Bad games that still got sequels
>INB4 Bubsy
Bad games that still got sequels
>INB4 Bubsy
>How to lose your Switch
Dragon's Age.
All the Mario games.
cant wait to not buy this game
Literally no one asked for this shit
Did he get married again?
>post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
Shaq-Fu. At least they admit the original sucked.
Holy fuck, how did he DOWNGRADE from his last wife?
How long until she cucks him and takes his switch?
Pic related.
Why is Sup Forums so tsundere for Anthony Burch?
probably because his abysmal infinitely self-deprecating life gives hope to Sup Forumsirgins
What about bad games whose sequel was actually good.
metal gear poops then pw?
The second game set the trend for many fighting games that followed it.
The first was so forgotten, they forgot Birdie was a white guy.
>forced his gf into a open-relationship only to get none while his gf got cock left and right
>surprised when she leaves him and takes his nintenbro system with her
>now with a fat spic
Why didn't Anthony Burch just fuck his sister?
His first wife is kind of cute
I wouldn't mind being the toilet slave for a party. Also at first I thought that was the wall not the floor.
kingdom hearts
mirrors edge
How depressing would it be to go from having a cute wife/gf and then later having one that is unattractive
Darkspore is hardly a sequel. And it was actually pretty good. Or at least it would have been if it wasn't always online and with a few tweaks to speed it up.
So his second wife is gonna take his Switch right?
betas require the consent of their sexual partners
So what happened with his ex-wife again ?
She cucked him or what ?
id let burch's ex cuck me oh god im so lonely someone help please
plus cucking is pretty hot
It's already posted ITT.
Atleast you cant die from loneliness
Unless you kill yourself... or finally find a wife and then get cucked and stabbed by niggers
My bad
I didn't even notice that was the floor till I read this
so this is the power of becoming a meme
why is he so dark skinned?
People come in different shapes, colours and sizes, user
He's Turkish or Armenian or something.
his mom is southeast asian. Laotian or Thai
>GF keeps bugging me about a ring
>Get her a gold ring
>She breaks up with me and keeps the ring
Are you DSP?
>Ashly Burch is actually kind of cute
>Even still, she looks just enough like her brother to put me off
yeah my dick comes in xtra large
I hope he does better than me, that was 7 years ago and i havent had a girl look at me with any interest
Hapa (WM/AF)
>burcho married again
Is >>>>she some kind of a trans-nigger quasi-gender age-fluid manatee-kin I hope?
But back on topic,
Syberia 3.
>2 good games
>after years of silence, a new game
>it's shit
From a modern-day fairytail to full-on propaganda.