ITT: Awful noob bait items and game mechanics.
ITT: Awful noob bait items and game mechanics
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Mercy's pistol
Good on supports who aren't vunerable and squishy
>Anti-mage: I'm gonna made midas to get bf faster
Even 30 years laters I'm still mad.
Mercy's pistol is surprisingly strong and if used properly can help secure kills. If only there was a better way of using it without having to give up healing.
awful as in nobody would fall for that or awful as in insidious and malignant?
>Legion commanders who get midas first
Just get your fucking blink or shadow blade you bitch.
>>i realy wanted to use insidious and malignant in a post
>le newfagging
>let me take a loan for an item but not get the item, instead just pay off the loan first and then get the item I want :^)
>what is xp
What happened? Have they nerfed the fuck out of it? I haven't played dota for 2 years and I'm sure midas used to be a fully viable choice for hard carries
Now gives 200 gold, but costs 200 more and gives >>>% exp
It's a support item now
I haven't played in a while but Midas used to be a great item almost mandatory on some heroes imo. Did they nerf it?
You are a noob just by playing Dota 2 after 7.00
You've missed the good old days... when you had to actually be good and skilled to win.
A shit load of TF2 items. Most notably Demoman's Wee Booty's.
>good and skilled
>>good and skilled
>>>good and skilled
someone sounds salty
>shadow blade
this forever, engaging instantly is more important than an easily countered shit item that's only bought for silveredge break
now it's good on certain offlaners and supports but yeah mostly bait
It's awful but better she is getting some duels than farming jungle until she is level 11.
>2800 is now more expensive than 2250
>muh gold
2.5k detected
This coming from a low MMR rank as well. I personally wouldn't get it but you know shitters.
t. sub 6k
Not necessarily. Many buy it on carries who are awful at farming, like Chaos Knight, OD or Wraith King. Also pretty good if you get shit on your safelane and you have to make a comeback as a carry.
Isn't Midas good because of the XP and on certain heroes who struggle with farming but need a fuck ton of gold to come online?
I remember occasionally going solo lane as Tiny, rushing Midas and then outfarming everyone on the map and pretty much 1v5ing the enemy team. Fun times.
Essential "I have no idea what I'm doing" items in competitive Pokemon:
>Bright Powder
>Focus Band
>Shell Bell
>Quick Claw
You see these all the time at the very bottom of the ladder but never anywhere higher up. Textbook examples of noob baits.
>Focus band
>Shell Bell
I fell for that trap.
To this day I feel that Shell Bell isn't too bad for solo play.
>competitive Pokemon
Yea, it's a really trash item, I rarely see anyone use it effectively, instead wasting it on dumb fucking creeps.
Arc Warden is really the only character that gets the most bang for his buck with it, and Tinker.
It's an XP machine, you tool. The reason people are rushing it is because talents are fucking OP.
t. 5.2k solo who quit 2 years ago.
I can kind of understand Shell Bell if you're inexperienced but Focus Band? How? It has a 10% chance of activating. Anyone should realize that it's not an item that you should rely on.
>takes at lest 15 minutes to pay itself back assuming you use it as soon as it goes off cooldown
>might take 20 minutes or more to pay itself back
>you will get it on anything than freefarm at min 10+
>average pub ranked game lasts less than 40 minutes.
all that means that you play almost entire game with lost money that you could send to speed up your farm, also it means most of the time midas is a waste of money
still people buy it in every game, even in 6k mmr, even on support
i will never get it, and always i ask some retard why he bought it instead of blink or something, he says im noob and all pro players do it
fuck retards, there is no talking sense into most people
>any competitive gaming
>noob bait
are you telling me only noobs run flash now
It's noob bait for the Battle Tree.
People are biased from the Emerald Frontier since it has a 70% activation rate for the NPC's.
Every "Powerful, but too slow to do anything because the opponent will just combo you before you pull off a move" character. Especially if they're huge guys with huge hit boxes.
>Competitive Pokemon
>Someone uses spore
>Someone uses a OP move
>Someone has fun
kek. If you dont use META pokemon and pray to RNGesus for Crits, you won't go high.
Why does this class always attract the most retard?
You'd think running and gunning would be more tempting to the average mouthbreather but nope. 9 out 10 times the kid picking sniper is pants on head retarded and contributes nothing.
Where did this "le epic sniper" meme come from?
More like Mercy's damage boost.
Her pistol deals 100dps and she damage boosts for +30%.
A hero would have to be doing 334 dps to even match Mercy's pistol and the only hero that can do that is bastion at less than 40 meters away.
Pharah's rocket barage isn't even worth it because she deals 400dps, but she would have to be more accurate than you to just deal 20 more dps.
Overwatch is a noob item overall
>Competitive Pokemon is just Smogon
Yeah, okay. Besides, Spore isn't banned anywhere. At least put effort into your shitposts.
Sniper is low risk medium-high reward because game developers have some stupid boner for sniper rifles. Everything else will be balanced for the actual game, like taking multiple machine gun rounds to down a guy or nonsense like pistols doing more damage per shot than machine guns, but sniper rifles? They have to one shot from across the map to make it "realistic".
It's more of a insurance item in the sense that if play something like a CK, get treads and armlet and fuck up your first fight, you willl probably never catch up enemy carry in the farm if their hero is naturally a good farmer. Also pushing high ground has never been this hard in the game so it's only natural for core heroes to get midas. Especially if their defense is superb and you don't really have any tower hitters in your team.
