Really want to get into Monster Hunter

>really want to get into Monster Hunter
>decide the first game is a good starting point since it's dirt cheap now
>get through all of the basic tutorial quests with gathering/killing small enemies without any trouble
>reach jungle Yian Kut Ku
>fucking annihilated on every attempt
How the FUCK do I git gud at this game? How long did it take you to get used to the combat in your first MH games? Are lances shitty weapons or is that just part of me being terrible at the game? Also, Monster Hunter thread I guess

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use the bonespike sns, the reason you're getting raped is because the sharpness of your weapon is not green, get a green weapon and just attack the head whenever it taunts, otherwise bash the legs

Jesus fuck the first game is NOT a good starting point. Do you have a 3DS? Just fucking get MH4U or Generations if you do.

where comes the shit casual

What's casual about playing the game with the most content?

Mon Hun is shit single player tbqhfamdesusenpai

Ignore this fucker, he was probably a Tri-babby.

I suggest you follow this guide OP, it will show you which games have the most content per generation.

fuck you and your spergchart
just jump ahead to Freedom Unite or MH4U. DO NOT remain in your thread, MH fags are the worst.

Play FU, 3U or 4U, the first game is ass.

Shit. Took me hours before I actually learned how to play. I remember timing out on Rathalos.

>tfw you will never have comfy co-op adventures with your nipponese koukousei friends

is this just a specific scenario where a different weapon would be better or am I wasting my time trying to get used to the lance in general?Assuming I'm even able to git gud at the game, would I be missing much if I skipped to FU? They're both generally less than $10 and online co-op in MHF is dead so my only option would be going through the entire game solo if I wanted to complete it first

Only thing I'd add there is that Capcom did an HD Remaster of Freedom Unite for mobile and it's actually shockingly fucking good as long as you use a controller (which you should, it has perfect controller support for a reason, the mobile touch interface is barely adequate). It also has full working LAN support in that version. For some people that might be a super easy way to get into MH these days depending on what they're equipped with.

Man, there is somewhat work still going into a Monster Hunter Tri private server... I wish there was work going towards a MH1 and MHDos Server.

>Jesus fuck the first game is NOT a good starting point
>jump to faggot shit

>Monster Hunter Tri private server
Got a link or something?

Pretty sure that's iOS only

>would I be missing much if I skipped to FU?
No, on the contrary you'd be getting more. Even today FU is still pretty damn solid and has a decent balance of more refined gameplay without some of the new shiny they stick in there now. It's a fine fucking game, particularly if you can find a few bros to play with you. Finding random pubbies though will probably always be a challenge outside of newer games though. It's also plenty fun to solo through a ways even if you don't decide to finish it solo and that's not a big deal if you get it cheap enough.

>Monster Hunter Freedom
Holy shit, that takes me back.

yeah no thx

Well, if you skipped to FU you would be missing some older mechanics (mostly broken shit like headlocking and stacking Adrenaline +2 with Felyne Heroics for massive damage) you aren't missing much.

If you keep playing Freedom 1 you get an incredibly HP bloated Yian Garuga and Fatalis and that's about it. That's all that's unique. MH Freedom 2 is just a worse version of FU because FU literally is an expansion of Freedom 2.

And FU, unlike later monhun games, contains literally all the game content of previous monster hunters. No other game contains all of it's predecessors' content like MHFU does.

My phone is NOT fucking built for gaming, they really should keep in mind not everybody has a fucking rice dout android with 4gb of RAM

Freedom Unite is a great start as well, but if you're stuck at the Yian fight I doubt you'll be better in FU.
I suggest you just keep practicing.

Lance is good for monster hunting, you'll enjoy it but it's more about having a weapon that deals the most damage and is also something you're comfortable with.

Who the fuck plays like that?

why not have the camera on the top right and move the camera when not swinging

Im a Tri baby. Went from Tri to 3U to FU to 4U. I'd say start with 3U or FU.

I don't really like 4U as much as the others for some reason. Just got really bored with it and it wasnt that I got burnt out on MH.

Going back to FU after 3U wasn't really that bad for me. There's less polish and some hitboxes are more bullshit but its not that bad. Might be unfair to say though cause I completed G-rank solo in 3u. No idea how starting MH with FU would go.

