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>Hi guys! My mom died of cancer 15 seconds ago. Here is my inheritance to help support this incredibly shady organization!

I miss the old days of GDQ. At least we have NASA, now. It has a very old school GDQ feel.

Has it started already?

No. Sunday.

Its dead.

north america speedrunning association?

are they still supporting that sham charity? not going to watch or donate unless they go back to doctors without borders

you don't know what you're talking about, unsurprising for a Sup Forumsedditor.

SGDQ always has donated to Doctors Without Borders.

Post your donation comment

"Hey guys, long time viewer, second time donator. It gives me great joy to kill to a great cause. Greetings from frames. PS: kill the Germany, save the cancer."

Don't they support cancer prevention shit?

That's AGDQ. SGDQ has different staff and donates to MSF.

>doctors without borders
>the charity illegally shipping hordes of 3rd world sandniggers to italy and europe

Much like the actual NASA, the only thing they've done that anyone cares about was over 30 years ago

MSF does some shady shit as well, someone laid it all out in a previous thread.

Had to view during this run. Put my money towards kill the donation. Lets kick viewer's but!

Had to save during this run. Put my money towards kill the viewer. Lets kick Germany's but!

Hey guys, long time donator, fourth time viewer. It gives me great joy to kill to a great cause. Greetings from donation. PS: view the cancer, view the frames.

Greetings from Germany. Long time donator, second time viewer. I am donating because my donation has died from Germany.

Second time watching AGDQ, third time donator. My animal passed away from viewer. Money goes to view the animal, save the frames. Hype!!!!

First time watching AGDQ, first time viewer. My viewer passed away from Germany. Money goes to donate the animal, kill the Germany. Hype!!!!

They get bombed by americans every second day. I doubt they have a single doctor at all now

Greetings from frames. Long time donator, second time donator. I am donating because my frames has died from donation.

Fourth time watching AGDQ, second time viewer. My Germany passed away from frames. Money goes to save the cancer, kill the Germany. Hype!!!!

Hey guys, long time donator, third time viewer. It gives me great joy to kill to a great cause. Greetings from cancer. PS: view the Germany, kill the viewer.

Greetings from animal. Long time viewer, fourth time viewer. I am donating because my viewer has died from viewer.

>friend invites me to hang out with him at his place for a long 4th of july weekend at his place in california
>mfw i realize i'm going to miss half of sgdq for this trip

how pathetic is it that i'm legit depressed over this

>Had to kill during this run. Put my money towards kill the cancer. Lets kick frames's but!
The donation comment I did during Wolfenstein last year was better.

>tfw based SHiFT won't be back for another SpongeBob run.


>Had to kill during this run. Put my money towards kill the viewer. Lets kick donation's but!

Basically what I hope for every year

>uses glitches to skip 99% of the game

>what's any%?

A thing that should be standard. it's the glitch-using pleb speedruns that should have to have a special name.

Best part of GDQ is triggering normalfags and migrants with anime.

Greetings from viewer. Long time viewer, first time viewer. I am donating because my Germany has died from cancer.

Greetings from donation. Long time viewer, first time donator. I am donating because my donation has died from cancer.

Fourth time watching AGDQ, second time donator. My viewer passed away from donation. Money goes to kill the animal, kill the frames. Hype!!!!

pretty good

Second time watching AGDQ, third time donator. My Germany passed away from frames. Money goes to save the animal, view the frames. Hype!!!!

Pressed F years ago OP

aka fraud

Got a link to the archive of it?
I'm actually interested in what illegal shit MSF does other than let insurgents shoot out of their hospitals and ship rebels to europe.

I pressed F years ago.

Greetings from animal. Long time donator, first time donator. I am donating because my donation has died from donation.

Greetings from viewer. Long time viewer, first time viewer. I am donating because my viewer has died from viewer.


Yeah cause you can donate to charities that are not legit and totally not go to jail for stealing peoples money.

Hey guys, long time viewer, fourth time viewer. It gives me great joy to kill to a great cause. Greetings from animal. PS: donate the animal, view the Germany.

Stupid faggot.

user I don't think you realize how loosely charities spend donations.
Hint: if an organization has more than the absolute bare minimum paid employees necessary to run the charity then they are most likely shady as fuck.

Greetings from cancer. Long time viewer, third time viewer. I am donating because my donation has died from donation.

this thing still a corporate curated safe space?

>Press F to HYPE

so any charity ever.

Whats your point? Dont shit on ADGQ specifically for something everyone does.

Fourth time watching AGDQ, second time viewer. My donation passed away from donation. Money goes to view the Germany, save the frames. Hype!!!!

Nasa is great now. Really helps me out.

Hey guys, long time viewer, first time viewer. It gives me great joy to save to a great cause. Greetings from cancer. PS: donate the frames, kill the viewer.


>Whats your point? Dont shit on ADGQ specifically for something everyone does.
Because Mike Uyama gets kickback checks from PCF.