Hate QTEs

>hate QTEs
>rage about them for years
>every fight in the game is a QTE
>best series ever made

why is Sup Forums always wrong?

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thats why i pirated it on youtube

Well you're part of Sup Forums so you're wrong, faggot

Arkham Trilogy is unironically one of the best game trilogies ever.

City is just fun to play, can't speak for Asylum. Knight wasn't fun to play, the car took up too much time and the fights were even easier.

City was literally the perfect balance of challenge and fun for the combat system which was mean to be simple. It was literally perfect for what it was. Knight added a bunch of gimmicks. Here's hoping we get a Beyond Arkham with Terry McGinnis.

How did the Return to Arkham collection end up being? Was it still shit in the end?

City was a great Batman simulator. The gameplay was designed to make you feel like him, and the combat is excusable when he's thematically a Mary Sue anyway.

>every fight in the game is a QTE

So blocking in a fighting game is a QTE too?

Jumping in a plataforming is a QTE?


Sup Forums hates this series, by the way, but fuck Sup Forums in his rotten ass.

Strongly agree. I tell you what, i could be playing PS4 right now, but i won't because Arkham Knight got bugged because of the lastest PS4 patch, and i won't lower myself to play Bloodborne, that game and all the others i have on PS4 are secondaries.

If you think Arkham is the greatest series ever, you're either a Batman fanboy or you have shit tasyes, and thus is coming from someone who likes Batman and the Arkham games

Some stuff looks really good (Asylum rainy outdoors), some looks worse (most character models, desu).

I feel bullshots like pic related were made by Rocksteady, because the actual port was made by some chinks.

Got bugged? What?

I'm replaying AK right now and it's working fine.

>Arkham Knight got bugged because of the lastest PS4 patch
Really? What sort of bug?

>and i won't lower myself to play Bloodborne
Do it user. I thought the same thing when I bought a PS4 just for Arkham Knight but I gave it a shot since it's only $20 now. It's a great game. And I have no interest in the Souls series.

I'm wondering what Rocksteady is working on. I thought they'd tease something at E3 but they've been quiet for a while.

Mine went to shit. I thought it was the overuse of the disc, but looks like i'm not the only one with the issue.


I have Bloodborne and i like it, but not as much as Bamham. After doing all the chalices dungeons, i end bored of it. I have to confess, i still have to platinum it and to play The Old Hunters, but i want to do it by the book, no guides.

I like the Arkham games.

But after 4 games, probably the formula have dry up, specially after Arkham knight burning alot of people for the bad pc port, and how it was just to much batman.

There was rumors of a Batman game focus on a robin take place of batman or something like that. i dont know, it could be fake....

But, I thought, what If they tried to make an Arkham game, but made it like the Batman Animated Series. but not just having some weird looking 3d models like the costumes in the batman game...
But trying to make it look good and just like the show... Trying to make a super impresive Shade shading.
Like the dragon ball Fighterz or the Guilty Gear stuff, they look hand draw. try doing that with the animated show...

Thats probably impossible because is not viable, and because a fighting game is not the same as an open world game...
But it would be different instead of making an arkham game that rip off the Nemesis system.

I want to play with Copper head

While combat itself is indeed a quick time event, getting insanely high hit streaks is what makes it fun. There is a lot of variety in combos and when you know what you're doing it can be quite the spectacle

I'd be very happy if they left the Arkham series alone forever. They were all pretty good, and the series is perfect as is. Shit, even Origins was better than most AAA games these days.

I'd like to see rocksteady move on, but i'm not sure where they'll go from here.

>transexual character in a videogame
>nobody says anything because villain

The male he was referring to was probably the one from the comics and this is just a new Copper Head created for the game.

The arkham series seems to be Spiderman now
>see rocksteady move on
Superman is the rumor.
But making something new not DC related... I kind of doubt it
But is she?
or just saying it because comics is man and this is a girl?

you dont know what a qte is do you?

does Sup Forums know?

>Superman is the rumor.

yeah, i've heard that one. And Justice League. Either would be good. Though i'm rooting for Batman Beyond, myself, though that will never happen.

>or just saying it because comics is man and this is a girl?

eh. we'll never know. Batman comments on it when going through the dossiers. It could be a nod to changing the gender of the character, but it's really up to interpretation.

No they do not.

>Batman fanboy

i'm not ashamed to admit this. I loved the games just for the updated characters and dialogue. Having competent and fluid mechanics was just a nice bonus.

either way, everybody wins.

I think even Arkham Blackgate could have being good if it wasn't limited by 2D movement and shit bossfights (even Asylum ones are better, and those are shit too). Fuck that retarded Grundy fight.

The Arkham games are shit though. Some of the most boring games I have ever played.


I became a Batman fanboy thanks to Bamham, not the opposite. Nobody shilled me those games, neither.

