Game lets you play as the rival character/antagonist for a short period of time

>game lets you play as the rival character/antagonist for a short period of time

I love it when games do this, Even if it doesn't change anything about the gameplay it's a nice break of pace.

What are some other games that do this?

Other urls found in this thread:


that escape game


Bowser's Inside Story is all I can think of right now

You could briefly play as a Heartless in Kingdom Hearts, but you weren't exactly an antagonist in the strictest sense. It was pretty neat, though.



Three times, in fact. Well, the third is still coming, but still.

I wish Komaeda was a female, so i could justify wanting to dick him after i realized he was batshit insane.

Bowser levels in The Thousand Year Door

Quantum Break was a shit game but it was weird in that it'd let you play as the villain at times and make decisions.

Halo 2

Sir Henry Motherfucker Cooldown from No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Tales of the Abyss.

Play as Asch is great.

Arma 3 has some showcases where you play as CSAT operatives.

Liked that part so much, it's that type of shit that made me try Let it Die

Pity about the DLC ending, People would have demanded more AW if they released it as a pure episodic.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, you play as Darth Vader in the prologue

There was a super cool level in Asura's Wrath where you play as the other guy going super fast to some sick music. I should replay that game, I can't remember what happens and I never did the DLC ending/s(?)

Monster Girl Quest had boss fights where you control the four Heavenly Knights
That game had a lot of cool shit

>tfw going through that chapter with the Dark Pit staff


Even if it has no story it felt fucking great to play as Vergil and git gud with him.

Has there yet been a game where you play half as the "good guy" half as the "bad guy" and the final boss is a battle between them?

Breath of Fire 4

Ace attorney trials and tribulations let you play as Miles edgeworth at one point

LA Noire

Screw that ending though, what a complete ass pull fuck you

Honestly I fealt the endig of LA Noire was good because it was more in tune with the theme of the game, but I wish there was a more satisfying ending