>female protagonist
>has short hair
Female protagonist
Short hair is supposed to focus on the face/head, but you know most people using short hair nowadays make horrendous faces.
hair physics and stuff
because it's hot as fuck
Easier to model.
Less hair collision to deal with.
For closet homos
>female protagonist
>had beautiful long hair
>chops it off before you get to play as her big time
>male protagonist
>has a beard
i'm confident enough in my sexuality to handle some mild androgyny
>women looking like men is hot
>female npc sibling
>is autistic
>developer still hasn't managed to render hair beyond shoulder length after 20 years
>female protagonist
>black protagonist
>is actually white
those tits look pretty womanly to me user
those girls are all hot though
No you're not.
Is that Talcum X?
>black characters are all voiced by blatantly white people
>hiring black people
Those "girls" are all fucking cartoons user!
It looks cute, user.
Maybe he means it's hot outside so the girls have short hair to cool off
This hair length
The lesbian cut in your pic is too short, but sometimes shorter hair still looks good
Short hair is fine, but companies are forcing the dyke hair style into every single game now.
I said, "Those "girls" are fucking cartoons user!".
>female protagonist
>can control hair length at will
>in fact, her outfit is entirely hair
who those girls fuck are none of your business.
Nope, those are actually cartoons! Easy mistake to make, though.
Sorry, you're confused: "fucking" is used as an informal intensifier, here, not as a verb.
Keep at it, though, and remember: reading is radical!
>white characters are voiced by black people
>white people are voiced by native Japanese people
>alien characters are voiced by human scum
I wouldn't really consider this short though:
she's also ugly, so not really helping your case either way
>This face
>This body
You are blind as a bat if you think that's ugly. I know being a fanboy can blind you due to nostalgia, but you might want to wake up dude.
lol, get some taste, maybe stop spending all your time on the internet if your standards are that low
Nothing wrong with that. Short haired girls are genetically superior.
This always throws me off worse than anything else in this thread.
Oh stop trolling shit face. I know you don't have good taste, but at least try to do better than that. You might actually get past a 3/10 on that rebuttal meter there.
Why not?
lel, thanks for the autism screencap
Thanks for the obvious troll bait. Might need to shit post harder next time.
nah, this was just the right amount :)
stop projecting, neet
Stop thinking men are sexually attractive :)
Clearly it wasn't. If it was, then you would have been able to win this argument. You are clearly losing.
what argument lol? I just type some stuff and then cap the retarded spaghetti you spill afterwards
The fact that you tried to argue that she's ugly when clearly you are blind as a bat, dumb ass.
>female protagonist has short hair
>it's colored
>she's bisexual
>she has a girlfriend
name all the girls