That kid who threw his c4 like a grenade

>that kid who threw his c4 like a grenade

C4 in FPS games is garbage, throwable C4 is just a more powerful fuseless grenade, it needs to be tweaked so it can only be placed down or on walls, like claymores

the biggest game guilty of this shit is siege.

>that 10 year old kid who fired off all of his explosives into the air immediately at the start of the match

>his ear-piercing scream if he ever managed to hit anyone with them

>that kid who killed the entire enemy team at the start of the game with a cross map noob tube

Impressive tbqh

Black Ops 3 handled C4 like you said, and then some

>that kid that camped in the same spot every game with claymores

This was me, I should reinstall MW1 to see if it's still active.

I never understood the hate for noob tubes, they were fun as hell

>that kid that only OMA'd his class with noob tubes so he could spam them as much as he wanted to.
Fuck you Kevin.

>those faggots who camped in the airplane on terminal

I miss wrecking shit with the M16A4

almost always got nukes

Anyone wanna play this on Steam? I'll start a Steam group if enough people are interested.

>that kid who went full sniper mode with cold blooded and silencer
>he has no kills by end of match

i might. Heard the game's hacked to shit though.

I tried building a sniper class that was extremely stealthy and hard to find. It was totally fucking useless, I never got any kills.

they still do that shit on BF4. mainly on flood zone when they are above checkpoint B. they just drop c4 from the roof.

You need stopping power if you want a silent sniper, unless you run the EBR.

the WA2000 was the best choice since it was unaffected by stoppping power
you might have had to land an extra shot with a silencer though i don't remember the damage figures

>Not playing the game exclusively with the tactical knife and the extra melee range, no fall damage, and infinite sprint perks for stylish parkour kill streaks
I'd routinely go 40+ kills to 5 or less deaths in a given game of Team Deathmatch on 360. People got so fucking mad every time. Shit was cash.

Riot shield+c4+throwing knife

That was a fun as fuck set up. Smart teammates would just follow behind me after I ran out of bombs and knives and pick off the enemy who seemed to think I had infinite ammo and peek around corners at me

In mw2 most snipers needed 2 shots iirc.
A stealthy sniper is basicly geared towards getting assists outside of hardcore