Did we do it Sup Forums? Did we bring it back from the dead?
Did we do it Sup Forums? Did we bring it back from the dead?
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Fuck you Randy
i'm playing it now lol
why? Are you some type of Badass?
Fuck you Randy and your shitty company
Non Bad Ass detected
I don't understand what he's talking about?
The game is literally free to play right? As in you can access all the content without paying?
>bought a ps4 pro to play the free 2 play version on console where it isnt dead
feels good
Does your game even have any PlayStation®4 Pro enhancements?
>Too much pride to call it f2p
>Call it a trial instead
>Game continues to bomb as no one notices it's free and thinks it's just a demo
While there's a good likelyhood it's 2k's fault and not Gearbox, I still can't help but laugh at both of them for this blunder. They fucked themselves over because they won't remove their heads from their asses.
if you want to talk directly to randy
he's shit posting in the comment section of youtube.com
I believe the co op story campaign is still locked
Story mode is locked, as well as the co-op extra mission stuff, and you have to unlock the characters with ingame currency. There's a free rotation but there are no permanent free characters given out beyond that. So it's like a normal f2p game.
april fools Randy
>Prepare for "Hitman:Abso2tion Tales of the Badassassin"
>remember when we threw Timegate and People Can Fly under the bus? Correction, they tried to throw US under the bus.
I want those glasses
>The corrollary would only be effective...
Remember when Randy embezzled money from Sega?
>tfw even nuPenny Arcade make fun of Randy
>Dont worry Randy, all the progressive SJW crowd will buy your game, you can count on that, you will see how pandering to us will make your game sell millions of copies
> "Ever since taking control of the Hitman franchise, we've been "gearing-up" to take the character of Agent 47 into a different direction. What makes him tick? What are his kinks? What really gets his balls off?
> Gone and forgotten are the days when a player could just stealth into a meat processing facility or mental hospital and go through the motions of "hide here, disguise yourself, kill this, escape unnoticed. This trope has been played out over the course of 3 too many games already.
> The new Agent 47 isn't going to hide in the shadows any longer. He's gay, he wants the players to know he's gay, and he is not going to be shy about it any longer. He will be the loudest, gayest character in video game history... and it will be PERFECT.
> What we want to happen to the Hitman series is transform it, from a sneaky-sneak murder-for-hire simulator, into an episodic vehicle for the expression of niche sexualty.
> Are you into watersports? Play Hitman. Enjoy ageplaying as an elderly man getting dominated by a Lord of the Flies-style island of pre-pubesant shota. Play Hitman. Wish that you could be a pair of bowling shoes worn by a divorced single-mother living motel-to-motel in a small rural town, why Hitman of course!
> With the power of the Gearbox creative team, Agent 47 will soon become the ultimate self-insert character for non-hetero non-normative/non-binary legally-grey sexual hedonism, all of which will irreversibly rewrite the canon through the lens of a demi-sexual perverted cancer patient with a silent-play fetish and a a tux.
well didnt Square get rid of the Hitman developers? I could see Gearbox getting them and this happening
I want reaper to crush my head with his thighs
>First Duke Nukem
>now Hitman
>a game whose ambient storytelling set the minds of a generation ablaze
and what game would that be
user, stop posting your goddamn unfunny videos
Why is he so easy to bait? Or does he believe in his own mind that each time he replies to someone it's some "epic pwnage"?
>Why is he so easy to bait?
Thats what happens when you are the CEO of a privately held company owned by yourself, othwewise the stock holders would force a PR profesional to approve every tweet he makes
lol badassassin
>mr badass is also a fedoraman
Shouldn't be surprised desu
Tried it.
It is fucking awful.
>how dare you speak to me
randy absolutely btfo
What did he mean by this?
>Truck = Overwatch
>car = Battleborn
Where does that picture of Randy come from
Why does it exist
Sometimes I pity the people who worked on Battleborn. But then I remember it's the same company that created Colonial Marines, and the pity goes away.
Fuck Randy.
Was he snitching? Is this real?
>how dare you speak to me
I lose it every fucking time.
>the same company that created Colonial Marines
Not really, Gearbox outsourced it to TimeGate and did all they can to sabotage the development and make it hell for the devs at TimeGate. TimeGate went bankrupt after that.
overwatch was made in a lab somewhere to be the perfect casual game.
>how dare you speak to me
>"If I do this, you'll buy my game, r-right?"
His wife's twitter.
>how dare you speak to me
Goddamnit. Lose my shit every time.
How the hell are Overwatch's female characters sexist?
If a person was given a choice between "fuck one of the Overwatch girls" or "commit suicide with a rusty steak knife", 90% of people would go with the former, implications aside.
There's your answer.