I used to be a Spider-Man fan thanks to the PS1 games and the Raimi movies games, but nowdays i feel he's a bootleg superhero, he even has a Catwoman knock off.

City > Knight > Asylum > Origins

>I became a Batman fanboy thanks to Bamham, not the opposite

what an awful time to be a Batman fan. don't read anything past 2010!

Funny, i feel the same for hyped "good games" like Chrono Trigger. It's still there, waiting in my backlog, and i probably never finish it. Batman: Arkham, on the other hand, i can't have enough of it. To each his own, i guess.

Why you say that?

Because SJWs ruined comics, and Batman is incompatible with their beliefs.

Excellent taste. Spot on.

Asylum it's inferior, but it's understandable, being the first one, also the atmosphere is great.

Origins has good stuff too, but so much wrong shit, and they should have done better, being the third one. My biggest complaint is that it oesn't feel like a prequel, more like a DLC for City.

Yep. I can agree with this. Many won't because of the hatred for the vehicle combat in Knight.

This reminds me. I never got around to playing the Origins DLC..any good, I wonder?

I read on Sup Forums that DC doesn't have that much of a problem with the SJW, the progresive shit it's more a Marvel thing, or at least it's worse over there.

Origins DLC is great, love the thugs with freezing guns.

It's worse for Marvel, but it's like comparing two turds and choosing the least greasy one.

It doesn't help that New 52 is basically just trash, minus maybe one or two titles.

I'm not sure why I didn't play it yet. Maybe because it's all Mr. Freeze based, from the look of it, and i'm not all that fussed on him.

Play it, it's good. The freeze fight it's like the one in City, but harder, because there are less traps to use. Also, love the intro in the Wayne Manor and the homage to Heart of Ice (Mr. Freeze episode on B:TAS).

Origins has so much to like, it's a shame it's so buggy. I literally encountered at least 6 gamebreaking bugs in my latest playthrough of it on the PS3.

Origins was retroactively ruined by Arkham Knight

I thought New 52 era/timeline/whatever was already canned, and that the new timeline was named Rebirth, which seems to be better. I don't read the mainline comic, so i don't know for sure.

No it's a rhythm game, are rhythm games QTEs?

>anything except Asylum


I think that name isn't cannon, but i like it. I want to see arkhamverse Copperhead again.

Weird opinion, i just see it here. It's like those who say GTA 3 is the best one in the series, i mean, it's still good, but Vice City is better and San Andreas even more.

>No mention of the best Arkham Game of alll.

As the big arkhamfag i am, i want to buy me a modern phone just to try it. Is it really good or are you just memeing here?

>best series ever made
>combat is babby-tier
>"stealth" is braindead
You really need to expand your boundaries.

Not him but...
Asylum has the one thing the other games don't. Atmosphere

Is just like clash of clans, but with an arkham paintjob.
I guess is just okayish for phones standards

Origins had atmosphere, I think.

Origins is not very good. The most atmospheric thing about it was that it was like Christmas Eve

Shallow combat.
Combat consists, in its entirety, of angling the analog stick towards an enemy while pressing the attack button and pressing the counter button when an enemy is about to attack. Positioning relative to the enemy is unimportant: attacking will cause you to instantly gravitate towards them, wherever they may be positioned on screen.
Countering functions as a glorified reaction time test.
Pressing the counter button when the enemy is about to attack you cancels out any attack animation, and a canned countering animation will play out. No more enemies than you are capable of countering attack at once. You are invulnerable when countering.

>The most atmospheric thing about it was that it was like Christmas Eve

Yes, but that was pretty prevalent, in itself. Everything closed up, snowstorms, everything feels dead rather than empty. Batman still working. It was kind of bittersweet. Not something that's easily pulled off in a game.

Both combat and stealth have stuff i always liked to see in beat 'em ups and stealth games: great emphasis in counters and guards without alzheimer. Also Batman controls greatly in both situations. I love both types of games, what's better than having them in the same game with Batman as the main character?

I have played hardcore games Sup Forums praises, and i still prefer Batman: Arkham. My favorite game series, no exageration.

Batman games are so damn comfy. Probably my most played game series (Might be my top 3 series of all time to be honest).
Not every game has to be hardcore

>Not every game has to be hardcore

This. Why easy games like Zelda gets a pass and muh Bamham not?

Because Zelda is Nintendo, and Nintendo always gets a pass. Tyranny of low expectations.

Zelda has great level and dungeon design and doesn't focus on actual combat, batman is purely combat based

>purely combat based
What did you just say?

Both issues could be easily fixed by making you vulnerable during counters, making the thugs able to dodge you during ranged attacks and making them able to attack you all at once without mercy. Sadly, the game it's indeed aimed to casuals, so that won't happen ever.

