Let's have a battlestation thread, Sup Forums

Let's have a battlestation thread, Sup Forums.
Post your personal battlestations only.

I finished cleaning mine today. I am, very obviously, a virgin. R8, no bully pls.

Other urls found in this thread:

steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/350210-the Hooligan Sisters

>plays guitar and produces audio
>no audio monitors

They're expensive, user. I'll get there eventually.


>pokemon poster above bed
are you sure you're old enough to be on Sup Forums?

epic sasuke pic my narubro :D

Why do these corner desks have unusable corners?

having this may guitars surely means that you are at least decent and probably have a band and that alone is instant pussy. how the fuck are you still a virgin?

>no closeup of guitars
fuck the vidya show geetars

I just finished up this part of the gaymen room last weekend. I was pretty stoked for it

challenge me, i fucking dare you

ive done some upgrades since this pic but i dont feel like updating because im a hopeless oldfaggot drunk with more money than friends to waste it on.

I just got Titanfall 2 from that PS+ sale also OP, it's pretty good

Give me your shame, old pic though desk is cleaner now
Need more hard drives

>a dozen guitars
>I am, very obviously, a virgin

No shit

Ill shame you friend, though not by much.
I love some LG stuff, but their monitors are overpriced, under preforming normie tier crappola.
Id mention the mess but you said its clean.
i hate that dabbing figure, but im getting old and dont understand dabbing and think drake is a fucking hack.
you seem aight

Thanks, user. You're pretty cool, wouldn't mind being destroyed by you in vidya.

>having this may guitars surely means that you are at least decent
Been playing for a decade, since I was 10, so yeah kinda decent, but I never brag about it because I'm self taught so it's basically the same as not knowing how to play.
>and probably have a band
I don't have many friends and most people don't like metal anymore, also I'm shy with people so I don't go out
>how the fuck are you still a virgin?
When I was in highschool girls always harassed me, as in, literally insulted me for not listening to pop or whatever the fuck they listen to and for having long hair and always wearing black. Women don't like guitar players unless you play acoustic only.
Decided not to go to college because it's a waste of money so I pretty much have no contact with women anymore, since like 2015.

Recorded this for fun the other day clyp.it/xl3cuhl2
Audio quality is probably shit, I'm still learning how to mix tracks.

Good catch, but I'm 20.

>inb4 EMG
>inb4 Avenged Sevencuck
I'm over it, roast me

I'm only jelly about the green LEDs

That shit's cluttered as fuck, post recent pic

>hiding your strat

Can't, driving friendo. I have a guitar too but I'm complete shit.

>I'm only jelly about the green LEDs

The whole setup is $30 and it does like 10 colors by remote and different speeds and other whacky crap.
1000x worth the money.


Why's it so FUCKING hot already?


I'll just post my older setup from 6 months ago though can't tell if it's cluttered since I'm driving.
Thrift stores and Craigslist. You can passively search there until you get a better answer.

Not hiding them, but one doesn't hace strings because I'm figuring out how to wire the killswitch I got for it and I'm also trying to find a decent ebony woodstain so my fretboard will look black again.

Price is tempting but I'd rather get the Philips Hue lightstrip (and bulbs for the whole room) and an Amazon Echo to turn them on and off by voice command.

Have you tried Ikea? Most countries have it, I think it's just Mexico that doesn't, so I'm fucked. That's why I had to go with the two L shaped desks from the OP.

Why does everyone have these mics? Do you use it for voice chat or are you a male twitch titstreamer?

Safe travels, mein bruder.

Sure why not

Better shot of the consoles:

Wow you're really a fucking beta manchild and a big pussy even when you don't get any

Thanks, mind if I add you on something so I can give an updated pic later? I change my stuff around a bit

>Not hiding them, but one doesn't hace strings because I'm figuring out how to wire the killswitch I got for it and I'm also trying to find a decent ebony woodstain so my fretboard will look black again.


My GF really likes your wallpaper. WF fan I take it?

>Retro consoles on 16:9 flat screen
dying dying dying death death help help barf barf barf barf barf barf no one can stop the pain please can you stop the pain


>wojack lucina

I'm done with this place.

what wide monitor is that?


>Conviniently ignoring the CRT on the right hand side

Its for comparison sake silly user.


I'm putting together a new desk as we speak so things will look different soon. Got a 70" wide desk with a motor to stand at or sit at.

Also got a 1080Ti FTW3 inside & an i7 7700k

Here's what things look like on the inside.

Here is what the delidding process looks like

It literally says CRT user

>Drug bottles and bongs on the top of the desk

Aw, so close too.

>Drug bottles

??? Thats an hourglass user. If you're talking the potion bottles, they're paper weights I got for haloween two decades ago from target. One has a spider, the other has a scorpion.


It's the angle

>Sexy overwatch


I'm laughing like a retard right now because now I can't unsee it, god damn it.

it's eh


God, the fact people actually go to lengths to frame this shit on their walls is disturbing as hell.


why does it look like you are on a plane?


dunno if you're still here

I think he meant the MSF one user.



Reported. Crawl back into your containment board horsefucker.

Quit stealing barneyfags work.

Looks like the cabin of a truck.

Hey man I wanted the Mighty switch force one on his right monitor, not that degenerte faggotry.

>those drive names

Thanks, my ex named them. I'm just sentimental so I'm not changing them. ;.;

>More than 20TB
Why? How much porn do you save every day?
>I'm just sentimental so I'm not changing them
Fuck that, you need to rename them and move on. Women aren't worth your time, user.

my phone is shitting the bed, picture incoming soon.

steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/350210-the Hooligan Sisters

Knock yourself out.

I archive things, like saving back ups of small sites and old gaming library shit. Also, I'm lesbian, I understand it quite well but I can't help it. I loved her dearly.

>Haha i'm actually a grill
Ah yes that explains the "LOOK AT ME I'M DIFFERENT" spelling of anonymous.


>I'm lesbian
Oh fuck's sake. Not only are you a degenerate but you're a woman as well. Fuck off my board.
I know right? Fucking women.

Holy fuck user get your foot checked


Remodeling a house.

Where'd you find your shelving user? I've been scouring around for something exactly like it. Got a name and model by chance or a store you coul;d point me to?

Stop posting

Atlantic elf rack

They don't make them anymore.


I think I have the exact same guitar rack. lol.

Post 6 stringed instruments.


>covering the camera

Afraid someone's spying on you?



>Watching porn on right monitor
>Someone enters the room
>No time to react and close the tab before they see it
Nice thinking senpai

Different sized monitors on a stand look awkward


Better than different sized monitors on mismatched stands

Calm. Im alone.

kys Barneyfag

Never seen your BS befre but you seem deep into games. You just been lurking or something?

>camper life

Shit looks cozy

I know very well

What's the Acer computer for?


Please be kind.



have that same shitty coolermaster case

will have new shelves on sat for my games and movies

>That chair

inb4 that lardass posts his dick pic