Nintendo Switch shortages to occur for the rest of the year

"Expect Nintendo Switch shortages to continue through the rest of the year. Production is still capped right now due to component shortages."

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Did nintendo completely forgot how to mass produce? I don't remember this shit happening during the Wii era

If you wanted one, you'd have it already.

limit the amount of shipping to Canada and Europe, no one buy your shit there anymore

refocus those to US and Japan

Top fuckin kek hope this destroys their sales momentum

Wii U 2.0, thank you based Apple

>I don't remember this shit happening during the Wii era

because you were 4.

No, Apple just knows how to work the market.

Are you retarded or just pretending?

Do you know fuckign nothing at all abotu the tech industry?

>you will never be that salty that Switch is doing well

>tfw just bought a Switch in anticipation of this
Didn't even buy any games, and probably wont until Splatoon 2.

Is this good for us sonybros?

>doing well
>won't be on the shelves at all for its inaugural year

Top laff

If Nintendo doesn't get their shit together by the time Mario Odyssey releases I'll buy from a scalper

It sucks but at least I have the spare money to justify it to myself since I traded in my Wii U

>apple kills the switch
wew lad

>ill be playing Mario Odyssey while anons trample eaxh other on black friday for one of the 3 switches in stock

nah, Nintendo are just extremely cheap kikes. Apple, Samsun, Sony, Huawei&co. offered the manufacturers better deals for certain components and Nintendo was literally too kikerish and cheap to keep up.

This proves that Nintendo is just an autistic kid trying to play with the adults.

What are they supposed to do? Set up a meeting with Apple to ask "Hey, can you reduce production on your normalfag meme phones that generate billions every year? We need those parts you're using."

I have ten more to sell with five botw master editions and ten special editions left. NEET bucks are everywhere.

>nintendo chases a "blue ocean" aka ripping off Apple's business model
>gets smacked down for it

Top fukkin kek they can't compete anywhere

Apple and Samsung are literally taking up all chip production.

That was a security measure so the attendees couldn't hack the device.

Reggie looks like that rocky road cereal they use to make.

He could evwn practicallu be one of the mascots...i want him to dress up like the brown bass player and eat a bowl of rocky road with me.

still selling more than PS4 even if supply constrained.

I guess the PS4 is truly past it's prime. wew

If you are telling the truth, I salute you and kek at all those desperate Nintendownie permavirgin manchildren .

Toddlers are always shitposting about how Nintendo has so much money in the bank, they could fail over and over until 2050 and still not go broke, blah blah blah.
So why the FUCK can't they just start outbidding Apple for the parts? Why are they such cheap asses?

apple is bigger then nintendo

PS4 has outsold it 7/10 weeks

Nice delusion toddler

>Companies that already have control of the production lines
It's fucking ironic the newfag underageb& that throw around the term toddler around here when they're just out of diapers themselves.

do you have a SINGLE fact to back that up ?

Yeah, no kidding. Nintendo has them build into every Switch.
The scratching plastic screens are a feature too!

There is no way there is a shortage of parts. Apple's just bullshitting to control the market. They have plenty, I'm sure of it. I can't prove it of course but I wouldn't surprise me.

Fuck off Benten, go eat tanukis or something.

Buttmad toddler spotted

do you have a SINGLE fact to back that up ?

Surely there's some anti-consumer or fair-trade/Monopoly law that would stop literally two companies from practically taking all chip production?

Thanks Apple

60 million

>nintenbro this asshurt that the ps4 raped the wii u and will probably outlive the switch too
O im laffin

Hey nigger, I'd rather be called a toddler by some faggot on the internet than be an actual toddler that has zero concept of how anything works. Why don't you come back to this website when you're fucking 18 you worthless cunt shit.

>no one buy your shit there anymore

>switches still sold out everywhere you look in canada

So this is how Apple and Samsung met their endgame, with literal COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION.


Kek the shortage is a fucking meme, I can walk into every store in Europe and find a Switch right now.
I guess only amerifats and japs buy this weak tablet. EU masterrace

>you will never be this assraped about a fisher price tablet

People who accuse others of being underage are usually underage themselves, its projection.

All they can do is set up new production lines which if I recall correctly, can take a year or more to set up. What law is there to say "you can't buy x amount of our shit because that wouldn't be fair to everyone else"? It's first come first serve.

