Go to bed

Go to bed.

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it's 7pm eurotrash

you go to bed

Aren't you tired after posting on Sup Forums today?
You should go to bed.

I want to fuck him =(

Consider the following: lady ann's erect nipples

Buy Fallout 4

I ruined my regime again and if I go to bed now I won't sleep well because I don't want to sleep.

Are you even leave your bed, amerifat? I bet you are so fat you cant' even move

My balls are about to fucking burst since you're watching me all the time.

Maybe... a cat is fine, too...


It's 5:00 P.M.
Get neutered cat.

>not maxing everything FIRST playthrough
I knew Sup Forums was bad at video games but not this bad

>You will never bust a nut all over Ann's stomach after a good fucking as Morgana watches on with tears in his eyes.

i want to slide morgana up and down my cock


>not face with her mouth open


that's a good time to go to bed you edgelord teenager

kids go to bed early and adults go to bed early

only teentards and night shift employees stay up past 9


Woah there grandpa, you sound a bit cranky. I think you need some good sleep.

Mona, it's like 6:17. It's nowhere near bedtime, brother.


is this porn? source

>messing with kamoshida's bitch

Don't make me put this on you again Mona. I am my own man. Don't tell me to go to sleep.

there aren't even that many images tagged morgana_(persona) on e621, lazy

You WILL buy my games, you little shits!


>tfw mona was unironically my favourite character
>these threads
>these cuck memes
>this pleasure at his suffering

I should, but won't.

Did you play sub or dub?

Morgana was my favorite too but I played with JP voices. From what little I've heard of the english audio it doesn't surprise me that dubcucks hate him.

I romanced Tae and Chihaya. Do you get laid in Ann's romance like you do in those?

What video games did you play today?

darkfall roa and tekken 7

Kamoshida is for FemJoker

There's implied sex in every female social link except Sae and the twins.

Some Touhou crap, but I can't get gud to save my life.

of hearts? LOL

deep dark fantasies

Anybody know how to enable Japanese voices on the ps3? I keep selecting it in the config but every time I load the game it's in english

I want to brush Morgana.

anyone got the text message edit?

Do you think Joker is cheeky enough to look morgana straight in the eye, smile smugly and wink as he cums right into ann's womb?

You think you can get mods for my games for free you damn brats?

hit triangle when you save your game.

Started an Merciless run of P5 with tactics and no Hassou Tobi Man. Just beat Kamoshida, this is fun.

What would his palace be like?

He's also my favorite. He's a better bro than Ryuji and he ends up leaving with you.

Why, despite finally being the first game to outsell Megami Ibunroku Persona, is Persona 5 still so mediocre? Will the new director finally do something with the franchise?

Only if Ann is leglocking him while he's dong it.

A giant toilet with golden poo in the center of it

A mountain, naturally. You have to climb it.

i'm not sleeping unless its with Naoto so until i get that wish then fuck off

If there is one thing I'm grateful to P4 for, it's giving us Naoto.

fuck off Morgana

This picture should have all options be Skyrim ports.

Eff off cat

>playing games in a language you dont understand
lmaoing @ ur life

I just want to feel Morgana's rough sandpaper tongue all over my thick meaty dick while my balls loudly slap the gap between his eyes as he feebly moans and thrusts his hips but can't do anything because he is wearing a tight chastity device as a vibrator set on full rumbles against his prostate while Ann sits in the background recording the whole thing

>tfw no reverse trap gf


>you don't understand
lmao speak for yourself stupidhead

>not experiencing media in its original language

>reverse trap
>blue hair
>large rack
these are the signs of best girls

It's 10am m8

>>large rack

inb4 ATLUS goes the P3P route and you can romance mona in the feMC route

I'm gonna get Mona neutered if he keeps on humping ann in the hideout

dumb cat

Hit triangle on your save file and you'll see it change from English to Japanese. You have to restart the game though.

I would murder all Rise fans for a P5 FeMC route.

i like them both

>Fucking god himself talks about how Joker and Akechi were picked to play a game to determine the fate of the world
>Akechi is supposed to be the anti-Joker, your rival and foil in addition to being like the first non-protag Wild Card
>Akechi ends up being a fucking midboss to Shido, who ended up being wholly irrelevent once the game went full SMT in the end, and basically killed himself after being asspulled
>Then he was forgotten and never mentioned again

How would you fix Akechi in Persona 5: Crimson?

ARMS. It's way more fun than I thought it would be, although grinding out money can be tedious

Well yeah, I do too. But I get tired of hearing people keep saying that Naoto had whale tits during the game.

My copy of Persona 5 is coming in the mail tomorrow, what to expect bros?

have haru kill him in crimson

Thanks for the spoiler faggot

The killer is get the fuck out of this thread Adachi

There are two girls that are too good for this game.
Haru and Makoto
pay attention to them

well its only assumed because it was implied in the game.
i'm more of an assman anyway


>are you even leave your bed, amerifat?
Well shit at least he can use proper grammar

Why is Naoto so cute?

Ann is best girl.

That would just make it worst

It's lost in translation. They where just surprised she had any tits because she ties them down.

Its okay he comes back to life as a toy later

Only if you come too bby.


I'm under the impression that Junko over here is best girl, is that correct?

Do you think I would lie to you?

My best girl is Makoto
That user's best girl is Ann

Everyone has his own best girl

She's a decent character in the story but her social link characterization is kinda boring desu

Another mediocre entry in the game that doesn't do anything different than Persona 3 or 4, despite shills on Sup Forums fighting until their last breath to try and prove otherwise. An OK timewaster, but don't expect a good game.

In an alternate universe where the Traitor isn't the obvious suspect, who would you have be the traitor and why.

>Cool! Looking good, Joker!

No, YOU go to bed.


I don't know if I overlooked something but was it revealed what was Sae treasure? I don't recall that part at all.


I'd rather romance Morgana nonsexually as the boy MC.