Keyboard and mouse better than gamepads?

>Why should i use three fingers on a keyboard to walk with a character when i can just use my thumb?

Serious question i got from a friend.

more accurate movement and your fingers dont slip off the dpad/stick like your thumbs inevitably will

There's no objective "best" and people use whatever is most comfortable for them.

the only thing controllers will ever have over keyboard and mouse is that it allows for a more comfortable sitting posture

I think mouse and keyboard are best for shooters but for most other games using controllers are OK.

An analog stick is much better for movement, that's true, but a keyboard has access to more buttons with custom keybinds. An analog stick, however, is not even nearly as fast and precise as a mouse for aiming which is why aim assist is a thing when using gamepads.

In the end, it doesn't even matter since it's all up to personal preference.

you can aim more accurately with mouse but you can move more accurately with joystick

arcade joystick + mouse is best combo

Playing games on a mouse and keyboard sucks

It is less ideal for movement, but it gives you access to a whole lot more buttons and the mouse is immeasurably faster and more accurate as a pointing device than pushing the right stick around.

On games like Dark Souls, sure but it's pure gold with fps games or strategy games

This entirely depends on your setup though. Many people tend to hunch over their desk with keyboard and mouse. Others sit the keyboard in their lap and have the mouse on table to their left or right, and a nice chair they can comfortably lean back in.

Keyboard+Mouse/Gamepad argument is stupid. They're both good for different things. Gamepads are really good for side scrolling games like Metroid and Castlevania.

Keyboard is better for games like Devil May Cry and FPS. They both have their advantages and perceivable faults, but neither one is optimized better than the other, that would depend on the manufacturer and the criteria therein.

Even in a game like Dark Souls keyboard and mouse and be totally fine. Assuming it has proper keyboard and mouse support.

That's true. Should've mentioned that.

>playing any type of 3rd person action game with a keyboard and mouse
might as well say you love taking dicks up your ass while you're at it, it's fucking garbage for any type of game like that.

>not playing souls with keyboard

A whole hand for 15+ keys vs. a whole hand for movement and 2 buttons

what kind of retard even come up with this kind of idiotic statement?
oh wait...

Depends on the game, but mostly on the implementation of the controls

t. dick sucker

you trying to tell me youre a dick sucker?

Its funny, the first time i played Batman Arkham Asylum was with a controller. I went back a year later and played it with keyboard and mouse. And I greatly preferred it over the controller.

OP here. My friend Bob (Let's just call him that right now) really hates PC gamers for some reason. I never brag about it or even talk smack about consoles or anything but there's this one time where he got really fucking mad when i explained that the only console i have reason returning to is Nintendo while most games that come to Xbox or PS, i can get for my PC so there is no reason for me to buy the new consoles. He flipped and started to screech autistically and swear and spit at me.

So he basically made it his life mission to try to find something to use against PC gaming that can make it look bad some how. This is one conversation we had for example.

I went a little nuts here, trying to take the piss out of him by this point because now i was mostly making a joke about getting an xbone because they were getting Mouse and keyboard support for it. It's all translated. Enjoy.

well then
even if you remove video games from the equation can consoles make use of productivity applications or filesharing? no
check mate bobbu-san