>first game
Try MH for PS2 if you want the true MH experience

pirate Freedom Unite on a PSP, or emulate it with PPSSPP

or, emulate 3U on CEMU (or Tri on Dolphin)

do NOT play the 3DS games they are at a 240p resolution and have awful controls.

You can't just mention a Tri private server and then not give more details.

Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd are the best games. Tri Ultimate is worth playing as well.

Also to answer your question it kinda takes a while to get used to the combat at first, especially if the weapon you use doesn't click for you. For me I started with lance and it was fine, but some people have an easier time with others.

You should probably experiments and see what flows the most for you. Kut Ku is the first wall I believe so don't feel bad for getting stuck there, just keep at it.

I'm fucking furious because it's not on Android.

>decide the first game is a good starting point

Oh boy.

And if you emulate FU or P3rd, you still have a godawful FOV for a monitor.

Me on the top right.

You're no longer operating at peak efficiency then. PSP you could do all three at the same time; move, move camera, and attack. There is an attachment though for the 3DS that makes it superior to the PSP. Sadly, they do not make one for the n3DS. I have one for my o3DS and it is amazing.

>Gen 3 onward is bad because they made the game less bullshitty
Nigga I like having access to my item box and kitchen AFTER I choose my quest.

In that case I'll probably just pick up FU and play from there if the game ends up clicking for me.
I actually like the feel of the lance the most compared to the other weapons aside from not being able to roll, I was just worried I'd get halfway through the game only to find out I'd been handicapping myself with an underpowered weapon class or something since I don't really know shit about MH.

All weapons are viable, the better you understand your weapon the better you'll be at dodging and not getting hit.

Lance in any game MH3 and earlier is OP.

Unless you're going for speed hunting records everything is viable. Whatever you feel the most comfortable using is probably the best.

>How the FUCK do I git gud at this game?
Just wait till world comes out and play that.

Which game should I play first.

FreedomU or Portable3rd

Depends, P3rd polished some things a little bit, no more cycling to pickaxes and better hitboxes. FU by far had the most content.

>put a few hundred hours into FU and didnt touch the series again until 4
Now that World's coming out, was there anything worth going back to that I missed?

Freedom Unite.
P3rd is objectively the better game, but it has way less content and it's too easy.
Yes, I know, the ground is too soft, etc.


3U on cemu is fixed?

Honestly there's no reason to play any monhun other than FU and 3U. 4U is where it turned to shit and X and XX are the most casual MH games to exist.

Question, can we play online with ppsspp with other anons?

I would like to get a game going

i'm hr6 in 4u right now
when does this become shit

Play Tri. Something about it just feels different from the other games.

I don't know, go ask /mhg/ if meatloaf still is hosting the FU servers.

Tri or 3g


>I don't know how to use my two hands

You're going to play World with those one-hand controller or you're just an idiot ?

HGEP and Evade,

All you need to be good!
(I actually had to dig in like a 10 year old photobucket for that)

Me and my friend used to play using tunngle specifically on ppsspp v1.1.1. Not sure if there's a better way.

You need the wagglenmotes for it though


Why would you need a wiimote to emulate a wii game.

What does Tri have over 3u?

I think the atmosphere it had helped it stand out

Use Hunterverse, it's easy as fuck and works pretty good. I'll even play with you right now if you want.


Different post processing and texture work

A smaller cast of monsters that gives off this bizarre foreign feeling

Isn't 3U unplayable on CEMU?

What games does it support

I don't ask this often but please spoonfeed me user.

It supports FU, Portable 2nd, and Portable 3rd.
Give me a second to get on my pc, it can't be found through a simple google search it seems.

I went this path

Started with 4U, then went 3U for Wii U, then went Cross.

Love all games, but am best at 4U. Reached G rank by myself. Put 3U on hold, but am trying to rank up. It took forever to kill that fucking water spirit demon thing. Jesus Christ.

Haven't gotten far in Cross at all. The new movestyle is somewhat confusing, and there are so many goddamn fetch quests that it turns me off.

Excited for Double Cross and the new Monster Hunter coming out.

Thanks user, if its easier and faster to use than tunngle then that would be great. For some reason I could never host quests using tunngle, only my friend could so I had to solo urgents on my own.

