Yellow orbs when?
Fire Emblem Heroes
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Shut the fuck up faggot.
Weak to colorless?
>Strong vs. all colors
>Weak vs. colorless
How mad would you be?
Would finally give a reason to roll grey orbs
Yeah yellow is definitely one of the primary colors!
I see black as more likely
Could it open the floodgates to implementing the beast races? I'd be fine if they were neutral to everything else but strong against their own color or something.
>a blueish orb with Leo and Julia
>another blueish orb with nobody
>a green orb with Sharena and Kagero
The fuck even is this image?
FEH had a announcement stream a month or two ago.
The Xander hero battle
Mage Gauntlet
Arena changes
Tempest trial
And the Hero fest banner were all discussed during it.
What is THE best build for Julia?
LaD 3
B-tomebreaker 3
Threaten Speed 3
Darting Blow
Threaten Speed
Rally Speed
anyone who's not a virgin care to chime in?
if they didn't do it with dragons, they aren't doing it with beasts
down vote
Any swimsuit/summer banner?
Anything Else
>yellow orbs are guaranteed neutral IV
Looks like Reddit has arrived
Normalfags fuck off
>yellow orbs cost double the amount of a regular roll in exchange for neutral IVs
>10 Orbs max, min of 6 Orbs
They better at least tell me the kind of unit I'm rolling for, broken up into different groups via weapon type.
Just rolled a 5* +hp/-spd Boey, is he any good?
Fuck you, I wanted Soren
One of the few mages that can trade with hector.
kagero would be the meta
Soren is just Nino for fujoshi and faggots
I have this feeling that the level cap might rise soon.
I am kind of dreading the thought.
>yellow orbs cost double the amount of a regular roll in exchange for neutral IVs
>And they draw from the entire pool of heroes, no more 20 or so heroes only in green orbs, it's all 100+ of them.
Made it even worse, for your pleasure.
>Don't have Klein.
>Finally roll him
>Those IVs.
It hurts.
who benefits best from Death Blow aside of Thunderpenis
*slower Nino
Is Close Counter legitimately good for a +Def -Res Boey? Because fuck, I have 1 taco and he is -atk +res
any brave weapon user
If you don't mind dropping his unique A Passive, then yes.
You could save it for Clarisse. Same base Attack with 1 more point in Speed and a neat bow.
> 35 def
Actually yes. Give him quick riposte, and pair him with another ranged hero (-hp, +att) with life-and-death, ardent sacrifice and desperation
I also have an extra taco
Haven't found a ranged hero with good def to take close counter
He seems like a good unit then, what skills should I put on him?
When are we getting another one of these hype trailers?
*Nino who can take a hit from other mages
is +spd -res a good cecilia for horse emblem? or should i wait for something else
That was for announcing shit we're still just using (IE Tempest mode) but they already ran out of every feature in that trailer.
So hopefully we get one next month and we didn't get one now thanks to the lamest E3 ever.
Isnt speed her best stat?
-def or -hp would be better but that still works well.
>tfw made it into tier 20 with no merges
>tfw this week I don't even have to try because it's statistically impossible for me to not drop
And it only cost me 10 dueling crests and some sanity.
What is the best IV for Senran Kagero? +atk or +spd?
I'm asking because I already have a 5* +spd one and I recently rolled a 4* version that is +atk.
I also have enough feathers, around 50K now with the recent arena rewards, and no really good/perfect IV 4* units to use them on, so if +atk is better I might just raise that one up.
>Not Julia.
Such faggotry should be impossible to achieve.
>tfw this week I don't even have to try because it's statistically impossible for me to not drop
what makes you think that, tiny dick?
Her speed is decent enough but she gains more from +atk.
Have 2 kageros
+Spd. If she can't double, she's useless.
Which one has -hp?
With -hp IV, one ardent sacrifice will put her in desperation range for doubling everything, essentially killing any infantry
excuse you. I'll have you know it is very impressive and has death blow.
And the stay in rank for tier 20 is like the top 600 people. If you can show me the cutoff point and how to get there with no words, I'll be glad to eat my words.
Even at +HP, her HP isn't high enough that a single use of Ardent Sacrifice will work, so the point is moot.
That being said, unless you get an accidental +res you can turn into the ultimate mage counterbait, -HP is not that bad as a bane. -Def would be better on her.
>He has no merges
>He has no brain
>This brony relies on Rein(hardt)
See you back in T19
Tips on beating the masked faggot on Infernal?
>See you back in T19
...yes? What do you think ''statistically impossible for me to not drop'' means?
Cavalry memes
I read it wrong, bitch. Suck my cock and apologize
-hp IV means 28 HP
one ardent sacrifice puts her on 18 HP
18 HP is 65% of 28
Desperation 3 actives
Blade memes
>get a mage of each color and a dancer
>put axe breaker 1 on the red mage (Laslow or Eliwood should have it)
>Follow this video
>improvise as necessary
Ax breaker is nice.
Fuck you. You're illiterate like the nino you probably use.
Oh shit wait, same applies for +hp
24 is 70% of 34
I use Julia so I'm autistic. That means you have to be nice to me.
strong to all,weak to all
Should I promote Anna or Camus to 5* for the next arena rotation?
I don't have any cav memes so he would be alone.
Teammates would be Ike/Azura/Julia/Bridelia (struggling to find a good composition now that Bridelia isn't an arena unit anymore)
Brave Bow Cuckdelia and 3 level 1 dancers
+HP means 34 HP
One ardent sacrifice puts her on 24 HP
24 HP is 73% 43 HP
Desperation 3 Activates.
That was my point. Ardent works for activating Desperation 3 regardless of boon or bane on Kagero.
The guy she told you not to worry about
And you're... what? A Raigh?
>atk +2
>rising thunder
I wouldnt worry about him
Speed. Slightly stronger single attack is almost never worth losing out on potentially doubling.
Xander with hone cav and Camus do most of the work on my arena team and they're the only horses.
I did it with Reinhardt, Klein, and two Olivias.
yeah my bad, I also realized it after posting
>only attack 2
>spur attack for some reason
Hector/Felicia will take care of that fuckboi,
>no shorter cd special
>atk +2 on a +atk rein
>vantage on a glass cannon
wtf are you doing
If I have a second Reinhardt, should I merge it with my first one to get a 40+1 Reinhardt, or give the Vantage 3 to my Ryoma with Vantage 2?
I promised myself I'd get 80k by the end of the day but I just can't torture myself anymore. But I want those orbs and 10k feathers. I wish there were more rewards at the 5k marks.
Also, when are we gettimg the GHB orbs?
You think that's bad? You should see the ranking war going on past 108k.
I'm around 79k myself but forget getting 10k feathers. The 700 place had like 106k at least and it's only going to go up from there.
We're gonna have to settle for top 5000
You should stop user, if you maxed out your HM you're done, we're all very proud of you, you can rest!
If it's a 5* merge it, if it's 4* give ryoma vantage 3
Took the advice from here and did it on my 3rd. Thanks, dude.
Fuck everybody else though.
Worth it to bump a Kagero up to 5-star?
What this guy said
Should have mentioned she has neutral IVs
Not with neutral. She seriously wants +Spd, or +Atk at bare minimum.
B-But the orbs and the feathers...
Looks like I got me a 40+1 Reinhardt. Thanks.
Keep going faggot, he just wants the goods for himself
You get feathers from Tempest? Since when?
Why is this allowed?
Also, should I give Rauorblade+ to Katarina or the cuter Lilina?
It's not worth it.
Katarina because she's actually the cuter one.