Nintendo is literally a small fry in the business world, contrary to what Nintendicksucker manchildren will tell you on this board and
They have no leverage nor any pull in dictating conditions. They have to take it in the ass like its fanbase has been since the Gamecube days.

NPD march and April.

wew, that was hard

Seriously tho, kill yourself

>It's projection
>As I'm explaining to a child how things actually work
You need to be 18+ to post here.
Back to plebbit my ebic redditor

>the PS4 ponies are this deluded

I already knew but fuckign get help, jesus

Only Californiafags and East coast fags buys the switch, us real americans in the midwest buy Sony


>toddledrone posting nu-pokemon telling others that they're underage



>shortages the rest of the year
>Mario coming out in October
RIP 10 million by March

>nintenbro denying the truth
Damn, stop being so childish.. oh wait you're a nintodddler, i forgot.

>I can walk into every store in Europe and find a Switch right now.
>I guess only amerifats and japs buy this weak tablet.
That's why Nintendo literally has to fly Switches from Europe over to Japan to meet demand there.

what's the nigger population in USA and Europe ?

Asking for a friend.



Ask Reggie Fils-Aimes, Shitendo's nigger president

Gonna need some red circles, I'm retarded and can't see the scratches.

>Nintendo ALWAYS has "unexpected"shortages despite significant data indicating the level of demand long before release.
>People still think this isn't intentional for optics.

So, from your quick resort to crying wojack, i can safely assume it's over 60 million. Thanks for the answer

But I haven't been able to find a single Switch on a store shelf in Michigan. Where do you live where nobody is buying them?

In Europe it will soon be 500 million, thanks to Merkel and Macron


what about the games tho

Or, they didn't expect demand to pick up and weren't able to fully increase production before the end of the year.

Settle down or go back to your hole you racist degenerate

Or they could just outbid apple since this isnt a "Reputation" issue.

yes? because the supply contraint hit hard this month. Jesus, sony niggers are pathetic.

From your butthurt reply I can safely assume you're a literal homosexual who faps to cross dressing Link

>Cant see whats wrong
Shit am I a nintenbro or just blind

Fucking redditors shitposting on my goddamn board.

I'm pretty sure there are dozen of unbought Switchs still at my nearest Wal-Mart

Yup user there's plenty of these chips. That's also why they cut the NES classic.

Please refrain from posting.

The components WSJ said were having shortages were NAND memory, the rumble, and LCDs. Mostly NAND.

That shit was the first 2 years of the Wii's life my dude

>still selling more than PS4 even if supply constrained.

What city you live in user?

>no you

so either a nigger or a 8 years old. Basically the same brainpower. Seriously tho Tyrone why are you so upset? PS4 had it's time in the sun, it even had 1 good game, you should be proud.

>the state of sonyqueers

>I don't remember this shit happening during the Wii era


i'm sure it's the truth
I mean, you could go there and verify, and know better, but you won't

and how many Bloodborne sales?
how many hoizon sales?
the ps4 is only used for Fifa and call of duty

>"PFFF who buys a switch at launch? LOL"
>mfw us early adopters made the absolute right call

So what? Why does that matter?

Yet Sony can make 70 million PS4s just fine

How about you admit Nintendo is so incompetent they can't even keep their 2008-tech Fisher Price tablets on the market. Fucking lol.

>toddlers are STILL this mad about the PS4 raping the Wii U.

You literally will not be getting any games worth a fuck this year

Wanna know how I know you are underage?

The Wii came out and was met with VERY limited supply during its launch year.

Furthermore, during the first three years of its life, holiday seasons could not keep them in stock in the slightest.

You would know this if you were not shitting in your diapers at the time of its release.

nobody cares about the WiiU

>niggers are still nigging about playing fifa

We've already gotten plenty

lmaoing@your life for pulling hypotheses out of your sore butt.
back to tumblreddit with you, trigglypuff.

fake news. gonna pick up the zelda and mario switch bubdle for 250 bucks during christmas sales.

I wouldn't say what I said without it being factual. Please refrain from posting.

That's some serious revisionist history.
From 2014-2016 Sup Forums had daily "WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY A WII U YET" shill threads.
And now you pretend no one cared about it just so you can save face. Pathetic

but he said switch not PS4.
>There might be people who bought a PS4 to play games

What, like that other user did?

Shut up pol

Excuse me? Who are you quoting?Sorry, but don't be upset that the ps3 outlived the wii u too lul