DA Origins thread? About 5hrs in first playthrough and I don't know what the fuck is going on. Just passed the desire demon and obtained blood magic. Everything on the internet says that was a good choice but I'm getting trashed by the werewolf packs in elf forest. How important is gear? I have 37 gold but no traders have anything useful.
DA Origins thread? About 5hrs in first playthrough and I don't know what the fuck is going on...
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I'm having bad flashbacks to when this game had just come out and Sup Forums was flooded with "WHY IS THIS GAME SO HARD" threads because they were too dense to do anything other than use the default attack on the nearest enemy.
What class are you? If you're not a mage, restart and pick a mage.
>How important is gear?
It's important but I'd argue that team makeup is far more important. Who all are you running as a group?
Did you already Parley with werewolves? Or did you decide to just go balls in and slaughter them all?
Yeah I'm a mage
>If you're not a mage, restart and pick a mage.
No need, mages are pretty easy to set up with scripts.
Your should probably go back and make sure your party is up for the task. Visit Redcliffe and Denerim, you might find some useful gear in those stores.
Shit game.
>he just got blood magic
>"are you a mage?!"
Was not reading the fucking OP before posting also common when this game came out?
The trader in camp has a good sword/dagger doesn't he? Buy that.
>tfw you go with human noble every single time
morrigan, niggerbiter, and tall grey man. I did talk to a group of three in the middle of the forest, used intimdate and they fucked off. im currently in the part with the old tree and hermit.
thanks, any tips for mage/blood mage gear? no dlc
>be arcane warrior
>tank the world
quick way to break the game. just giving you the heads up.
2 tanks, one with shield, other two handed. Both with maxed passives and aggro(threat level)
One mage healslut, set up the script to chug potions and heal anybody below 30%HP, last member a full stealth assasin. Here, you finished the game on hard
And shag the gay elf
This. Best story.
>when you the hardest nigga and you become king
niggerbiter is my dog, should have specified
That game was fucking shit when it came out, it's amazing how you faggots turn garbage games into "muh childhood memories" with the power of nostalgia goggles.
>terrible writing
>cliche characters
>shit combat
>abysmal level design
>I'm Ailstair, please consider muh feelings
>I'm Morrigan, please consider muh feelings
>I'm an old wizard crone, please listen to what I have to say or I will make you consider muh feelings
This game started everything that is bad about modern RPG video games. Turning single player games into single player MMOs was not a good thing.
If you're using Sten try and pick up dragonage.wikia.com
The Revenants you have to fight are pretty tough, but this will definitely help you.
I'm assuming Niggerbiter is your Dog? Dog is cool and all but he's outclassed by the other characters. There is actually a popular mod to use him without replacing a party member.
>I'm Atton, please consider muh feelings
>I'm Kreia, please consider muh old coot gibberish
Started a bit earlier than Origins, I think.
>not rolling dwarf noble every time
what a pleb
The lore was kinda ok before they fucked up everything in the sequel
It really is very satisfying. Avenging your family with the family sword was the greatest feeling in the world.
>muh childhood memories
Yeah muh childhood memories. I'm 30.
We get it though, the game doesn't appeal to you and you have confused your opinion for fact.
>complaining about "cliches"
Ugh, you just don't appreciate tropes.
also, the game had shit graphics
it has to be said, there is absolutely no reason for that game to have 50 shades of shitty brown as its color palette of choice
Did you just do the Circle of Magi and then went to the Elven forest? If so, I'd 180 and go fuck around Denerim for as long as you cam, then if you got the DLC, go do the Haunted Castle one and then the Shale DLC, get ya level up. I'd definitely do Orzamar last though, the deep roads is a very long and hard ordeal. Hell, you could do Orzamar, just don't go into the deep roads.
The key isn't gear, its level, and brining at least one tank with you (Alistair, Ogren, or your pupper)
Also spoiler here for you, major tip In the elven ruins you'll find this blood vial, if you break it and set the spirit free, he'll teach you about being an arcane warrior, which is a mage that uses swords and shit, they get an ability called "fade fighter" which makes you a ghost and makes pretty much any attack miss. very OP
I'm pretty skilled in DA:O. I've got 1000+ hours in it + I'm a huge wiki contributor for it
seems you don,t have a healmage (unless you wanna go at it yourself)
Wynne is designed to do it. if you want to
Non healy mage is absolutely broken, btw. repulse + paralyse seal, frozen/pretified + fist, all that magic goodness
>please pay attention to me
The actual worst part is the flowchart combat. Every battle you cast the same spells, the game could be played by a script. Also information kiosk NPCs and wordswordswords exposition. It's like the characters were written by someone who's never talked to a person before.
he's right bro
DAO is objectively shit
Its a terrible game stop while your ahead.
Obvious bait, but I've been playing since the first Baldur's Gate was released and it's my favorite fantasy RPG next to Witcher 3.
And it is one of the least MMO-ish RPGs in the last decade what with the tight levels, heavy story, and world that doesn't instantly respawn and return to status quo. There's almost no fluff or faffing about that isn't directly tied to the narrative.
Inquisition on the other hand is all MMO.
