>just bought it so I could get the pre-order items, didn't even know what they were
>check the delivery moogle
>a shitty pair of earrings and a retarded minion
wow, thanks SE!! sure glad I pre-ordered hahaha fuck this company
>just bought it so I could get the pre-order items, didn't even know what they were
>check the delivery moogle
>a shitty pair of earrings and a retarded minion
wow, thanks SE!! sure glad I pre-ordered hahaha fuck this company
Get your refund. What are you waiting for?
That was an amazing final trial. Way better than Thordan. Ex version when?
>Almost a month and 0 replies from SE
I'm starting to feel bad for the SA players.
No, I'm not. Fuck them
4.1, probably.
Can we get Yda back?
Lyse if the most annoying shitter now
*steps on u*
Yeah but do you keep the content or is it gonzo?
>Get kicked out of free company for saying dangan ronpa isn't deep
I'm feeling so god damn patriotic right now
>finally nearing the end of ARR leveling content
>Cape Westwind
>oh boy an EIGHT MAN, this will be so hype! Taking it to the Garleans!
What the fuck kind of a trial was that? The intro took longer. My loading screen took longer.
Queues are either gonna be instant, or less than 5 minutes. When it comes to soloing like doing quests that require killing things, it'll take a bit longer relative to what you're used to on DRG but at least you have the self sustain from your heals to not get overwhelmed by giant groups of mobs that'd wreck your DRG.
*Collapses on you*
Idk, I'm still playing and still have my preorder items. Maybe they'll remove it at 23th, at which point I won't want to play more anyway
god I love spoilers dont you?
Aren't most people here finished with the story now?
>he didn't use a script to spam Raubhan for him and skip every cutscene and side quest to get the end as soon as possible
Just got to i300. Time for EX Primals, boys
The proper game doesn't launch until tomorrow, I mean sure most of Sup Forums is probably already playing some of the new content but fuck dude, not everyone bumrushes the story
>having to put up with endless Lyse
At least the supporting scions you came with got to put in appearances throughout the story.
It hasn't even been 4 full days and at least 2 of those days no one was making any progress due to congestion
For Garlemald!
Yeah time to farm the same two instances for three weeks and complain that the game is dead!
>not expecting to breeze through four year-old content
does anyone else press follow on the tank, leave the pc and let the pet do all the work here?
You can also run ala mhigo for an almost guaranteed 120 tomes.
A prelude of things to come. The next 8 man you'll do is HUGE
I dunno family, the Primals are all old as shit too but they still took a hot minute and had some actual mechanics. I thought with 8 people it'd get bigger and more impressive, not less interactive and faster.
It's more like 3 this time since the plot 70 dungeon actually has drops.
Exactly why I'm waiting until at least 4.2-3 before resubbing. It's real easy to fall into the trap of end game tome grinding, might as well wait until I have a ton of shit to do.
Lol what under-50 content are you doing?
just pre 4.0 sch things
That trial was a prototype adds boss. Even when it was "relevant" it was a joke.
Cape Westwind is just a glorified cutscene. In later content those kinds of fights are all solo events with NPCs so you don't have to wait for a group.
>tfw I disable their follow and them votekick them when I see this
>tfw leveling tank
>mfw the new sprint changes
>mfw the simpler rotations
>mfw the dps the new classes shit out
>mfw 20 mins vault runs and that fat exp with rested+armory
>mfw all the good players came back
>mfw making these healers work their asses off
Its good to be back lads
ARR end is...
>Wait in queue with almost 2500 players
>Queue up for PvP
>Have to wait for another 2500 players
Between the healers being trash, the issue with the instanced quests and the constant 90k's I'm just about to uninstall and unsub from this this game. Only reason I play this shit is becasue I have nothing better to do.
>mfw the new sprint changes
Being able to close with a boss after the tank uses a gap closer without burning a jump is so nice.
>20 mins vault runs
Slow as fuck
Is the world of FFXIV a flat world?
Why would they go the long way around to Hingashi?
>SMN made to play like ass
Fucking pissed the class got gutted. Feels like ass to play and sustain was taken out for no fucking reason.
There are other continents.
Is Gosetsu a roegadyn or a space marine?
>Corps a Corps
>they Sprint out of range
>RDM has zero Stuns
>PvP is the best way to level now
what is this supposed to be about
Haven't played yet, how is DRK easier? They any good?
>4 hour queue just to log in
>congratulations, you're in
>if you try to do ANYTHING though, you'll be disconnected so fuck you
>Yoshi: uhhh have you tried transferring away from all your friends instead lmao
>pet job
>they made it actually have to manage their pet properly rather than leave it as a turret
Move your pet around like a pet job is supposed to or get fucked Summonigger you get zero sympathy
>Neither the Adders or Maelstrom send anyone relevant to liberate Ala Mhigo
I stuck up for you Merlwyb and you couldn't even send Riki?
Nigga just
>corps a corps
>flunge to apply Heavy
>bam wam alakazam the fucker
You have a slow, you know that right?
