I always wondered what everyone favourite Pokemon was
Mind is pic related
I always wondered what everyone favourite Pokemon was
Mind is pic related
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fight me
I like the design. Ghost in a sword, scarf hand, actually wearing a sheath that it can take off. The evolutions kinda went south though.
For me, it's Arceus. Mainly because he's a GAWWD
Frogs a best
I used to like it until one day the magic was just gone.
It will never come back.
>that cutscene of you watching it give birth to life
>the music that plays
That shit was nuts
I played Gen 1, a few gyms of Gens 2 and 3 and then stopped until Gen 6 where I made a living dex. Pic related has always been my bro
I guess it was just a song and nothing more in the end.
Best song in history, coming through
the meme
the male
the legend
I like aerodactyl
cant really pinpoint a favorite though
I no longer feel anything for them.
and I would never want one, salazzle is a dang lizard
This guy's mine.
Furfrou for me.
>calls out ponyfag
>gets deleted
mods != gods
Litten is cute! CUTE!
>I always wondered what everyone favourite Pokemon was
All the fuggable ones.
My favorite pokemon.
Alright, name your pokemon you would use
>For battling
>As a pet
>As a personal assistant
I don't hate Pokémon, I hate the direction it took and its gotten stale.
>new art direction and designer isn't as good as Ken Sugimori's designs, not just Pokémon but trainers as well
>same slow, boring turn based system made slower due to the shit frame rate since the shift to 3D
>new emphasis on a story driven experience since BW1 instead of a more hands off experience like in gens 1-3
This is just a few things. I'm sad to say I haven't bought an entry since HeartGold. Haven't had a compelling reason to.
>haven't bought an entry since HeartGold.
>new emphasis on a story driven experience since BW1
how would you know if you haven't played them
Paras or Parasect I can't decide both are cute
Also sorry OP, I forgot. Pic related are my favorites. Scizor and Sandslash also get a mention.
He never said he never played them.
He could've pirated.
Where did I say I didn't play them, user?
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate
>Personal assistant
Gardevoir (Male)
I'm >battling
sceptile's my favorite starter, and the mega is solid, so that
can't go wrong with tropius
Scyther and Totodile
charizard will always be my nigger
Why does this thread get made every other fucking day? You never "always wondered" anything about Sup Forums
Pirating different from playing
Probably the nostalgia talking, but Typlosion is my nigga.
Doublade I don't like, but Aegislash grew on me when I saw it's in-battle animations, how it can unsheathe and actually wield the shield part of it.
Mareep line is my favorite line of pokemon
>>For battling
>>As a pet
Zorua or Archeops
>>As a personal assistant
Honestly a Gardevoir.
I can sincerely see them as being helpful with daily life.
>Gardevoir, with the telekinesis and telepathy
>ctrl + f
>Sup Forums
>0 of 0
I'm actually disgusted
>Mfw got all the Eevees
I fucking love the Eevees, they are adorable.
>Posts KH shit
>Judges anyone
good thread, OP
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate
Battler: Arcanine
Pet: Alola Raichu
Assistant: Raichu
Liligant, I guess
Good taste user
Any telepathic pokemon, so Gardevoir is a good candidate, and in every position.
This is not vydia related... Saging this shit right now.
Hello Lee "Dogfucker" ((((Goldson))) my canuckistan friend.
Raped any dogs today?
fuck off
Non-mega Sceptile is a shit.
>For battling
Cute little Ponyta or Rapidash. GOAT shiny forms btw.
>personal assistant
Empoleon. Can't let that Butler design go to waste.
>For battling
Luxray(male) Its just so alpha looking
>As a pet
Umbreon(Female) Cuddle material and relatively small
>As a personal assistant
Bronzor(???) Phychic pokemon can probable lift whatever and heavy shit
Can levitate itself and me so flying
Can learn flash and put me to sleep with hypnotize
Its also just sturdy in general
tie between these two, also there is a board for this
Lilligant is my favourite out of the bunch.
>For battling
Aggron or Flygon, my personal favorites that aren't mainly small and cute
>As a pet
Sylveon I guess
>>As a personal assistant
Cinccino, it's small and cute enough to be a pet/shoulder mon but it can clean all my shit up when I can't be bothered or don't have time
For me BW2 rekindled my love, but then online trading ruined everything. Once you had all the starters ppl were willing to give you anything you wanted. I also had the Pokemon mini game where you could catch the weather trio, and people traded anything for those. X and Y came out and I had every pokemon. Lost its magic after that.
Good taste, OP
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate
The most underappreciated eeveelution
>For battling
Typhlosion and/or Noivern
>As a pet
>As a personal assistant
Smogon literally banned baton pass because of it.
Nigger thats fap bait along with glaceon and flareon
>For battling
>As a pet
>As a personal assistant
>>For battling
>>As a pet
>>As a personal assistant
How original
>for battling
>as a pet
>as a personal assistant
Lilligant (pet plants are a thing)
Tough to say, but I think I'll go with Umbreon. Umbreon the best wall.
Mudkip, the best starter of Gen 3.
Gallade, my Gallade was the only survivor of my Platinum Nuzlocke. He deserves some rest.
People like Flareon?
Monkey 'mons are the cutest.
I want a Infernape, a Passimian and a Simisage
Cubone bone bone
it's cute, at least
Mega Charizard X. Charizard is one of my favorites, and I feel like his mega would be very sulf-sufficient if I only have one mon to pick.
>as a personal assistant
Any psychic Pokemon I guess, the can hand you a beer with telepathy and you'd never have to get up again. Let's say Kadabra.
>Personal assistant
>no arms
>can learn ice punch
Everyone always loves Pikachu and yet no one seems to care for Raichu.
I love him
he can do all these things perfectly
I want to fuck non mega Sceptile
Latios or the Typhlosion line, but Espeon is really cool and magic bounce makes him even funner to play.
Just turn off the damn animations and what else would you want Pokemon to turn into?
>there are now over 800 pokemon
Stop and think about this for a moment.
What the fuck
Autism user, autism!