I love the design of the combat, and by fixing those issues and adding mechanics to deal with it, would be perfect.

>great emphasis in counters and guards without alzheimer. Also Batman controls greatly in both situations

Yeah why lie to yourself when it's exactly like how this user stated itYou barely have complete control of him

>Zelda has great level and dungeon design

Meh, i don't like it that much, neither of those. I go with

How i lied to myself? I acknowledged the counters, didn't i? And he didn't even talked about the stealth.

These issues haven't been fixed in 4 games in the row so i refuse to let them slide, shit is compleltly unsatisfying

Asylum is the best, the rest are honestly cluttered with so much shit that didnt need to be there

That's implying thats not what they intended. The game is casual, accept it

Guy with shield get on your way
characters with unblockable attacks
characters wont go down with basic hits
characters that you cant punch from the front
characters that you cant really stunt and have huge swing attack.

When people describe the arkham combat syste, they sound like they played like 5 minutes against the basic goons.
and even in Knight this have 1 unblockable attack.

I'm hoping the new spiderman is a more colorful, light hearted copy of arkham city

Combat is accessible and varied as the player wants it to be. The point is to make you feel like Batman where you're pulling off various takedowns, moves and incorporating gadgets when you fight all while maintaining the combo meter. The games reward using these various methods with more XP as well. Plus they throw other types of goons that require different inputs (stun guns, knives, car doors, big guys, chargers, etc.) to keep you on your toes and manage enemies on the spot.

Don't forget you're playing as someone who is inherently stronger than generic thugs so him beating the shit out of 20 goons in one sequence makes sense. The goal is to make it flashy and fluid and it works. I think it's an ingenious system so it's not a surprise every other game copied it.

Meh i think they're much more fun than exploring the city in batman games

>Combat is accessible and varied as the player wants it to be.

Except everything i said applies to the core combat system of the game and not referring to some specific enemies. It's shallow as fuck and all you're doing is coming up with weak excuses why the game should be this braindead for casuals only like i give a fuck. But yeah they achieved this mass appeal goal and other lazy devs incorporated in their games to play it safe aka boring like Shadow of mordor.

I'm not that much into medieval esque fantasy stuff, so the experience isn't that interesting to me. I prefer Batman modern urban "dungeon" levels.

Sup Forums can't make difference between
''i don't like this game'' and ''this game is bad''
the worst you can do is ask them if you should play ''insert game name''.

>Except everything i said applies to the core combat system of the game
>Combat consists, in its entirety, of angling the analog stick towards an enemy while pressing the attack button and pressing the counter button when an enemy is about to attack.

Not against the special gimmick enemies, no: batons, armors, shields.

>Countering functions as a glorified reaction time test.

Like any good defensive mechanic in videogame existence.

people want 1 button spam aka witcher tier combat.

Man, people who hate the witcher 3 really won't miss a chance to shit on it

This game has great scale and physics, seriously why doesn't every developer use havok

People who say this confirm they haven't played the game

>still implying Witcher 2 was good

It was

It was a sluggish console game pretending to be made for PC (console version just ran into problems and was delayed making it look like a "port" when it really was the main version of the game). You press "attack" to climb in context-sensitive spots. It's that kind of game. Witcherfags are among the most deluded of all fanbases.

The Witcher isn't played for the combat.

>The Witcher isn't played for the gameplay.


Holy Shit I'm replaying the franchise right now. Arkham origins is underrated it's the only game that got bane right. Also Assault on Arkham was a better suicide squad movie than Suicide Squad. As for the future they cancelled the Damien Wayne game and are making a post Arkham Knight game. Plus a sequel to Origin. Rocksteady is working on a superman game

Focusing on the Batmobile really fucked Arkham Knight. I hope to God that it's almost over after the huge tank fight outside GCPD

The game is still good, but I'll never replay it because of that shit.

>As for the future they cancelled the Damien Wayne game and are making a post Arkham Knight game. Plus a sequel to Origin. Rocksteady is working on a superman game
None of that sounds true
>Arkham origins is underrated
Its not

Sleeping dogs is better

I wanted to replay these, but before even trying Knight for the first time I got burnt out halfway through city. The combat barely progresses/adds new stuff between games. It just feels so tedious to play since its not only so easy but you just continually see and do the same movements

It's all rumors believe them or not. I personally believe in the Superman game and the Post Knight game. Don't believe in the sequel to Origin

Arkham Origins is underrated it's the most Batman Batman I hate when his group gets over crowded. One of the reasons why Batman Bad Blood sucked

Anyone else feel that this series just kept on getting worse and worse HUD over time? I like Knight the most but good lord the HUD is just cluttered as fuck compared to Asylum.

say what faggot!?

I was referring to it in relation to batman
The Damien game was a the Post-Arkham game, you know that right?

What's the point of a game you don't play?