>tfw you don't play with burgers, the servers have been completely stable and raubahn hasn't been an issue after the first 12-15 hours
You'd prob say the same shitty excuse for MNK being complete garbage too
Have fun SAM cuckold
Spoilers: Squeenix permabans your entire account once they realize you refunded it. Chargebacks and refunds done through third parties is what they consider fraud and you can pretty much kiss your account goodbye soon.
>11pm rolls around
>game becomes unplayable
At least I can sleep now. California was a mistake.
There's a New World in the way on the other side.
Since the server changes, the ping for SA players (especially Brazilian players) went from 150~200 to 230~300. FFXIV was designed to be played with pings under 200 ms.
VPN doesn't do shit for them. There's a thread with almost 400 replies and 0 replies from SE about the situation.
PLD is pretty fucking boring. DRK seems more fun
>PArsers are out
>SAM confirmed to do shit damage
>Go into dungeon
>Everything is a cluster fuck with too many mobs on screen and too many particle effects going off.
>Entire instance is done within 10 minutes
Does this get better later on because I am not having fun with this game.
>Oh cool you leveled all the way to 30? Now do it two more times to unlock the job you want :)
>everyone saying the new world is to the west
It's Ketenland, learn the lore
>20min vault runs
Also you don't know shit, Blood Price before 4.0 was so fucking good, all the DAADs all the time.
2.0 PLD levels of easy.
Are we talking about the same game?
>Brazilians unable to play
This is supposed to be bad?
Who the fuck cares about a bunch of mudslime HUEHUEs who have no respect for others in every other game? Why should we suddenly give a shit about their problems after they've been complete assholes to us?
Can anyone tell me why Alisae walks around in ice skates?
>FFXIV was designed to be played with pings under 200 ms.
This stupid lie again.
Play ninja above 80ms and repeat it.
Drink bleach
DRK was fun but they gutted the shit out of it.
Are MNKs back on top?
>had this on loop for an hour now
Not even a Sup Forumstard but holy fuck I wanna annex something
That and MCH doing shit damage. I totally called both of those
Does anyone know if Quick Explorations are based on ilevel or stats on your retainers?
>implying mnks were ever on top
>things that never happened
Huh, so uh, PvP hotbars looking mighty unoccupied.
Just wait till 60, the inverse happens, and then some at 70.
Fucking with they didn't nerf Blood Price so hard. Too far with the much lowered MP gains.
>That scene where she gets pulled up with her hair
Is it bad that it turned me on
>clusterfuck with too many mobs
This literally never happens early game, only on overlevelled old content like MSQ lv50 dungeons. Also,
>lv 30 twice
Confirmed for either not playing at all or being full of shit, pre-Stormblood you had to level ONE other class to -15- to get your upgraded Job of the orignal class, which stays at 30. Post-stormblood you don't even need to do the off-class anymore, you just lvl the class you want.
Nope, it's great!
We shouldn't. I just like to see them crying.
It's playable.
You won't get optimal results, but nothing in the game requires that.
otherwise she'd be like 4 feet tall
at level 60 yeah
Do people actually like quest hubs and solo leveling? I mean they must otherwise every MMO wouldn't keep doing it
I genuinely don't understand the appeal. It just grinds the story to a screeching halt, none of the quests are fun or unique mechanically (actually stormblood does slightly better than its predecessors in this regard), and you're not even socializing while you do them. You just click a bunch of markers, run to glowy spots on the map and click a bunch of other markers
I would genuinely -prefer- standing in one camp for three hours and party grinding the same mob ad infinitum than quest grind
>buy game on amazon because the price is good and it has all expansions
>the free trial with a ready character on your friends server was on steam so you can't use it anymore
>Friends servers is full and not even staying up until 5 AM let's you join it even if there are no queue to get in
I sure am not regretting to get into this beatyful game, I'm having lot's of fun playing alone on a new server the shitty early game content that this game would be better off by removing.
The fact that Samurai does utterly shit damage is the absolute best.
well i had some faster but this is with people from df I don't have any friends to run this with
Its more simple and bloodprice is worse but syphon strike is godlike
>Also you don't know shit
I know im just leveling DRK. Also pre expac it wasn't common for vault to be vote dismissed after getting cucked by the final boss for 30 minutes. I played a lot pre expac so this is like a breath of fresh air. I wish I had a premade or friends so i can run this faster but its good enough for me.
Where's Red Mage? Because I fucking melt everything
Are people still getting memed on by the Bull? I'm already like halfway through Ruby Sea.
>Flames the best GC for another expansion
>Uldah has both RDM and SAM
>Raubahn everywhere, even caused thousands of players to get pissed
Why do the other city states even try?
XIV is also playable on ps3 and vita.
Oh I see, you know its funny I have really weird ping issues and I'm even on the west coast. things just stop around me while I'm still able to move. kinda sucks while I'm trying to heal
>RDM does amazing damage
>Embolden is OP as fuck
>Super mobile
It´s not the pre-order costs more than the regular game when it releases so if you were going to buy the game anyway shut the fuck up. You get to play a few days early and get shitty bonuses for free.
now we just need the non weeb variant and we're good.
You are not forced to do the quests. You probably want to do the handful that gives you flight, but otherwise you can just leave them be.
And generally they give more color and dept to the world and it's people without filling main story with that.