But you are right about supports. It's an awful item on them and should only bought on them if you are playing with a team. I've had many games where a support gets midas as first item around 20 mins and never get anything out of it because they have sub 1k health, shitty armor and die to pretty much anything.
What's wrong with Quick Claw?
The only moves on Smogon that are banned are Evasion increasing moves/abilities (for obvious reasons), OHKO moves (also for obvious reasons), and Baton pass (Because Necrozma, Magearna, and Scolipede had to ruin it for everyone else.)
>RNG elements
This angers the smogon!
It makes more sense to just buy Maelstrom for around the same cost; then you can fight and actually farm the jungle with the lightning proc. Supports are really the only characters it makes sense on since they care about levels more than items, but it's an item you only buy if you're balling out of control early on.
are you serious
you cant think of one reason
You're thinking about battlefury.
Actually, the RNG just makes it really unreliable to plan around when using it plus you give up something that's a sure deal that you can make better strategies around.
You have a 10% chance to get +0.5 priority on your move. Do you think that's viable or reliable in any way?
>not rolling the dice
Lemme guess, you run thunderbolt over thunder don't you?
I don't get into something as 'Competitive Pokemon'. I might shitpost on 4cham, but I have standards.
Are you retarded or did you not watch the Midas Major?
You buy hand of Midas for the experience multiplier to use on large neutral camps to snowball levels.
I bet you think Tomes arent worth buying on supports either you shitter
>Rolling a die that causes you to lose 90% of the time
You're that guy who refuses to use Sheer Cold and other OHKO moves because they're too accurate
The accuracy drop and less PP isn't worth the power increase.
There's not many heroes that are good with Battlefury, but I'll forever defend Battlefury when playing carry Kunkka.
>Midas is JUST for the money
The XP bonus is crucial and arguable more important, even after the nerf. More levels means more stats and more skill points, which means you farm faster, and so on and so forth.
You also get half the money back when you're done with it, so the investment isn't as large as you think.
it's really good on CK because he's trash at farming, scales well with AS (granted the +25 or whatever it gives nowadays isn't much but it's noticeable given how low his Agi is) and if you fuck up a fight you can come back faster because it gives reliable gold
But yeah, besides him and Zet it's a trash item
>Refuses to use OHKO moves
>Too accurate
>carry kunkka
I'm sorry, I thought I heard something STUPID for a second there.
Surely you meant SUPPORT Kunkka.
I think AM is the only hero who Battlefury is still core on. Pretty much everyone else is better off going something completely different.
away with you gramps
Support Kunkka is obviously far more viable than carry Kunkka, but playing farmed BoT blink rapier rapier daedalus daedalus is so much fun.
It's good on anyone who can't flash farm. Phoenix, AA, Warlock,etc.
It's also good to get if you know the game is going to go long.
pretty much only good on doom, why bother building it on anyone else?
I was simply making a joke about the fact that you think it's viable to use an item that literally does nothing for 90% of the time, i.e. even OHKO moves are more reliable. At this point I'm not sure if you're actually this dumb or if I'm just getting baited hard.
He's not wrong.
well when the elusive pl or naga picks happen what else should you buy
>has 3 aoe spells
>can't flash farm
When pseudo-RNG is used, manipulating luck can be a skill. An example is priming crits on PA by attacking twice before initiating.
Problem is even if it gives you personally more in the long run, if pretty much anything bad happens during the 10 minutes after you buy it then it can snowball out of control and cause your teammates to be underleveled because you're putting them 4v5.
Also fucking idiot teams that have two at once I hate.
>manipulating luck can be a skill
Phoenix is probably the hero that scales the most with levels alone in the game. Without midas you can fall behind hard.
Actually I was the other guy who responded to him, I was just missing the joke kinda hardcore.
You do know the XP tomes been in the game for over a year now right?
You are doing something seriously wrong if you can't farm on a phoenix, literally all of your spells do aoe damage and you can stack 3 neutral camps at once.
Luck is a stat attribute
>3 aoe spells
You mean dive which does no damage and a 30 second cooldown
Or the spirits which give you 4 every 30 seconds
Or the ray which has 26 second cooldown?
Not to mention using these abilities constantly is unsustainable on Phoenix's mana pool.
Midas is almost a must on her. XP stops the egg from being useless as well.
True. It's not like you're entirely doomed without it, but if you have a good enough start it's almost a no-brainer to get one. But using her abilities to farm also puts them on their massive cooldown which can put you out of place to fight.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about or what the game's mechanics even are but I'm going to post reaction images and hope someone will find my post epic enough for a screencap on /r/Sup Forums
I never really had issues with Phoenix' mana pool, only really use fire spirits early game once they're level 3 or so and that's on a long cooldown, dive only costs HP, and supernova restores your mana in fights once it goes off anyway.
>Torte de lini has midas as a core item before Blink in his jungle Enigma guide
Just fucking kill me. I hate seeing an Enigma on my team stuck in the jungle past 15 minutes because they got baited into jew farming by that dumb guide instead of pressuring the enemy.
Dive does damage.
I meant no damage figuratively, especially since you max it last.
It's basically making a bet that your team doesn't need you at all for ~15 minutes
Good luck having that 200 mana to get the nova off in the first place.
>He didn't see Burning AM breaking GPM records with Midas