There are people on Sup Forums who bought a Wii U instead of a PS4

>there are people on Sup Forums who bought a Wii U instead of a PS4
I hope you feel retarded.

dumb animeposter

>there are people who like Nene

I bought both because I like both. They're fun.

Not an argument.

Did you say something?
Sorry, I was busy over here playing some games.

I got to play XCX, Pokken, and BotW instead of Bloodborne. It's a fair trade.


I would trade my PS4 for a wii u at this point. I would ultimately regret my decision.

>Wii U
pick one

I'll buy a PS4 when Dynasty Warriors 9 comes out, just as I bought a Wii U for Hyrule Warriors.

BOTW and Pokken are Switch games

Why the fuck would I buy a ps4?

I have both.

PS4 is shit.

Why the fuck would you buy a Wii U?
PS4 is much better than Wii U, has better games too

Agree to disagree, because it really doesn't at all.
>but my weeb games and Epic Cinematic movies
Fuck off, kiddo. I buy real games on Wii U for the gameplay, not to press X to ok?

Literally the only good exclusives on PS4 are Nioh and Dragon Quest Builders, and even then Builders isn't even exclusives.

And even then if you wanted the Vita version you have to buy a fucking vita which is even bigger trash than the PS4.

Just my 3 cents. (2 cents + 15% Canadian tax)

nah I got a Wii U in 2013 and been happy with it, ps4 had nothing back then

I'm thinking about getting a PS4 slim soon for
>Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
>Diva Future Tone
and for other unreleased stuff like Spider-Man and RDR2

>I buy real games on Wii U for the gameplay,
Aren't you the same faggot who defends Color Splash?
Go fuck yourself, you don't defend gameplay you just defend anything from Nintendo


Got all the bases covered.

I dont have color splash or have played it because Mario & Luigi RPG > Paper Mario.

I could've swore I've seen you defending the Holy Trinity of Garbage Wii U games: Color Trash, Devil's Turd and Star Fox Zero (copies sold)