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They aren't stupid enough to make another console.

Is this a joke?

I'm afraid he 's being serious

Why the fuck are there so many gooks in the video?

20 years too late morons. Thanks for ruining my childhood with your stupid decisions though, cunts.

Uh, okay.

And their point was...?

It wasn't the dreamcast 2 bros. Not rad, not rad at all.

Atari's coming back into the console market, anything is possible at this point.

>Sega and Atari coming back with consoles

I could dig it, if only because the current trifecta has gotten stale and complacent.

maybe it's beacuse they're a japanese company..?

the fuck was that about

>Sega making a new console
>Atari making a new console

What on Earth is going on?


That's going to fail even harder.

>if only because the current trifecta has gotten stale and complacent.

Except Ninty, I agree.

The revolution

Now we need a PC-Engine or a NeoNeoGeo

It's called Sega Vision and it will be unveiled next year. Screencap this.

It's VR shit isn't it? dammit sega make a new console so I will have absolutely no reason to buy sony

Come on Nintendo is pretty stale too.
I say that as someone who actually plays games on my Wii U and is hunting for a Switch.
They play it safe with many of their series though they are starting to show signs of life.

Sega franchises like yakuza and sonic go on. Plus seems to be hinting at a new vr system.

Is this a promo for games being ported to Pc?

Oh man, what if it actually is a console? It's gonna be like the wild west of the 90's when fucking every company in the world had a console on the market.

i am intrigue. i would rike to deverope games for the sega entertainment system

Ninty kind of needs a kick in the ass too. I still see that creative fire in their hardware but their software has gotten much more hit or miss in the last decade. Definitely not their finest hour overall even if they still turn out some golden era-tier games here and there, not every game of theirs lately has been a Tropical Freeze or Kid Icarus Uprising.


What good will releasing a console do now though? Theres no gimmick left.

>We will create "Amazing"
>Clips of Sonic 4

Consoles sell
Videogames dont

>Focus on eye tracking and peripheral shit
Please don't tell me Sega fell for the VR meme.

>Come on Nintendo is pretty stale too.

They're not though, they're the only ones that are doing something different.

>They play it safe with many of their series though they are starting to show signs of life.

They're also creating new ips as of late. Also, Zelda: BotW and Mario Odyssey are big departures compared to their predecessors, they are keeping it fresh.

I will fucking throw away both PS4s and all my non SEGA games if they make a new console.

>yfw the old masters are coming back to take back the gaming industry or crash it in the process

>Death Stranding becomes exclusive to Sega's Kino console

If Sega makes a new console that is in direct competition with the PS4, it will legit bankrupt Sony.

Remember two or so years ago when a ton of Youtubers were saying the industry was going to go through another crash?

>Like 50 other JRPGs
Holy shit they might have the best exclusives in the business if they were to go through with this
Who /Sega/ here?

>yfw Sega saves Gaming

>all these butthurt PCfags mad that the next console era is upon us
>all them exclusives they'll never get




Isn't this that rumored Sega Forever subscription service?
>all dramatic and then it shows that stupid minecart level from Sonic 4 on a tablet.

right here bro

>tfw it will be THE console for fighting games as well

The next crash of the gaming industry by the looks of it


>Sega releases a new console
>Doesn't have backwards compatibility

Nagoshi please make Yakuza 7 a good game. 6 was bad.

Their corporate director looks like someone from the yakuza. He probably legit has cut someone's fingers off.

>Zelda: BotW and Mario Odyssey are big departures compared to their predecessors
BoTW was a return to the series roots, not a big departure from what came before.

I agree it was good but it still played it safe with your typical fire/Goron, water/Zora, wind/Rito, forest/Kokiri(Korok) lineup from Ocarina and WW. I'm sick of basically the same supporting cast in every game. Give me something more like Minish Cap where there were so many unique NPCs. Just don't make it as easy as MC.

Odyssey isn't out yet but as I said - signs of life.

Im not butthurt at all. Actually it would mean consoles will have a purpose again like in the 90s where they were built differently.

Even better if they kill the market in doing so.

It ain't even gonna be on PS4 anymore boi
All of MegaTen is gonna be on the Sega Dreambrace

Yakuza make the person cut their own finger off.

>backwards compatibility with 15-30 year old tech
user why

That guy looks legit like a Yakuza memeber

>Sonic 4
You lost me

Please merge with SNK

Good choices, 2 great consoles. NeoGeo too damn expensive, though. I was never able to afford one.

TurboGraphx 16 was a great and often forgotten console.


It's called sarcasm captain autismo

No they don't they make you disembowel yourself

Well he makes the Yakuza games do..

The death of Sony and Microsoft user

What exactly was Sega even teasing in this?

Just go ahead and do that anyway.

>Sega's arcade games
>Assorted soccer and strategy autism for the yurotard
>ushering a new standard for arcade hardware like Naomi
They would break Sony in two.

>pure delusion

I warned you about Trump bro

Amazing Sega. Eye tracking technology.

Surprises in store.

>Incompetent company saving gaming
Fanboys are sad

Dude looks like a Yakuza goon.

Finally the VR arcade era is upon us.
>slamming quarters on the machine to call next
>4 player co-op beat me ups
>getting highest score only to put ASS on top
>buying drugs from the black guy playing space harrier all day and singing

It's not delusion, it's a fact. Japan alone would abandon Sony for Sega overnight.

Looks like Majima's relative.

>you will live to see Sega return and nintendo fall

I-I've never lost hope, segabro!

SNK belongs to China now user

so how will this help in waifu technology?

>Sega releases a new console
>Has backwards compatibility

What the fuck was the point of that

Far as I can tell, "We're gonna make some new games, and they're gonna be really cool. Maybe. We hope."

It's already been done

>kept the arcade scene alive near singlehandedly


>Sega won with copious amounts of Sonic 4 b-reel
No wonder Yakuza were hired to take out Sega Sammy's chairman.

>>you will live to see Sega return and nintendo fall

Let's be real here, Sony would be falling in this scenario.

>this generation is going to have FIVE FUCKING CONSOLES

meant for

Like they did with the Saturn and Dreamcast?

>They planned their revenge for 20 years

the gimmick will be "good games that look good". there is no reason for consoles to exist at all as pcs and phones exists

Why not, make all atlus games tied to dreamcast 2 and start putting love into old ips

>Not Microsoft
How is the Xbox still around

You hyped for Scalebound?

And this:

No, Sega died by their own hand in the past. But today would be a very different story.

Hype. Likely misguided hype but still hype.

Hey Rich it's me Ralph, wanna go out for a coffee or maybe a carbonated soda?

Let's be real here, if anyone is dropping out, it's Microsoft.

I'm guessing either some VR/AR things or floodgates opening to PC/Steam ports because of this image. PC is the most world platform you can get or make an identity for. They kept showing a lot of Yakuza so I almost think that's going to be announced soon for PC. They know with the ports they've made already that the fans go crazy and PC has never experienced most of the catalog natively/not emulated. Puyo Puyo Tetris getting localized in the West was a huge move due to popular demand and enough warmly received ports probably mean they can bring more of their shit here while still being cost effective porting from arcade PC to Steam, etc.

They went from bankruptcy to third most successful videogame company as well as arcade kings. They are far from incompetent.