Want to play an orc warrior

>want to play an orc warrior
>can't bring myself to roll one because armor looks goofy as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone got any tips on what I should roll?

a bullet into the chamber


Blood elf female

>armor looks goofy af
Bitches love broad shoulders OP
t. Orc warrior main



>want to roll orc
>do it because i'm not a little bitch and I know best race when i see it

Remember when they decreased orc shoulder size back in like TBC because the alliance complained?

>decrease shoulder size by 30%
>make orcs straight backed like they say they will

literally would become the master race overnight with only these 2 changes

Draenai female

Make female orc, they honestly look the best in armor.

lmao I'm not a cuck who plays female characters

only raw and buff dudes here

>ywn get the best warrior set

You have to be 18+ to post here.

orc mage or anything spriest

>tfw I unironically think that looks amazing

I'm such a sucker for over exaggerated fantasy armor, I don't give a shit if it makes sense or not

>That guy in the guild that goes "Sorry user I don't do pvp"."

Blizzard will never I repeat NEVER change or add anything of interest to character creation, they think it's a stupid waste of time

For the elite sets you had to get 2k2 rating tho
It's pretty hard if your mates are not into PvP

>implying orcs aren't already the master race.

they changed orc shoulder size once

people were very mad

>Playing WoW in 2017.

Look mom i posted it again!

>playing Shillblood in 2017

I will grant you this image, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

Incorrect. That was a huge outstanding case of retard coding. it was finally anounced as a bug, but was so confusing how it happened it took them like 6 months to fix it. I legit got tired of reading of people bitching about it.

>want to play wow
>cant bring myself to play it because its shit now

>be playing Elysium WoW
>Azuregose spawning soon
>alliance getting out of control after repetitive bitchslapping
>ight lets go up then
>proceed to fear/zerker rage / charge demons higher and higher up the hill in the southeastern corner of Azshara
>we made it

Reroll on Elysium where adventure still lives

>want to upvote your post
>can't bring myself to do it because we're not on reddit


Gummy will save us

I quit elysium a year ago during the chinkshit and the fag mod banning everyone

did it get better now?

>reroll on a dead server where only 3k people play
>on fucking vanilla

lmao no thanks

>world of warcraft in the current year two thousand and seventeen anno domini and beyond

Yea i played last year and it was legit impossible to level cause of the huge amount of players
Its better now, extremely active but you can actually get shit done now
Havent had this much fun in forever

>In stv ganking with my hunter
>it aint me starts playing

Is feral still being ignored by blizzard?

Mom look i posted it yet again!
You fags dont even deserve (you)s at this point

>Watch warcraft film
>get hyped by intro theme
>go back to elysium

cyka blyat


What set is that?

>tfw getting through the dark portal for the 1st time
>never ever gonna experience something like that again


pretty sure it was one of the elite pvp sets from WoD, unobtainable now

oh what ui is that?

>playing world of fucking warcraft still
pretty sad

>armor looks goofy as fuck

I think you're playing the wrong game, then. And for that matter, the wrong genre.

>2.5 GCD
pretty sad desu

>judging video game taste on a mongolian chalk board for video games


>wearing armor


Mom! Pffff haha.. i.... hahahah... i did it again! I...hahaha...omg! Went into a wow thread to talk shit about wow pffff hahahah can i have tendies??

No u


Gobbo is always a good choice

Orc or gtfo

So Keklysium good now? I didn't bother playing because of how poorly handled it was. Yet lo and behold its still going strong. I was playing gummy's beta but I'm not leveling any further since hes going to wipe the beta characters before launch, and who knows when he'll even launch it.