>That bullshit boss you just can't beat
That bullshit boss you just can't beat
>struggle with it for a good couple hours, give up and decide to try again in a few days
>come back and get it first try, because there was ONE thing you weren't doing right and that made the boss piss-easy
I hate it.
Manus, he is not hard but for some reason he makes my frames drop heavily which causes some awful input lag.
Fucking young Xehanort in birth by sleep is near impossible with terra. I did beat him though
If you can manage to make him waste all his healing and get him to quarter health he enters "nothing personel" mode, where he auto parries you and oneshot ripostes you
>Boss removes your abilities
I almost droped the whole game cuz of this fucker
>That bullshit boss you just can't beat
Belzeebub. SMT:Nocturne.
That fucking fly curse. I still don't know how i managed to get that far without even knowing about magatama weaknesses
Rodin the Infinite One.
Never ever ever got walled so hard in my life.
FUCK Manus. Holy shit the day I spent trying to kill him and then cheese him with a crossbow only to die 10 seconds in will be forever burned into memory.
Also, this flaming hot cheeto mother fucker. Don't get me started.
impossible is the correct term
Manus made me drop the game for awhile. Picked it up again and wasted him in a couple tries. Fucking Lawrence however has stood as my personal ageless ass reamer.
Grinding the necessary Grimoires and levels is a battle in and of itself. Even then victory is hard-fought.
Kalameet for me. Took me forever. I beat Manus without the talisman even.
Blood straved beast. To beat it you just have to accept you'll be poisoned and play really aggro
Kalameet also took me forever but once I got the advice about Pestilent Mercury I got him in 2 later tries.
Laurence was just sheer force of fucking will. I was literally shaking when I finally got him. Oh my god that 2nd phase man, that 2nd goddamn phase.
Sephiroth in KH1. Never have, probably never will.
Midir, I'm taking a break from the game. Doesn't help I was already at NG+7 when I started doing the dlc.
Oh I confused Midir with Kalameet.
Kalameet wasn't so hard for me.
Kalameet was my favorite fight in the DLC, entirely because I was able to trigger his attack without getting hurt, then I high-tailed it back to Gough, and by the time I got back to the fog door there was someone waiting to be summoned. Me and this random guy absolutely destroyed him, he even focused the tail to get me the special weapon drop.
FUCK this faggot and fuck nocturne! Artificial difficulty rng piece of bullshit!
I remember some interviews around Birth By Sleep's english release about how this guy was being added in the english version, since he was considered too hard to put in the japanese version. It made me think was this fucker even harder during the development or did they just say fuck it and add this bullshit piece of shit in
The Warden from Hunter the reckoning. I still can't beat him to this day and I don't know why
>slowly walk left
lvl 50+ kefka on dissidia PSP