How do you feel about Mario as a character?

How do you feel about Mario as a character?

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Has no character

he says wahoo

He's too cute and makes me gay

Dude rescue the princess lmao

He doesn't have a whole lot of character. But he's always been sort of a happy go lucky hero figure to me.

He's been sandblasted of all personality-- even the jolly, aww shucks blue collar charm he was once hinted to have is now completely gone. He's simply an avatar now, and nothing more.

He's the god-king of the manlets.

his characterization depends on the game. there's times where I don't think there was anything in mind and Charles Martinet was given free reign to say what he wanted

He's better when he doesn't talk. That's not intended as a knock on Martinet, but his whole character becomes less interesting when pantomime and ADOCIA BEDAGIO gives way to MARIO NUMBUH ONE HOO HOO.

In the Original Mario Vs Donkey Kong is one of the few times he clearly has a personality-- I think if they allowed Martinet to say more lines Mario wouldn't come across as such a plant.


well, he's a global character. Simple things are easier for children that know little english to understand

Truthfully that's completely reverse.

In the past he had no personality, existing deliberately as a player avatar, with nothing identifiable allowed, beside the RPGs.

There days he has a ton more personality in his games. Nintendo has basically abandoned the "self insert into Mario" idea, and Mario is actually a character now.

Luigi is way cooler than his faggot brother.

I think Mario is a cool character.
Pretty chill. I'd hang out with him.

Nintendo needs to replace Charles Martinet. He's had his run, but now he's too old and it's noticeable.

Mario is meant to be 24 years old, Martinet is 61 and sounds 61.

Do it like Disney and have multiple people voice their iconic characters so nobody becomes "That guy" fans autistically associate with the character.

You just like Luigi because you're a runt and identify with him.

Sunshine was the first game to really give Mario a personality

No way

Mario is atleast 40

Fuck off Josh.

24 - 25

Mario is younger than you!

I think Allwine fits the bill as being that guy

Allwine is dead. And the new Mickey voices they've got are honestly much better.