>Obvious bait, but I've been playing since the first Baldur's Gate was released and it's my favorite fantasy RPG next to Witcher 3.
Baldur's Gate was shit too. The only redeeming quality of the franchise was an engine used by better games like Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate 2.
Also, your shitposting is extremely poor because it contains nothing of substance.
>Obvious bait
Someone disagreeing with you isn't bait. Yes, I know your entitlement complex makes it impossible to consider that others think differently from you, but in fact, a lot of them do.
>it is one of the least MMO-ish RPGs in the last decade
That's like defending skin cancer by saying it's one of the least deadly cancers.
>tight levels, heavy story
Neither of those mean anything. That's just a collection of random words.
>world that doesn't instantly respawn and return to status quo
Maps not resetting are your standard for a good RPG? You must think Two Worlds is brilliant.
>There's almost no fluff or faffing about that isn't directly tied to the narrative.
Did...did you actually talk to anyone in this game? 80% of what NPCs have to say is just rattling on about pointless shit that doesn't have anything to do with anything. At least in Baldur's Gate it wasn't drawn out with voice acting. Also, nice misuse of the word "narrative," it's not just another word for "story," you know.
In my experience going for CC spells instead of raw damage was helpful. AoE paralysis will win you more encounters than most damage spells.
What's your favorite origin?
>80% of what NPCs have to say is just rattling on about pointless shit that doesn't have anything to do with anything.
I think you're overstating it. Yes, Dragon Age did kind of have the "every NPC tells you their boring life story" syndrome that plagues every modern RPG, but it was not nearly as bad in DAO as it is these days.
Since all of those are the exact opposite of what you'd find in an MMO (which the original bullshit argument was) and I hate MMOs, yes I'd consider them an indication of a good RPG.
In my opinion it had some of the best presentation and world-building because a lot of the stuff you did or talked about was either directly tied to the story or dealt with the lore/history/concepts/etc. of the world. So you were learning about it while actually playing, as opposed to having random NPCs spouting generic lines and giving out irrelevant quests, and then dumping all of the lore in tomes, if even that. (See for example Elder Scrolls or Dragon's Dogma.)
you are a mage that can freeze shit with that cone attack, so is that cunt morrigan, freeze everything together and fall slowly in love with that disapproving bitch
Human Noble. My greatest play through was probably my Human male rouge
>Mages and Templars forced to work together
>Didn't fall for (((zathrian's))) ruse, freed the werewolves
>Letting Harrowmont make Orzammar great again with Golems
>Played the whole damn game so well, the mini civil war at the landsmeet never happened, and I made loghain look like a fool
>and to top it I fucked his daughter and became the king
>Childhood memories
In your case obviously
Female city elf origin best origin
Blood Magic doesn't get good until level 16 I think, when you unlock it's final ability, which is by far the most broken ability in the game. Its other strength is that you can dump all your mana into buffs and a summon, so cast any you got while using Blood Magic.
Also, remember that if you have a summon it's an excellent source of blood, even if it's a skeleton.
>please consider muh feelings
Would you rather have cardboard characters then?
"Please, stop developing your background and personality, also, don't tell me what you think of the events happening in this game, that makes you feel too much like a real person and my head hurts, I just want to beat stuff!!"
Neck yourself.
>ywn pamper morrigan's swamp feet into top shape and take care of them every day
I never found the Juggernaut set to be all that great. Things like the Blood Dragon set, Cailan's Armor set, Wade's Superior Dragonbone, hell, even just piecemeal templar gear like the Knight Commander's Breastplate were all better.
Juggernaut is what I'd stick on my tertiary characters like Oghren.
Is there a way to get blood mage and still keep Wayne?
Unlock it, then reload your last save.
There's a bunch of ways. You can just start a game in Golems or one of the DLC and make a new character that's a Blood Mage which will unlock it for your whole game. That works for all the prestige classes.
Once you unlock it it unlocks for all characters. Im not sure if you need to finish your current character but I dont think so. So unlock it, and then reload the save.
Thanks anons! That is amazing.
New starting user here.
I accidentally rowed a tank. The problem is there is no good skills to get. You can max out the shield protection tree but that is it. There is no where no go.
>I accidentally rowed a tank.
It's not your fault the class balance is fucked up. It's on Bioware that only one class is worth playing. They made only three classes and somehow couldn't even do that right. Especially shameful when Baldur's Gate had a bunch of races and classes and most of them were good enough to use.
DA is supposed to be a spiritual successor to BG, but as soon as you get to the character creation, you know that's not true.
>dual wield rogue
>max out dex and anything that increases attack speed
>by awakening enemies can't even hit you and you attack so fast the game has trouble keeping all the damage calculations and animations in sync
>get mage
>get cone of cold or petrify
>get warrior or rogue with an auto-crit move
What are your favorite spell combos?
Dude. Are you serious right now? DA:O is hard? WTF? Are you mentally challenged? The one legitimate complaint about the game is the lack of difficulty even on nightmare.
Like seriously, how hard is to actually spec a tank properly, manage aggro, and have a mage with [Heal] + [Regeneration].