to have a Caim avatar and make a post like that Jesus fucking Christ what has the world come to?
>How many leaks come from Sup Forums or NeoGAF these days? All from Sup Forums, not from NeoGAF. NeoGAF is an uptight fucking hellhole that doesn't even play games.
I've never been to NeoGAF but this sounds like some hardcore fucking projection coming from a Sup Forumsirgin.
The funny thing about politics on NeoGAF is that it's tolerated, until it's a game that is being marketed on the site. Suddenly, you'll see posts and threads disappear.
>"le go back to Sup Forums"
Fuck off retard, i want video games on my video game board
whos that
Because Sup Forumstards are SJWs themselves
>tfw you can't go more than 30 mins without virtue signalling
That sounds more like the present desu
We'll become an objective group of people making false claims, if we don't stop the people that are complaining about blatant racism and shitposting.
haha new
the astroturfing is real lmfao
No one gives a shit
Stop making shit threads
Sup Forums should stay in Sup Forums
It's not Sup Forums they need to go back to, but where they originally came from.
Premise is absolutely possible and may even happen in our lifetime.
>Sup Forums is a hugbox
>Sup Forums is not
if you want an echo chamber then GO BACK YOU RETARD.
OP here
I'm even barely posting :^)
Sup Forums is for videogames not politics
I have every goddamn right to be racist if I want to
>SJWs are so triggered by this they can't help but shitpost
I love it
What could this little girl possibly do to me? Better back off or else.
Therefore politics should not be posted on Sup Forums
whats the point of pandering to trump niggers? they dont play video games.
Triggered Sup Forumsacks on Sup Forums, typical. You have a containment board for a reason
But SJWs hate loli, I just want Sup Forums to be videogames
Thanks for proving my point, cucks.
>But SJWs hate loli,
they don't even know what loli is
I'm coming for your toothbrush, whitey.
>shitposting is being triggered now
so you trump niggers were triggered all long?