This. The later games reuse almost all of the monsters anyway so you may as well just start from 3 or 4 which have vastly improved mechanics.

>or, emulate 3U on CEMU (or Tri on Dolphin)
Can someone comfirm or deny if 3U works on cemu yet? would be great to play through that again after i sold my wii U

Are we safe yet?

I remember my first big hunt, was a kongolongo. The pink faggot would not fucking die, I literally spent 40 minutes with my SnS taking the cunt on.

Now i'm a mad fucking pro, i'd outhunt the rest of you, why once I even hit plessy in the water with a boomerang.

>Congalala hunt took 40 mins.
Please tell me you're exaggerating.


I can't stand the first monster hunter, I seriously recommend you to try 4U or 3.

I wasn't man, I didn't have whetstones and had the basic SnS. Also I wasn't very good. But at least I didn't die.

When he's dead he's Kongo no Longo.

MHFU or MH4U. Both are solid choices. MHP3rd if you really start to love MHFU.


I had MH3U on the 3ds and solo'd G-rank. My friend has MH3U on his WiiU at the same time and did G-rank with randoms online. My Dire Moralis clear time was like 48 minutes with 2 carts. His group Dire Moralis clear time was like 40 minutes with 2 carts.

How bad are random players? Or maybe my plesioth dual swords were just too OP. Either way soloing G-rank in 3U is probably my proudest videogame achievement. I know its nothing amazing but damn was it satisfying.

I've played every generation and the one I really got hooked on was freedom 2, I suggest FU op. It's the same game but with so much more content and it's still got that challenge to it. The newer games just don't pack a punch like your first khezu or Tigrex fight
follow the instructions and you're in

Just lock on and keep hitting the shoulder button

Thanks a bunch user, looking forward to trying this this weekend

Normally I'm a big advocate of starting series from the first game, but with monster hunter it seems kind of pointless. You're just hampering your enjoyment of the series by playing a vastly inferior version.

It'd be like deciding to get into Tetris and then choosing to start from the first version ever released.

Thansk user, I needed a good laugh today.


I don't know what MH fags problem with using the camera lock on feature is. It's just an objectively superior way to play. When 4 came out I ordered one of those second stick add ons for the 3DS, but by the time it arrived I was already so used to the superior lock on camera function that I never ended up using it even once.

Wew lad, just wait until you have to face Rathalos. Taking that cunt down for the first time was one of the most memorable and triumphant moments I've ever had in a game.

Because "muh hardcore MonHun".

here come the nintenbroters

If you like what you are playing so far then get freedom unite. Hack your PSP if you don't want to buy it.

Freedom Unite is the last installment of the 2nd generation and it contains literally 100% of the first game and a lot more.

The next starting point I would recommend is 4U on the 3ds. Good balance of story and guides new players well. Keep in mind that with this series every game is better than the last in the sense that they all make QOL improvements that are noticable if you go back to an older game.

I want to start a new save on FU. Anyone up for a new adventure?

How is it hardcore to move a stick to face the monster? Lol

nothing 3U is an expansion of Tri with way more monsters and weapons

Better fps as well, objects in distance scenery aren't 2D. Torch light mechanics. No slime

Ask those people who say removing the standing around after healing is going to make the game easier and how following a pink dot is much harder than following green dots.

Minmaxing elitist scum take pride in having mastered a whole bunch of useless time consuming features or lack-thereof. This explains why they cry casual and get upset when Capcom starts removing them, because it invalidates all the effort they put into dealing with horseshit. After all, if you haven't faced every SINGLE trial I have, including long outdated controls and mechanics, then you're a fucking shitter.

Reminds me of my faggot friend who kept complaining that they were "casualising" the EV training in Pokemon by adding super training in gen 6.

You know, like killing a level 3 patrat 60 times in a row was some kind of hardcore skill based challenge.

The most IMPORTANT thing about MH is finding a weapon that your comfortable with.
Ive been playing MH since Freedom and I'm still playing on the 3DS. Ive used the Great Sword and Sword and Shield through every game.
Freedom Unite is a good starting point. There are more weapons and more environments. The game isn't going to get easier but you will get better. Just keep trying. Also keep upgrading the equipment you're using and try to have a few elemental and status effect weapons

don't be afraid to look up weaknesses and monster weak spots and they DO change with each variation