The literal body of Christ looks just like breads

>the literal body of Christ looks just like breads
Bravo, Araki.

But, that's what they are.

Bread was Jesus body and wine his blood.

steel ball run was stupid

fight me

The entirety of this series is stupid.

Are you unironically retarded?

YOU'RE stupid

At least this time he'll be able to remember breads he has eaten.

I don't even know what game but I understood that reference.
Holy shit you fucking retard kill yourself.

>American education

This, easily the most overrated arc by far. The Johnny and Gyro dynamic was great, bout it. All that Jesus shit led to absolutely fucking nothing.

you OK reatard?

the golden ratio stuff was bullshit too

>guys, its NOT hamon, stop

If they kept it as a race and they fight the villain of the week it'd be great

>beat valentine
>gee, Dio's scary monsters was pretty neat, but I need to make him fight johnny and have Za Warudo again for no reason

You fucking Sup Forumsermin need to stop trying to discuss anything related to anime, you embarrass yourselves every time.


Good fucking shit user

The quality of a board is 100% provable by how it handles Stargate SG-1 discussion. No matter the board, no matter what its home topics are, you can accurately predict the quality of the board as a whole based on its SG-1 threads.

It is the universal constant.

How do I actually get good at this game?

I was waiting for this.


fuck you that part was great