
Thoughts? Hopes? Expectations?

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Fun 10 hours

I hope we get more than ten hours this time, and I hope there are not too many reused assets or abilities.

Same, but I did play through it a few more times on higher difficulty because of its short span.

Isn't the harder difficulty one life for the whole game? I don't have the autism for that.

Hopefully it won't be as shit as the first one

>just finished the first one half an hour ago
>thoroughly enjoyed it
>mfw reminded that sequel soon

I expect more fluid platforming and escaping places to good music. Naru did nothing wrong

This will have the same art team and composer right? I can't imagine playing the 2nd without these things.

I sure hope so, but no release date damn it. At least there's a Steam sale next week, probably gonna buy Hollow Knight.
The art team looks the same from what we've seen, and same composer is confirmed, Gareth Conker.

Is Ori male or female?

didn't attempt the one life difficulty, I'm too casual.

Clearly a boy.

Been called a "he" by the developer, not ever confirmed in game though. A lot of people think "she" because the Tree says "she" during the narration, but they're retarded and not paying attention because he was talking about Naru.

But you're wrong.

I don't want them to reuse many of the abilities, but I would not mind it if they keep bash. That shit was fun.

Yeah, that's one to keep probably. But otherwise, there are way too many things to stay in the air, I think. And that was my opinion on the original game, the definitive version adds another way to stay in the air even longer. I say leave the triple jump out, remove that thing they added in the definitive version, and keep bash.

Ori is cute!



Noncanon. Only info in the game is relevant. Read: Death of the author

Have a nice day, it's a girl btw

It's alright user, I was already expecting the goalpost moving reply as I was posting it so don't feel bad.

I hope they either improve the combat or straight up get rid of enemies because fighting shit in the first one felt terrible.

I would prefer melee attacks, maybe they should just ditch Sein. Was barely relevant to the story anyway.

Also, the website is new, and they just typed that up even though it's for the original game. I get the feeling they're ready to drop the "he" bomb in-game in the sequel.