hi im tokomon
Hi im tokomon
Other urls found in this thread:
>All Digimon can shit in Digimon world
>Even Angemon
Will there ever be another kids and monster anime as comfy as Digimon S1?
Hello, u little shit.
looks like a pig
I'd fuck a pig
Probably none that become as mainstream, but Digimon S8 is pretty good if you want to get back into it.
Patamon is cuter and better now fuck off already you filthy vermin
>you will never be some underaged Jap kid who gets molested by Angewomon
Who /momentai/ here?
The fuck; there's a season 8? Last I saw was the season where some motherfucker was literally punching digimon with an agumon.
Any of you like digimon world 4?
If you could have any digimon, which one would you pick? Rookies and shit tier champs only. OP rookies don't count.
>still can't capture Culumon in Digimon games
Guilmon .
>he actually likes coldsteel the agumon
Solarmon. Such a bro in Cyber Sleuths.
Impmon. I want my boy Beelzemon
Agumon. He has the cutest feet. Also he seems like he'd be very submissive, but in a cool way.
Where is Renamon?
Megas dont shit in next order
Don't watch it unless you're gay or woman.
It's a yokai watch rip off but with even worse monster designs and the main character is a fag
that was easy
Renamon is best slutmon
Thread ruined. Furfags derailment imminent.
Alright admit it user we've all fapped to her r34
>tfw first anime crush was some entry-level furry shit
>tfw you'll never have a renamon
That's easy.
What if angewomon was real, lads
Fuck you Tokomon. Angelmon had no business being as strong as he was and being able to skip levels. That "holy digimons are stronger" is cheap shit.
It was just trying to compensate for the fact that TK was a useless gaijin piece of shit.
Veemon (V-Dramon line).
I also like Impmon, blackagumon (I liked Blackwargreymon in 02 for some reason), Gomamon and Salamon but I'd pick Veemon because his line is really fucking broken and I like OP digimons. Also UlForceVeedramon was the MVP in Cyber Sleuth, easily the best digimon in the game.
The newest digimon, Digimon Tri, is the spiritual sequel of the original digimin, with the original crew albeit older.
You should give it a spin, fampai.
Tentomon was dope.
Lucemon, of course. He is best boy, after all.
Hi I'm ___dead
I want to fuck Gatomon
This is why we don't have digimon threads anymore. It gets worse than MLP somehow.
It's previous form Motimon is fucking adorable
What if you're angewomon partner showed u her pusy haha
the first time I played digimon world for ps1 I thought my digimon wanted to eat some ice cream
I looked for ice cream everywhere
Chill out, we have had good digimon threads even if people shitposts about what they want to fuck.
Why would she have one? Digimons don't have genitals. Did you ever see Greymon walk around with his giant dick hanging in the show?
Nah there are literally no digimon threads anymore that aren't overrun by furfags or gay paedos or gay paedo furfags. Digimon is a klonoa tier franchise now
Well then be a pessimist fucker.
Nah, this is literally Coldsteel the Agumon
Whatever you say degenerate
he has a cloaca actually
Which one was stronger?
I liked klonoa
So did I but good luck discussing it on Sup Forums without furfags taking over the thread
>be chink
>don't realize he's speaking chink shit this entire time
>turns into a twink or a bara
>or choose the 4 legged lighting dog if you're into that
Is there a more perfect rookie than Veemon?
>not Sakuyamon
he don't need to turn into anything to please me
Is it worth watching the Digimon anime in 2017 if I haven't seen it? I played and liked some of the games
Would you let her go to the bathroom or would you watch her soil herself like a filthy animal?
>not Renamon
You forgot that he turns macro
he turns golden too if you love money
truely the best digimon
This guy.
I hated how they were exclusively shown as expendable minions for that shitty Elvis wannabe monkey.
You can in Dawn/Dusk
I love Digimon with versatility.
Stingmon is pretty hype desu
Impmon is also a good choice
>Veemon otter mode never got popular because it wasn't featured in the anime
I want my twinks with a bit of muscle in them.
>veemon can evolve into a taur
give me that horse dick
I love getting the cards that show the different variations.
>Tai and Davis, Matt, Sora and Yolei, Mimi, Izzy and Cody, Joe, TK, Kari, ?, Ken
What am I missing?
>spiritual sequel
it's literally a sequel
Hey that may be true, but I still like that little guy.
stingmon is bae
Official best eggvo
Armadillomon /Wormmon
Armadillomon/Wormmon again
Salamon I guess
>Green egg
>Submarine egg
>Pegasusmon egg
>Light egg
Veemon I guess? What the fuck is wrong with Patamon
>Pink egg
>Magnamon egg
Veemon. Patamon and wormmon are pretty cool too.
Ahhaha I'm so lonely.
>You don't have to turn your Tokomon into Serjobbimon anymore
also ken
Will this game be the perfect Digimon game?
There's still the Digi-egg of Destiny.
That cat....
I never realized each egg had its own 'element'
>Courage = Fire
>Friendship = Ice
>Love = Air
>Sincerity = Plant
>Knowledge = Insect
>Reliability = Water
>Hope = Zodiac
>Light = Myth
>Kindness = cute?
>Miracles = Steel
More like
>Courage = Fire
>Friendship = Fire then Ice
>Love = Fire
>Sincerity = Plant
>Knowledge = Electricity
>Reliability = Water and Electricity
>Hope = Light
>Light = Light
>Kindness sucks
>Miracles = Bullshit
Why was this allowed?
>knife horn
hate those, look like shit
Sorry, Hawkmon does a clean sweep with all of those.
>megidramon is in
Yes it's perfect
Now just pray he doesn't get an awful ability like MirageGaogamon or a mediocre ability like Dukemon.
Fuck, don't remind me, but sometimes I think they made ultras and some megas shit on purpose.
Stingmon's pretty sexy for a bug.