new first-person shooter from legendary game designer Cliff Bleszinski and the Boss Key Productions team.
i am hyped as fuck
new first-person shooter from legendary game designer Cliff Bleszinski and the Boss Key Productions team.
i am hyped as fuck
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here is a ingame screenshot. Looks nice! I guess this is my first pre orderd game!
Hi! I'm thinking of buying this game when it comes out, I've already seen videos on YouTube about LawBreakers and I think is really face paced game, with nice graphics
game is fun
>4 posts 1 IP
literal shill
gas yourself, this game looks like hot fucking garbage
>shill meme
>nobody cares
go back to /x/
Oh, wow, another fucking pvp fps that's gonna be infested with cheaters only after 1 week.
wow looks really good ps. i'm a compulsive liar
give it a chance, you can play the beta right now. All you need to do is just pre-order the game LawBreaker. It is very fun. And if you don't like it just refund it. That simple.
>shooter that isnt just running on the ground with hitscan guns
Dead on arrival, thanks Call of Duty and CS.
Yeah, no, i'd rather buy a finished game or food with that.
>comparing apples with cars
i like the game and it was worth every cent.
Good for you.
it's shit
horiz base movement looks much too slow and they shouldn't have gone with the "hero" shooter meme
that restricts choice
Is this falseflagging shilling?
This thread is cancer.
>tfw this fucking ad for this game is literally every Youtube advertisement now
its beta, they will fix it. Just give it a try.
I played the beta Cliffy, your game is shit and would die even if it was free to play let alone cost 30 dollars.
>suspiciously specific description of the game and devs
>getting hyped from a basic screenshot that doesn't even show the game in action
>literally a post opening with "Hi!"
Yes this is shilling. Sup Forums only talks like that when they're pretending to be shills.
It's going to be Horizon Zero Dawn 2.0. Screencap this
this thread is awful and ironic. i like the game more n alpha helion was too OP this time around
Dead on arrival, exactly like Evolve.
They said "hurr durr Evolve is made by the legendary devs of Left 4 Dead, it's gonna be AMAZING... it's gonna destroy Call of Duty, Battlefield and Counter-Strike... it's gonna be a breakthrough in the esports scene! Hurr"
Yet, when the game came out, it was a MASSIVE flop. In fact, it even went Free to Play only one year later.
Gonna take a hard pass.
Evolve is just tank phase from L4D made into a full game and nobody was really into it.
Really, please, neck yourself
wow yeah totally not a paid shill here guys I love this game!
I will forever love Cliffy for his work on Unreal 1, which is one of the best FPS's of all time. But all he has done subsequently has been a wash.
This game will naturally get comparison to evolve because you use guns and abilities and are in an arena format. However the biggest difference in this game is that balance between the guns and the abilities. Your ability with your guns and melee attacks. When you are watching montages as you wait for the next beta pay attention to the kill feeds. It may be difficult for people who have not played the game but the vast majority of the kills that happen are secured by your main weapons. To further this point, double kills and beyond even favor your guns more heavily. You aren't having to wait for ability cooldowns before you can take a fight, and especially not your ultimates. Your ultimates will get you a kill or two and may help you win a fight, you will find that more often than not the ultimates are not the deciding factor. There is not that dance of "which team has more ults" because gunplay and positioning will always outplay abilities.
why would anybody play this over dirty bomb / paladins / over watch?
I haven't played this game and can safely say this game is not like evolve. When I first saw a preview for this game I never thought it was even remotely close to overevolvewatch at that matter. It's a different and unique game. That's what I am excited to get more details and hopefully get to play.
awful lot of coloreds in this game
Because it takes place in the future